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Posts posted by purplecowadoom

  1. That is weird. Huh. Oh well. Either way I can't get to it. The power supply for my laptop's busted. I forced it to work for a while longer by sticking a c-clamp on it, but there's still only so much that can be done before you gotta buy new stuff. And for the moment, I don't wanna buy new stuff for it! All my money's going to have my PS3 serviced right now. But yeah, Super Mario Galaxy music is good. I'm sure that as long as djpretzel or zircon made the mix (or someone skilled like that), then I'd like it regardless of which song from the game they chose to mix.

  2. Actually, it's called "Bowser's Galaxy Reactor".

    Though my statement about Gusty Garden still stands.

    No...actually it is called Otherworld as the Official Soundtrack said it was! So there! Hmph! Don't go saying what you think the song is called so strongly based on the name of the course it's from.

  3. Do either of you guys remember the music from Duke Nukem 2? You know, back when music other than the title theme sounded good. Before your time perhaps? And here I thought everyone around here was older than me. Try this:

  4. I posted a thing about Megarace too! Mine was for NewSan though. I personally find the BGM for Maeva and most of the other BGM's to be a tad bit too repetitive. To each their own I guess. Either way though, you should probably not post so many of your own messages in a row. Sooner or later someone is going to overreact about it (namely an admin), and you'll find yourself cybershot through the head.

  5. Here's the Zelda remixes this guy has made(BTW apparently, he's scoring the Zelda movie):

    -Rutela's Final Goodbye - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/107934

    -Evil's Influence - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/81769

    -Hero's Torn Apart - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/81667

    -Warrior Spirit Within - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/82351

    -Saria's Lament - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/82196

    -Legend Reborn - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/82350

    -Child of Destiny - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/81770

    -Ocarina Medley for Piano - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/74275

    -Kokiri Morning - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/82721

    -Beauty of Zora's Domain - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/84508

    -Legend of Zelda((cinema opening)apparently not the actual cinema opening) - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/67461

    His screen-name is Setu-Firestorm. What do the rest of you think?

  6. I've started making a list of games that I don't have that I'd like to get, but I often feel like there's a game here and there that I forgot to put on the list. Here's what I have so far:

    -Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

    -Final Fantasy XIII

    -Dark Sector


    -Half-Life 2: Episode Three

    -Half-Life 2: Episode Four or Half-Life 3 (whichever happens/happens first)

    -Halo 3

    -Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

    -Metal Slug 7

    -Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2


    -Metroid Dread (if the new Metroid Prime 3 scan was telling the truth)

    -Gears of War

    -Gears of War 2

    -Red Faction: Guerilla (I think that's what they're calling it)

    Now that I've layed everything out on the table, who wants to add something?

  7. I just realized that this whole time, when I was getting on everyone's case about bumping topics that were identical to mine above mine, I had bumped mine above yours! Sorry DMZ! I shall now fix this by bumping yours back above mine, where it should be. On another note, Gusty Garden Galaxy is good, but what about Otherworld!?

  8. Gusty Galaxy man! Apparently zircon was tinkering with it.

    Are you saying you'd like a copy of that? 'Cause I could send you a copy of it straight from the OST if I had an email address. I personally don't like the song for Gusty Galaxy nearly as much as the song for Otherworld, but if I know where to send it, I'd be happy to give you a copy of it.

  9. True enough. I'm just saying that it's hard to do, not that it can't be done. Meaning it's unlikely unless you get someone good. I love Chip's Challenge too though, so go for it! Good luck!

  10. I found the songs on youtube, so now on top of having them on my computer, you all can listen to them!

    Otherworld: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9rGatLYPyk

    Planetarium: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBM7dl8Vt9Q

    The only problem I have with the Planetarium music is that there's a constant ringing noise going on with the rest of the music. It's in the OST version, and it's in whatever the guy in the link posted. Every time I listen to the song now, I'm getting conflicted feelings inside. Part of me wants to keep listening since the tune is nice, but the other part of me wants to drill a hole through my skull to make the ringing stop! So for those of you would-be remixers of this, please get rid of the ringing! If you want to get a good idea of how I feel about this, go to Newgrounds.com and look up Banana Phone. You may not get what I'm saying now, but you will after you've watched that.

    Now a question to people like...oh, I don't know, zircon! Is posting something with actual content in it instead of just defending myself okay, or are you still going to be acting like a short-sighted evil person? Not trying to be mean here myself, as you're music wouldn't up and stop sounding good just because of an attitude change. I just thought I'd make everything clear for everybody.

  11. I agree that songs from Chip's Challenge could be good. It's just that they're short and repetitive. Short and repetitive, while good for the game, might not be so good for a remixer to work with. With a few exceptions, if you look through the songs already here and listen to remixes based on songs with these original qualities, I think you'll see what I'm talking about. At least for me, it doesn't hold the same level of quality that other remixes based on songs with more content tend to have.

  12. Ok, dude. Let me fill you in on something. I'm a crazy person. Do you really want to test me? I could stay up all night reposting just to stop you from getting away with this. Please don't encourage that.

    Note to Zircon: Great. It turns out one of my favorite remixers on this site is just as ignorant as the rest of them. Just peachy. Did you even read this thread at all? I wouldn't have bumped it up if not for KyleD513 and his posting a thread identical to mine when we're both still on the front page, and Escariot for being a jerk towards me in addition to that. Here's a question for you. Why is it that I have yet to see anyone else seriously complained about on the front page? Even with all the threads I've posted, that isn't any reason to take shots at me. Unless I'm in a really bad mood, which takes a lot, I don't attack others on a forum unless I was attacked first.

    Now that that's taken care of, can everyone who's been whining about me just lay off and focus on the actual requests since you all obviously have plenty of time to visit my threads? Hmmm?

  13. I'm am now bumping this up again, since someone (it's pretty obvious who), decided they needed to make a thread about the same thing as me instead of seeing that I already made a thread about it. To those that are would-be whiners: Do not complain to me any more about me bumping my threads up. I will take your arm off.

  14. You know what's interesting? I post a thread requesting K.K. remixes, and keep it near the top of the list right? Then people start complaining that my threads are in the way, so I stop bumping them up, and right after that, someone too ignorant to check if someone on the same freakin' page (for people who are too ignorant to figure this out, that means you) posted the same request. Wonderful.

  15. Ok. Starting after this post I shall do that where appropriate. I just want to make sure that the old posts are in tact so that those potential remixers that would be considering doing this stuff can get the full history of what's happened in the thread if they choose to look into that. Otherwise though, thanks for the tip.

  16. People don't remix Starcraft/Warcraft music most likely because a lot of the people that play the games don't stop even to take a breath. I'm surprised that people haven't been reported dead by over-exposure to WoW. Especially those Korean dudes. Not that I have anything against Blizzard's games. In fact, I might have gotten hooked myself if it weren't for the fact that this fish didn't and doesn't have the cash to buy the hook to bite in the first place. And now that I've stepped onto the edge of the battlefield and fired off a few rounds, I do believe that it's time for me to run away like a little girl before I get shot (runs away so fast that a trail of fire is left on the ground).

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