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Everything posted by relaxitsonlyausername

  1. This is indeed sad news. Check out TMZ.com periodically to get the latest information on Ledger's untimely death.
  2. I'm not exactly sure as to why they decided to put characters from the Star Wars universe into the next installment of Soul Calibur. One major part of Soul Calibur is the variety of weapons, each one takes off a different amount of damage per hit, some heal you when you hit your opponent, etc. For Vader and Yoda, however, all they have is a lightsaber; what are they going to do, change the coloring of the hilt? To me, changing the coloring and appearance of the hilt seems like the only viable option. Darth Vader's lightsaber is red, Yoda's is green. It wouldn't sit well with the Star Wars fan base were the coloring of the beam changed. One other thing about Soul Calibur is that each character generally has at least one alternate costume to change into. Vader? Are they going to remove the helmet or something? Will he be in standard Jedi regalia before going over to the dark side? With Yoda, the possibility of a costume change seems non-existent. "A blue Yoda in red clothes. A red Yoda in blue clothes. A green Yoda in yellow clothes. Do you like my hat? No I do not like your hat! Good-bye. Good-bye."
  3. If I am ever to listen to a remix before listening to the original song, then I would have to be listening to that OverClocked ReMix ormgas radio. Otherwise, I'd just be looking up games that I've already played and liked the soundtrack to. I apologize for that last sentence. Very odd structure; it doesn't help that I haven't really written anything in ages. Additionally, I'd probably be listening to a remix to a song from a game I never played if one of my friends burned a CD of OCReMixes for me.
  4. Though you may have already purchased Sin and Punishment, and while it's a decent title, I would just like to state that the control scheme for the GameCube controller with make your hands look like they're engaged in a game of Twister. I don't have a Classic Controller because I opted for the regular GameCube controller so I could also play GameCube titles, so I can't speak for the control scheme with that controller. If you haven't purchased it, though, and you only have a GC controller, I'd steer clear of it.
  5. Ryuichi Sakamoto While Ryuichi Sakamoto has a vast catalog of music, there are a select few really worth mentioning. 1. Neo Geo (1987) - A mix of Japanese traditional sound and western electronic pop sensibilities drives this album. A great starting point for those wanting to transition from Yellow Magic Orchestra to his post-YMO solo work. 2. Smoochy (1995) - This album fuses classical instrumentation (piano, strings, etc.) with electronic beats. A gem of an album, not a bad song in the bunch. This is the high-point in Sakamoto's solo career. Note: Both 'Neo Geo' and 'Smoochy' seem to be out of print. If you want 'Neo Geo', you're going to probably have to buy a used copy. If you want 'Smoochy', you're probably going to want to purchase used, though buying import new is an option (though more expensive). 3. The Last Emperor (1988) - This easily accessible film score is the start of Sakamoto's collaboration with filmmaker Bernardo Bertolucci (he would later record the soundtracks to Bertolucci's 'Little Buddha' and 'The Sheltering Sky'). The soundtrack is not entirely Sakamoto, however. It's secondary composer is David Byrne (founder of new wave band 'Talking Heads') and his work for the soundtrack is also fantastic. David Sylvian Longime Sakamoto collaborator David Sylvian and member of 80's band Japan has only one really stellar album in his discography that stands out in my mind, 'Secrets of the Beehive'. His vocals are reminiscent of Bryan Ferry and the instrumentation is stellar; a very chill album. A beautifully coherent album, one track that stands out is 'Forbidden Colours' (a Sakamoto/Sylvian collaboration for the film 'Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence'). Harry Nilsson One of the greatest pop musicians ever to exist, Nilsson created songs with great lyrical hooks. He wrote songs for The Monkees, penned the soundtrack to the musical film version of 'Popeye' (y'know, with Robin Williams), and was one of the first (if not the first) pop artist to ever release an album of standards. Three works of his I recommend whole-heartedly are 'The Point' (a beautiful fable), 'Newman By Nilsson' (a Randy Newman cover album; I know Newman's vocals are ridiculed, so are Dylan's, but both are excellent songwriters; Nilsson's vocals with Newman's great lyrics equals musical greatness) and 'A Touch Of Schmilsson In The Night' (his standards album), though his entire catalog is fantastic. The Moffs Obscure Australian indie band from the 80's, the Moffs have a great sound. Very laid back rock; I recommend their album 'Entomology', a compilation of singles. Every track is pure gold, though getting hold of their stuff is difficult. If you like the Stone Roses, you'll most likely dig the Moffs. There is much more music I can recommend, but I feel that I have written enough for now.
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