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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. I see it as a valid complaint. Considering that the Prequel themes were some of his best in his whole career (Duel of the Fates, Battle of the Heroes), I think people were expecting another big epic fight song. The score instead was more subtle, and while we did get a new theme for Rey, most of the score was re-arranged material from the originals.
  2. Just wanted to remind everyone that JJ Abrams is not writing the next Star Wars films. He only wrote Episode VII.
  3. I do like it, but the "it's so powerful but then he punches it DED" joke kind of gets a little old after just a little while. >_>
  4. I think in general, people are expecting a lot more fastidious excellence from this movie than can reasonably be expected of Star Wars. Star Wars is about suspension of disbelief. It's about your imagination and "what if". It's not an exercise in creating stories that are so realistic that it's basically just real life again with some absurd details like aliens and laser guns.
  5. No, what I meant was that I don't think the movies are going to address it. I think it was purely for the purposes of establishing who he is and how/why he left the First Order, and that's really all you're going to get. I would be very surprised if they bring it up again. If they do, then I imagine Phasma would have to be a relevant part of it.
  6. I don't really think that's going to happen, nor do I think it's really all that important. I think you just have to accept his origin story was too bland for you; the movie's themes went in a very different direction and it's very heavily telegraphed that the next movie is going to focus on her relationship with Luke Skywalker.
  7. You're assuming the events in this movie about a person defecting from an army because he doesn't like what they're doing is somehow unique and that if this movie (a slice of the Star Wars history) doesn't show other people doing it, it must not be happening at all. Also consider it's said in the movie Finn's division is real human recruits and that most of the other Stormtroopers are clones.
  8. Yes, it does, it's in the flashback. Go watch the movie again. In fact, that's why Luke left in the first place. Too much shame.
  9. The sheer amount of drunk you had to be in order to not understand anything about this movie also yes didn't you miss the part where Rey was born out of incest between Luke and Leia? this isn't rocket science
  10. Why would you want a "heroic character"? Heroism is a one-dimensional concept. People are complicated. It's refreshing to see a story that isn't about someone wanting to save the universe just because it's the right thing to do. We've gotten quite enough of those over the last... forever in storytelling. The exact questions you ended this thought with are why the characters are good. Because they're not the same old "save the world" heroes. "Save the world" heroes are uninteresting, aren't thought-provoking, and are incredibly predictable. Rey's character is interesting because while she seems to be a good person we don't really know the extent to which she's willing to put out for the cause. That's her defining flaw. Flaws in character define good characters. We don't understand her, because she has more complex motivations than "i must save the galaxy from darth kysnorenkolo", and this is the first act of her character progression. A lack of one-dimensional heroism in the movie isn't a problem. In fact, Luke Skywalker had similar flaws. He was always willing to help, but he wasn't doing it because he really cared, he was doing it because he thought he had to. The Empire Strikes Back addresses his doubt and lack of genuineness on Dagobah. Yoda shows Luke through his training his lack of resolve and made him think hard about what he was doing and why he was doing it. And you know what? He fucks up and leaves his training incomplete because he gets worried about Leia and Han. Then he fights Vader, and because of his fear and his incomplete training, he gets his hand cut off and is overwhelmed by the emotion of learning Vader is his father. The Empire Strikes Back is such a good movie because everyone loses, and it's all Luke's fault because he put himself and his friends before the greater good. That's not "heroic".
  11. Maz (the lady running the watering hole) kept it a secret as to how she got it. A bit of a copout, yeah, but I'm sure they'll go into it. I think there's a stark difference between plotholes and mysteries. It's been many decades, it's not implausible to say that something could've happened to the lightsaber other than it falling to the bottom of cloud city and staying there. What if Maz was there on that day? We don't know, and that should be exciting, not disappointing.
