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Posts posted by Obtuse

  1. (Shoot me a PM or (preferably) IM if you want to get some info on good titles that were actually made in the past five years. There is too many to list and hardly anyone here knows about the scene.)

    I think Global-Trance should share his knowledge on this thread. I don't know much about the scene and would love to hear about great Trance music. Even if it is just a brief list.

  2. I'm considering using a string quartet with a piano type format for the 2 tracks I mentioned. I can't stop listening to both of them. I'm not great at orchestration, but it doesn't hurt to try and see what happens.

  3. One of the Ensembles I regret never joining at Grand Valley State University is the New Music Ensemble.

    They have played and recorded "Music for 18 Musicians" by Stephen Reich and recently "In C" By Terry Riley amongst other new unique compositions.

    They did something very unique with IN C. They recorded it and asked professionals to remix the music.

    "IN C" Remixed on Amazon

    Here is a preview of the "IN C" Album.


  4. The March Unto Death is incredible. It reminds a bit of Baroque but with an epic twist. I also really like Forest Green. There's no way to remix these orchestrally and do them justice. They're absolutely incredible on their own. Some type of electronic mix may work however. I'm going to add these 2 to the list.

    March Unto Death

    Forest Green

  5. I use to love playing Total Annihilation. You could actually play it over dial up with friends. We'd have peace treaties so we couldn't fight each other for 20 minutes rather than just rushing each other. Good times. I don't think I ever played with the music on so i'll check it out. I remember I used to play this with Gustav Holst's "The Planets" in the background. It fit so well.

  6. I've never tried Drum and Bass music. I'd love to experiment with it sometime.

    Prophet, for me music is music. Music is just pitches rearranged in time. Most of the time those pitches played with a rhythm make me feel good. The pitches however must be used in an organized fashion and adhere to some music theory rules.

    I only have a few genres I absolutely hate : Hardcore Screamo, most of that emo indie crap, radio pop, radio rock, and reggae.

    I hate what the mainstream has done to modern music.

    I too wonder why the Bass is spelled B-A-S-S.

    On dictionary.com Base is defined as "the bottom support of anything; that on which a thing stands or rests".

  7. I've been a fan of this site for over a year but never participated. I just got finished with my Electrical Engineering classes recently so now I actually have time to do things that I want to do (like play and write music)!

    I play Electric Bass and a bit of Keyboard. I love rock,metal,techno,trance,house,jazz, and classical.

    I use Propellerhead's Reason and Record to make music.

    I love the albums on ocremix.

    I hope to contribute my own musicality to this wonderful community.


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