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Posts posted by Bleck

  1. "Most gamers" being you and everyone you know who has actually heard of Chrono Trigger? I hope you can see the parallel here...

    You really think that as soon as IGN started plugging a remake of Chronc Twigaar, a shitload of people didn't find out it was a really good old SNES (read: emulatable) game? Come on, people aren't that stupid.

    Anyway, you ignored a strong point of my argument; would you really want them to force a third Chrono game into existence? I would rather they not make another one than add a terrible installment to the series, and I'm sure you would agree.

    I did ignore that, I apologize. But frankly, I'm optimistic with the production of games. How are we supposed to know if it's bad or not if they don't even try making it? If it does suck, at least they tried - I'd rather have played Defenders Of The Future then forever linger with the memory of an Ecco 3 in development that never materialized.

    rampant fanboyism

    Why, yes Murphy! These are nice eyebrows!

  2. Since it was futile trying to explain something so simple, everyone made fun of him or told him to stfu.

    Everyone in this case meaning sadorf and Ferret? Count Bleck laughs at Bahamut - he can be so childish sometimes!

  3. Posing as an annoying video game character does not make an inside joke?


    Count Bleck counted - it only took five clicks of the mouse.

    But Count Bleck guesses that Imagery is too busy to simply read threads - it is his job to pop in every once in a while and insult someone. Because that is reportedly the cooool thing to do - or at least the easiest way to feel like a big man on the internet!

  4. I didn't have to lace anything with insults. I just felt compelled to inform you that you are the village idiot because I doubt you would notice otherwise.

    Oh well thank you!

    "That being said;" (which doesn't even make sense syntactically omg wtf why would you end a paragraph with a semicolon)

    I am quite sure that wasn't the end of the paragraph - it tied off into a quote, said Count Bleck!

    As someone else mentioned earlier in the thread, how much time do you honestly think this product takes up? The game is already made, and from a programming standpoint it takes almost zip effort to incorporate the cookie cutter features that have already been perfected in countless other ports of similar caliber. At most they tie up a localization team for a new translation. And do you honestly think they make obscene amounts of money on a game that, as you claim, "most gamers" are hardly interested in purchasing?

    They don't make very much money off of it at all - which is the point I've made several times. So instead of wasting little time on a title that would make them little money, why not just get started on a third one? There is no reason not to - other than laziness and greed, the core compulsions of the entire business strategy of porting games. Which just makes a mockery out of the entire business of video games in general.

    Also I guess I will try to even out the ad hominem and call you a huge fagmoose but Count Bleck doesn't really mean it. <3

  5. Internet experience dictates that if someone has to lace their argumentative post with insults, it's because they subconciously know they have a weak argument.

    That being said;

    SE releasing this port does not hurt you, unless you are somehow allergic to companies continuing to make money off their successful products?

    Releasing this port guarantees that instead of focusing time into making something new (read: Chrono Break) they can just milk all of their old products (read: the steady flow of remakes over the past five years) whilst still make obscene amounts of money. If you ask most gamers, I am quite sure they'll agree that having a third entry in the series is a much better alternative than playing through Chrono Trigger again.

  6. It's not a ridiculous assumption to think that The Dark Knight will be a good, maybe even great movie. But let's not lose our heads in the hype, okay?

    Count Bleck thinks that getting lost in the hype is pretty awesome!

  7. So I'll just sum this up briefly. According to Bahamut's logic, if a band of nerds were allowed to make a free 3d remake of Chrono Trigger, Square Enix (and every other company) would never make a new game (or anything) again.

    How does remaking a fifteen year old game, for free, harm the company's business.

    Especially if they go on to make, I don't know, a third Chrono game instead of (or even as well as) porting it to the DS.

  8. Where is it written that a game company is not allowed to sell games they already made?

    When more than half of gamers (read: their customers) disagree strongly with the practice, that should be enough of a hint

    So they should download the game and screw the company that made it over? I have no love for Square, but that's just stupid.

    If downloading the ROM of Cnornc Tqwiagr had a serious impact on how much money Square was making I am pretty sure they'd be out of business by now

    Logic dictates that they do not make any more money off of a game that they no longer sell, so downloading the ROM only makes them all butthurt and doesn't do any real damage


    Yeah I am quite aware of this and I am pretty much saying that there is no way of telling whether or not a movie you haven't seen will or will not be the best movie ever made

    So no matter how much you try to backpedal you're still just being a presumptuous and hypocritical twat

  10. Not one person, not even SE themselves in any way, has "asked" you to buy anything.

    Yeah I am pretty sure that if they make something that they probably would like if I bought it I mean they have to eat and stuff you know

    1. Have never played Chrono Trigger;

    2. Have not played it in many years;

    3. No longer have their cartridge or SNES (or even the PS1 version)

    4. Would like to play it (either again, or for the first time)

    All of these problems can be remedied by getting the ROM

    However, that would mean no money for Squeenix, and they can't really sell a SNES game

    So instead of making a new game

    They sell an old one for a new system

    Bam pow, money in the pockets

    Your whining is tiring, go troll somewhere else.

    It was scientifically proven about two years ago that people who still use the word 'troll' as an insult on the internet are also quite fond of the cock

  11. Otherwise he's going to be that guy that spends the next month after it comes out seeing it every weekend, telling people on the streets as they walk by "GO SEE BATMAN! WOOOHOOOOOO!", and talking about it at every opportunity. Weddings, nights out with the friends, everything.

    Better than being the guy who says 'wooo yeah go see meet the spartans it's sooo good'

    Seeing as though the last ten years is 1998-now, there really is a good chance that any movie that is competently made can maybe turn out to be the best in a long long time

    So you saying something means it's true.

    No actually a fuckload of people saying something means it's most likely true

    Dunno if you've been around the internet lately but for every one person who says something like 'meh it won't be as good as some old movie that actually sucked and I only think is good because it makes me seem like some kind of film scholar' there is at least 9001 people saying 'holy fuck it looks amazing'

    And for all of those people there is a famous person who has actually seen it and said 'holy fuck it is amazing'


    I don't see where getting annoyed that someone is asking me to buy something I already own and have enjoyed for years simply because they would like more money is illogical

    In fact I think the only thing illogical in this thread is getting all excited for a port of something we've all already played forever - as well as have heard quite enough of, musically (no small thanks to OCR)

    Oh but wait it's CRNOCNOW WTIWIAGAR

  13. Lack of reading comprehension FTL. I said it will be good, just not as good as he thinks it will.

    All I said was it won't be THE SINGLE GREATEST MOVIE EVAR MAD!!1!1$

    Reading comprehension: It's not just for college students.

    What is the point of saying something that is being hyped is not going to be that good

    College dropouts don't count, apparently

  14. Yeah sorry but when we call for a sequel for years and years and years and they finally attempt to appease us by giving us a friggin' remake, that just won't cut it

    I have Chrono Trigger. I have the god damn ROM, just in case something bad happens to my cartridge. I don't need to play it anymore, especially since I can almost rhyme most of the dialog by heart.

    I am sick of tired of getting remakes of games that don't need to be remade. The only games that need a remake are Ocarina Of Time (and that's not for at least another ten years) and Half-Life (and that's hopefully being taken care of).

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