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Status Updates posted by WillRock

  1. proto! Get on msn or facebook or something! :P

  2. the cake is a lie

  3. Thanks dude, I look forward to your tracks also, going to be a fierce compo! :)

  4. No worries bro it happens. Looking forward to what you come up with in the GRMRB 2011. Looks like its going to be one of the most epic yet :D

  5. I'm not even visiting profiles tho... dunno wat ur talkin bout :P

  6. I don't want to stare at you stevo, even if you think I do :P

  7. Quit stalking me.

  8. So are you, you limey noob :P

  9. Stop making me look like a stalker on my own page god damn it >: (

  10. I now have 22 more profile views than you. I'm such a bastard.

  11. Like this idea me do yes yes. Me sinfs, you Jass Cords and FL Sleigher.

  12. FL slayer is bomb, me so bad want how much monie cost this plug in awesome.

  13. Nice future mixpost :P

  14. you have 33 more profile views than me. You bastard.

  15. Dear Nonamer,

    ... Nice Avatar.


  16. Dude just wanna say (probably a little late but w/e) really nice work on the HvV trailer :D

  17. *hits brandon with stick*

  18. A small tip for you, if you reply on my page, I'll reply quicker ;)

    As me possibly doing guitar... I'm sorry dude but I have to decline, i'm WAY too busy atm to contribute to anything else :(

    That said, it looks like you got a willing guitarist in the thread - willing to give the guy a test drive? ;)

    As far as articulations and phrasing goes, I'm not sure what I can really say for you to improve, you've got the bends and vibrato, even some pinch harmonics sequenced in so i'd say for what it is, its a very faithful interpretation of a guitar. Regarding your Streets Of Rage mix, I'm a fan of the franchise yes, I'll have a look at your remix at some point - I've actually got a remix coming up of fighting in the street and go ahead, which is on Heroes Vs Villians, set for release early feb I believe.

  19. I've commented on your remix. Hope my info helps you somewhat :P

  20. sure thing man i'll take a look at it. Look out for thread post :P

  21. I wanna be the guy!


  23. My office door read your lyrics. It says fuck you. Its real rude sometimes, it needs to learn some manners.

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