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Everything posted by purplecowadoom

  1. The tune for Kraid's Lair has always been one of my favorites since I first played the Metroid games. Now before I go any further with this, it's important for me to say one thing: For the most part, I play my electric keyboard by ear. That is to say, I hear a song I like and then go hit keys on my keyboard until I hear what I like. So with that in mind, I'll finish this up. Basically, my question is this: Is there anyone who can point me in the direction of a website with transcribed sheet music for Kraid's Lair. Or better yet, a top view of a piano with highlighted keys to play (or something like that...cheesy as it sounds...)?
  2. Song: Not sure what it's actually called but the music first plays in Lockjaw's Locker. Why: Because it's a cool, fast-paced song that needs attention. Genre: Whatever works. Side note: I'm actually kinda surprised that Protricity hasn't done this one already. And all his Donkey Kong stuff is pretty awesome too. I guess everyone gets a little "konged" out after a while though. Tee-hee.
  3. So no one else wants this song remixed? I need support from as many people as possible if this is going to get any attention. Even if it's just to pop in and sign that's better than nothing happening at all.
  4. Someone who shares my sentiments. Good times. Only regret is that I could get to the last level on a good day but I could never beat it.
  5. Songs: The music for the Space Station and for Bowser's Galaxy Reactor. Why: Because they're both beautiful pieces of music. Genre: Orchestral for both.
  6. For the sake of everyone, huh? Well let me think... I think it might have been called The Impact Site, but every time I go to emuparadise.org to check I get a message that says 421 something-or-other : Too many connections from your computer. Or something like that. I think it wants me to kill off all my other browsers before I try and listen to the tune, but I don't want to do that. Anyways, I think that's what it's called. Not positive in any sense of the word.
  7. Song to be remixed: Don't know the name but it's the song for one of the first levels of the game and the notes are all over the place! Why: BECAUSE PIKMIN IS AWESOMEMEMMMM!...mmmm...m. Genre: Heavy Metal parts alternating with calm orchestral parts in between for relief. Maybe sounds of giants stomping along and grunting here and there in key places.
  8. I've always loved Megarace since I played it as a kid in 1st grade. Only part that I couldn't stand was the cutscenes with the host guy, Lance Boyle, aka Mr. Q-Tip Head (my nickname for him). In any case... Song: New San Reason: I'm being nostalgic, what can I say... Genre: Techno Side note: For those of you who might want to remix this but haven't ever played the game, here's a little advice. Find a website that has emulators and roms for the game for Sega CD. This version is inferior to the DOS version, but I figure it'll be easier to acquire. I say to go get the game instead of just the music because the music for the game was made to be compatible with one and only one sound card for a very, very old computer. These special sound formats used by the card can't be converted easily, and thusly haven't been. For this reason, you won't find downloads for this song anywhere (although there may have been a place on wikipedia where you can listen to it...). In any case, it's the very first level of the game, so it shouldn't be too much trouble. Thanks in advance to anyone who takes me seriously!
  9. ...except that MSX fixed the glitches present in MS2. Anyway, Song: "Judgment" Why: Because although the guys who put that song together (and yes, I say song since for it to be a remix you have to at least have some resemblance with the original, of which there was none), while they did make an excellent piece, they did NOT remix the song they said they where. If they thought they where, then at the very least they where doing it backwards. What with the arabian sound elements coming in at the end instead of the beginning. Genre: Rock-&-Roll like before, but not quite as heavy as the other one, and with the tune actually played correctly and recognizeable! Hopefully someone can get it right, since this song is one of my favorite songs in the series! Extra note: "Back to the China" (also from MS2/X) and "Into the Cosmos" are other good ones I'd also like to see done.
  10. Well I believe that while it's good that someone has done it elsewhere (which doesn't surprise me in the least as I have seen some), it would be at least TWICE as good coming from someone at OCR. That's just my opinion though, so please don't take offense if you've found someone who can remix it well. I'm just saying that (aside from 3d Realms themselves in the DNF trailer) No one's rendition of it that I've heard met up with my standards. Not that my standards are worth crap with ketchup on top, but still.
  11. Song: I wanna say level 4...come again it might be level 9...but then I just don't remember! I DO know that the level in question had a lot of an orangey-metallicish look to it. I don't know how much that helps. I don't even know how many people have even played the game at all considering the popularity of it's follow-up. Why: Because I said so! Genre: DnB Special Instrument: Electric Guitar Side note from the future!!!: I feel so stupid! I played through the game again and there's never a level 9 or even a level 8 (unless you count the boss level at the end of each episode). DN2 has a grand total of 28 levels with 7 levels per episode and a fight with the Rigelatin leader at the end of every episode.
