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Posts posted by Bleck

  1. Crisis Core was a better game than FF7 itself.

    As for Genesis and Angeal being forcefully put into the story, how do we know that? Angeal and Genesis never came into contact with anyone from FF7 except for Sephiroth and Cloud - you don't ever really have any deep conversations about the past with Sephiroth, and Cloud spends the large majority of the game emulating Zack. If Cloud only remember parts of his/Zack's life that Cloud himself was present for, how was he supposed to know about Angeal or Genesis?

  2. I love the new Facebook because I no longer have to see the 5 miles of screenspace of applications that some people have on their wall. I just never go to the applications tab and I'm happy.



    I love the new Facebook because it automatically imports all my information from Last.FM, GoogleReader, YouTube, AND MORE, makes it way easier for me to share links and crud, and makes it SO much easier to sort through all the crap that and get to what I want.


  3. yeah because if you can't download all of the other creations that are pretty much the same as the randomized ones except made by other people than all of the gameplay somehow loses all meaning

    (hint: stop posting)

  4. I went into space as a military race and basically owned the shit out of everything

    edit: also lol at the consequence for military races in Civ stage being ICBMs

    'press this button to win the civ stage'

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