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Posts posted by Bleck

  1. How about him even being conscious with the level of damage to his face?


    Or being able to articulate at all?

    his mouth was still there

    Hell, even him being alive after that is a pretty big stretch.

    oh well excuse me dr lotd

    let me just go tell all the third degree burn victims to go kill themselves

  2. She was excellent in Sherrybaby

    But yeah she was still the weakest part of the film - I think it's because she had to take the role of a character that she would have understood better had she played it in the previous film

  3. Good performance by Ledger; wish he was in there more.

    I think it was suspicious how they left his fate so ambiguous - maybe there were more scenes with him, but they implied a sequel, so they cut them for obvious reasons.


    And Lotd2242's reasons for finding it not his tastes are, quite frankly, valid. I found the way the motorbike came out of the Tumbler to be a reach. All the way through the movie until that point, I never had to go into any level of suspension of disbelief. But once I saw that bike pop out of the side, it popped that nice little bubble that had been there since the movie started. If Batman had instead salvaged parts from it and made the bike as a substitute later on, that would have not only been awesome as hell, but entirely plausible.


    I am pretty sure that the fact that the bike was actually built into the tumbler for filming makes it more realistic than any other movie vehicle ever

    The only part of this movie that didn't make any realistic sense was how the hell did Dent get that awesome two-sided suit so quickly.

  5. No, everyone has the right to their own opinion (however stupid it may be) - it's when you try to back it up with bullshit that pisses me off.

    The Damned says he didn't like it. Fine, whatever.

    Lotd422 says he didn't like it because of whatever ridiculous reasons. Not fine, not whatever.

    The ridiculous reasons are the problem.

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