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Posts posted by Obtuse

  1. Due to the holidays, the last compo did not take off. I almost forgot about it but John St. John himself was curious why the last one did not take off...

    Theme :

    One of the most memorable pieces of orchestral music is Beethoven's 5th. The 4 note motif is simple and memorable.

    Create an orchestral piece that revolves around a simple motif.

    Rules :

    Only orchestral instruments are allowed. No synthesizers.

    some free orchestral vst's can be found here ...


    Compo Link :


  2. I have created a new competition for the purpose of improving orchestral writing.


    Shrack and I were discussing how it is difficult to do orchestral work within a One Hour Compo. The discussion led to having a competition that is solely related to orchestral music.

    Goal : Improve a composer's skill at writing music for Orchestra.

    Rules : No synthesizers. Only use orchestral libraries, soundfonts, or orchestral vsts. There is no limitation on what programs you can use to write the music. General Midi instruments are acceptable (but if you can find something better, please do!)

    Themes: Competitions will be based on thematic ideas, orchestration techniques, or composition techniques.

    Time : After Magfest, I plan to start the competition at 5PM on Friday and let it run until 9 PM on Sunday night. This will provide ample time to create an idea and expand upon it.

    Until then, I am going to start the compo on Friday and make it run until Tuesday at 9 PM. (For this week some time is cut short.)

    I got some advice from Jeff Ball on where to start learning orchestral music and techniques for writing it.

    The book on writing for orchestral instruments

    Principles of Orchestation

    Score Study :

    International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP)!

  3. I love the opening sleigh bells. The ambiance of the opening feels very warm. Then you have those slick arps with the bass.

    I had never heard vocals in a Level 99 mix before so I was really surprised by it. The vocals sound pretty awesome. I can tell you are enjoying playing with your new vocal plugin!

    The synth solo is extremely festive.

    Love the multi- layered vocals at the end. I hope to hear more vocal mixes from you Stevo!

  4. I dig espernet. I hated ETG this summer. I got hit by a spam bot and then ETG was using a bunch of different services that said i was a spam bot. It took forever to get let on again after fixing the issue. The other issue I had was I had 2 devices on the network. By default ETG only allows 3 devices or they just straight up ban you and you have to sit there and wait for a mod to be there so you can be unbanned. I would get banned when my internet crapped out and i reconnected. Since the old connection didn't timeout, i would get banned.

    I doubt this move will ever take place Draconiator. Why are you still banned? Have you asked the Mods to get let back on?

  5. There are a crap load of FL users here. There are a few of us Reason and Reason and Record users.

    To each their own. The DAW is just the tool you use to make the music. I could write in a different DAW and still find ways to be productive. However I prefer Reason because of its logical sequencer and the fact that everything is modeled as a hardware device.

    Also, search for older posts at the bottom of this reason forum. There's a bunch of older stuff that disappears due to no activity.

  6. There are 2 options I can think of.

    One is to create an automation lane for each track. Draw your mixer fades and copy it to both tracks.

    The other is to map a fader from your midi controller to 2 different faders.

    There is probably another way that has to do with mapping cv's. I haven't figured it out yet.

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