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Posts posted by Bleck

  1. The entire point of my side here is that belief has everything to do with it, and more effectively than policing sexist actions is stopping the motivation for sexist actions by passively correcting beliefs of people in society over long periods of time (you know like how we've dealt with every other civil rights issue).

    I'm pretty sure that most if not all examples of "passively correcting beliefs" is literally just telling people "no, you can't do that" directly or indirectly

    again, the reason this is even being talked about in the first place is because you were arguing that preventing sexist art won't prevent sexism, because the creation of or appreciation of sexist art must not contribute to the existence of sexism (because there isn't physical evidence that fits your arbitrary standards)

    basically what you're saying here is that you don't believe that doing sexist things notably contributes to the existence of sexism (you talk about "the dregs of Tumblr" but this is basically just a Reddit-tier opinion), and I'm saying that sexism is people doing sexist things

  2. So you believe that society (people) are the sum of what they do and that sexism is bad, which would lead to the logical/only conclusion that sexist people exist and therefore are bad...yet you also say nobody is bad or good - just what they do is bad or good?

    sexist people exist because people do sexist things - being a sexist has nothing to do with what you think (because what you think doesn't matter) and everything to do with what you do

    to prevent people from being sexist, you have to prevent people from doing sexist things - the reason we're talking about this is because people were arguing that preventing people from doing a bad thing wouldn't solve the problem, even though the problem is that they are doing a bad thing

  3. yeah - the strawman that you're making here is saying my argument is "people's minds are unrelated to their character", whereas my actual argument is "the idea of a person having an innate 'character' that's somehow separable from their actions is false - people cannot innately be any descriptor that runs contrary to how they act, because people only exist to each other as a sum of their actions (for example, a person claiming they aren't sexist doesn't mean anything if they do sexist things)"

  4. I truly believe that you're not necessarily sexist until it is clarified that you have continued to do sexist things.

    your problem here is that "continued" in this context vaguely refers to a period of time or a number of actions that you arbitrarily control

    what you're saying here, functionally, is that people aren't [sexist or whatever] -unless you say so-, which you may recall as exactly the kind of fallacious nonsense that I said was the only reason people try to argue that people exist separate from their actions

    (I know this is a double post but I'm currently incapable of editing previous posts on the mobile version for some reason)

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