  12. Song: Duke Nukem Theme Song Why: Because noone's done it yet and I can't think of very many people who can call themselves Americans and not get a size-13 kick outta Duke Nukem. Genre: Anything. As long as it's still got Nukem written all over it I'm happy.
  13. Song to be remixed: Hidden Village (For those who don't readily understand, it's the part late in the game where Link has a shootout against 20 orcs) Reason: When I first heard this song I was filled with mixed emotions of "THIS IS THE SINGLE AWESOMEST THING EVER!!!" and "WTH WHY IS OLD WESTERN SHOWDOWN MUSIC IN ZELDA!!!" The only reason this song hasn't been remixed AT LEAST five different times is obviously due to a lack of people who have played the game up to this point and I believe this problem must be rectified ASAP! Genre: Still Old Western style, just hyped up a lot and with better drums...or something like that...I guess...
  14. Songs to be remixed: Molgera, Helmaroc King (Separately, not spliced together, although come to think of it given the right talents that might actually sound good) Reason: Music like this doesn't need one. Genre: I've always been a techno/orchestral guy and I think that pretty much fits with these songs, but that's just me.
  15. Yeah. 'Tis true. Still though, they didn't even respond to what I put down. They just immediately went into their own little tangent like I wasn't even there. Also, on that day in particular, I was getting used as a stepping stone by everybody, not just by people on forums, so I was exceptionally ticked off.
  16. Okay, so I go to Newgrounds like you advised, and a few seconds after I post my thread I get 3 different people all mocking me.Now I'm quite familiar with the Newgrounds site, so I probably should have expected this, but it still really makes me wish that I was around these people in person so that I could 'help' them NOT be real any more. So many evil people at Newgrounds! RAWRG! KILL!
  17. First off, wow! The man himself! Good schtuffs! As for your idea for concept art, I may just have to do that. Thanks for the idea. I actually kinda feel stupid for not thinking of that, but still, thanks muchly! I will get on that ASAP. Now, aside from this forum (which I plan to get much more involved with), does anyone know of a good Flash forum? Any good links or other related tips would be very much appreciated. Oh, one last thing. ME actually using Flash may pose a small problem, regardless of my skill level. Me no have money. Me no have Flash. And thusly: Me no have money to buy Flash. So there's another reason why I am trying to get someone else interested in the idea. Even if they don't make the movie just right, I still think it'd be really cool to be able to see something like that and be able to say,"Some of that came from me", and be able to see something of what I pictured in front of me.
  18. Yes I did. I am NOT going to monitor this thread 24/7. Also, the reason that I posted this on this forum is because the people here are probably part of a select few people who actually know about the mix I am talking about.
  19. That's OK. As long as it looks pretty good than it's all fine by me! I actually thought about trying to get him to do it but there's about a million-to-one chance of that actually working and that kind of Flash movie just doesn't seem like his style anyway. If he DID do it though, I would want it to have a graphical look and flow taken straight out of The Yuyu.
  20. Is anyone out there a really awesome Flash artist (the guy who made the Bitey of Brackwood series being an example)? See, for a while now I've had this idea in my head for the perfect synchronized Flash movie to go with the FF7-Speed Limit tune, but I: A)Don't own Flash & B)Wouldn't have the skills to give my ideas any amount of justice even if I did. So I was hoping I could find someone to help me get this idea of mine out of my head and into material form. Basically what it would be is the aforementioned remix being perfectly synchronized with a hoverboard race. The race would go along at super-high speeds (duh), going through semi-lit tunnels at some key places of the mix, and eventually getting to a point where all the remaining racers (since a lot of them are supposed to die in big firey explosions of death along the way) shoot off a ramp into what looks at first to be a big bunch of nothingness. This is where things get good. As the racers shoot forward, a field of thousands of big metal rectangles start flying towards them (smashing into a few, naturally) and they start grinding on/jumping across each one as they make their way to the other side which has now appeared a ways off. After that it'd pretty much be free-form and whoever makes the movie gets to do with it as they see fit. The only thing is that near to the end of the mix there'd have to be two guys left in the classic two-guys-left-and-it's-the-last-stretch kinda moment and then of course the winner just barely makes it as the music comes to a close. So with that I ask, any takers? Extra note: The rectangles are actually technically rectangular prisms for those who were thinking in 2d shapes there.
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