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Posts posted by Bleck

  1. I wouldn't even recommend rock band for wii owners, unless they own another system as well.

    No DL content :(

    I wouldn't recommend Rock Band period. Terrible guitar, terrible drums, only a few good songs.

    If you don't already have it, don't get it.

  2. I think the new advantage might just be having an extra set of sensors in the wii-mote. By having motion detection in two different parts (especially if those parts are a ways apart) they should be much better able to keep track of angle, twist and general orientation.

    ...I am pretty sure this is exactly what it does

  3. Yeah, but Chris Nolan is being a total copout by saying that he isn't committed and has said that the Dark Knight is most probably his final one. Maybe the same for Christian Bale. It's like the crew for Spider-Man falling apart.

    Yeah if Nolan's Batman 3 turned out to be as good as Spiderman 3 then maybe the crew falling apart is a good thing

  4. I've been reading reviews from Rottentomatoes and to my surprise, this isn't just a good movie as most of us were expecting, but an extremely good movie, with such words as "transcendent" and "masterpiece" used to describe it in various reviews.

    I love to say I told you so

  5. Considering the movies style was lifted panel for panel from the comics I think my point there stands.

    Actually, the movies scenes were copied panel for panel from a comic book based on film noir - a film genre. Sin City is not any more unique than the next thing.

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