  12. 1) Again, watch the Phantom Menace, and say that Fin, an actual character with desires, fears, misunderstandings, and motivations, is comparable to Jar Jar Binks, a CGI'd mess of slaptick comedy relief with no character development or contribution to the plotline, with a straight face. 2) Kylo Ren is a confused kid amounting to be a mere shadow of Darth Vader. He acts monotonous proper and regal because that's what makes him feel like he's strong (that's how Jedi talk, that's how Sith talk, etc.). 3) re: showing up in the same place; you really can't complain about this in a movie about destiny and a metaphysical omnipotent life force. re: planets; Those were all the same star system, as shown in the scene with all the planets and moons closely grouped together. re: Han trying Chewie's blaster; this is a ridiculous thing to complain about. It's funny. It's a joke. Because it's funny that in all this time, Han never tried Chewie's blaster. That's the punchline. Star Wars is supposed to be funny. 4) ...exactly. That's exactly how that thought process goes. Welcome to... weapons? 5) Notice she had prior failed attempts on a stormtrooper? It's not "sudden", it was a learning process. And pulling the lightsaber from the ice wasn't a process of being stronger than Ren... he wasn't competing with her. They were pulling in the same direction. The lightsaber was flying to him and he relaxed without realizing she was also doing it. You're again oversimplifying all of the nuance that was illustrated in this movie. And again... the force intuit aptitude is a precedent set by Luke Skywalker, who shot proton torpedoes at a 90 degree angle into a maintenance shaft. The Force is not magic, nor is it science. You don't learn new spells as you get stronger, and stronger people aren't privvied to more spells than weaker people. The Force is something you are in touch with. It's a spiritual/religious thing (hence why Jedi is a religion, one modeled off of Buddhism, and it is not wizardry). Yes, she meditated and then could wield the Force better. That's how the Force works.
  13. @Geoffrey Taucer You'd be correct if it was implausible that they'd still be around. But considering they were Luke's droids it makes sense that they'd be serving Leia and the resistance. Yeah, there's no reason to have them in... besides R2 being in the flashback with Luke and Luke always traveled with R2 because of the Skywalker-R2 relationship and C3PO is emotionally inseparable from R2... but there's no reason... *not* to have them. I don't really think this "no reason" talk gets anywhere. They were put in the movie to make people happy, and what's wrong with making people happy? That's what it did. Especially the scene with R2 and BB8, it was fucking adorable. I've been to the other side of this whole critical analysis thing and it often devolves into exaggerating big problems out of small annoyances. Probably the only legitimate complaints I've heard about the movie thus far is that the score isn't as vibrant and memorable as it was in the prequels, and it parallels A New Hope too much. Almost every attempt I've seen of people finding plotholes or inconsistencies is either them not paying attention to the movie or not understanding Star Wars, because the movie either explains everything, uses something explained in the originals, or is setting it up as a cliffhanger explanation in the next movie. You're pretty much wrong and that Fin was not even close to Jar Jar. He had motivations, funny dialogue moments with Han Solo, and caused emotional tension with Rey. This movie had heavy themes of running away from the conflict all throughout, and Fin was the driving exemplar of it. His acting was amazing too. I slightly disagree with Bleck and I think Rey was a stronger character, but Fin was definitely very strong too. Seriously, I suggest you rewatch The Phantom Menace to see how bad of a non-character Jar Jar Binks is. It's not a valid comparison, at all. @The Damned As soon as the bridge came up, I knew someone was falling off. Harrison Ford speculation aside, I think killing Han Solo was a worthy counter balance to the fanservice.
  14. Kylo Ren is not a Sith. The Sith haven't existed since the death of Darth Sidius (Palpatine). Kylo Ren defected from Luke's new Jedi Order and with the Knights of Ren eradicated it (not by himself). Kylo Ren's supposed strength and power has never, ever been established, neither in the movie's events/dialogue nor in the backstory. Also, not sure what you are talking about with the outmatching. He has her on the run (literally, she is running away from him) for the entire fight until she seeks the aid of the Force at the edge of the cliff, which is only the last couple minutes of said fight.
  15. This is a ridiculous question every time someone asks it. The movie establishes on Jakku that she's skilled in hand to hand combat, and she carries around a fucking staff. And people are still like "HOW COME SHE KNOS HOW 2 FITE WITH LITESABER"
  16. I actually did like that it was Episode IV again. Showed that you can make a new Star Wars trilogy new without making it The Phantom Menace. I believe the parallel was for a variety of reasons, one of which was obviously to reward and please fans of the original trilogy. I don't mind them having to take a couple of questionable steps in order to really firmly establish that they understand what Star Wars is about and how it's supposed to be treated, because the prequels set a precedent that George Lucas certainly didn't understand them.
  17. I don't remember if you're an FL guy, but it's got Harmor. It's a very unique sound design tool, and allows you to do some cool creative things like creating sounds out of bitmap images. Harmor can also be bought as a VST. Omnisphere 2 is not a different software than Omnisphere 1.5. It has a bigger library of sounds and has some extended features, that's all. So it's not any worse off in average processing cost (which has always been patch-dependent, really).
  18. The rule in storytelling is no one is dead until you see the body
  19. No room for that symbolic shit dude it's not like japan has had western influences in all of its RPG's since JRPG's were a thing
  20. Right, but it's their editor, so if I complain to them, about their editor, something they are designing as their product, it's more effective than complaining here on OCR about someone else's editor.
  21. I might just go to CKEditor's site and complain there instead.
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