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Everything posted by Sensai

  1. I autoassign and am honest...:-/ And I honestly thought I was doing the other team a favor. I don't remember it specifically, but I honestly cannot imagine my joining the team that was doing the rolling. I'M SORRY! TAKE ME BACK!
  2. I did it because the other team was getting ROLLED. I was trying to do the right thing. ...don't hate me.
  3. kamikaze: so are you but i still like you [FTF]Sensai: Ooooooooooooooooooh, kamikaze's got a crush on me. [FTF]Sensai: I'M TELLING EVERYONE. kamikaze: fine You heard it here first.
  4. I don't really play much anymore (although I did hop on for ~30 minutes earlier today!), but this seems like the clear solution. I enjoy keeping up with my kills to deaths, but at the same time see that competition's a big deal for a lot of people. Having two sets of stats going (one designated for long term stats and the other for short term, maybe even monthly stats) is, IMO, the best option.
  5. If we gotta do Sawmill (and I really do like the map, honest), my vote goes for koth_ or arena_ (I know, I know, everyone hates arena maps). @ atmuh: That's not bad. Could you show me what the Spy HUD looks like? I don't think I'm going to switch from the minimal HUD, but I'm interested to see it. Also, how did you get it to show more than 4 kills in the top right corner? I'm assuming there's some easy console command for that? I would definitely be interested in that.
  6. Man...this thread gets more ridiculously hard to read each and every day. Why so much fighting, complaining, whining, and aggression? It's a game, gents. Why not have a little fun with it? Is the server as bad as this thread is?
  7. @ FireSlash: I don't think anyone's expecting anything to be done about it...we're just enjoying some debate. I must admit, though, the debate would be more interesting if people kept it at least seemingly civil and actually replied instead of laughing or yawning. Meh.
  8. The Pyro does not need any more buffs, period. The majority of TF2 players suck at using Pyro and STILL manage to do pretty decently...if they ever discovered that the "airbalst iz ston"...well, it'd be terrible. @ zircon: I think a lot of people just play what is fun for them. If winning is the only determining factor in what's fun, I imagine they play the clearly higher-tier characters (be it a fighting game, FPS game, etc), but as for myself I enjoy playing classes/characters that have a flaw or two built in. It's no fun, for me, to win all the time. @ Kiyobi: Hahahahaha. I don't really think any of the classes in TF2 are overpowered or underpowered. Every class has their weaknesses and their strengths. Rock, paper, scissors, etc.
  10. Ouch, Brush. I think 35 is a little more than I can spare at the moment... ...which is too bad, really. I dunno. I'll consider it.
  11. I am totally down for an OCR flag. Holy fuck, yes, please.
  12. He also was the guy who came up with that backpack thing that you're using right now, actually. But, funny none-the-less.
  13. Don't you dare insult my terrorist Sniper. Take it back.
  14. Aaaaaaaaaaaw....they updated the Medic but not the Heavy. I was hoping all the updates would come out at once, but I suppose this is alright. [Edit:] Also, I'm not entirely sure why we have the Backpack thing if they're going to raise the number of maximum items held. I suppose it's cool to be able to see your weapons all lined up like that, but I really thought it was to make you think about what you really wanted for your characters. /shrugs.
  15. The Medigun is, apparently, a heal gun that heals 50% slower but the overheal doesn't decay. The Ubersaw is going to take away 20 health on contact, and the blutsauger is going to drain 2 health per second when being used. Glad to see that they're balancing some of the medic weapons. [Edit:] Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah. The flame retardant spy suit makes so much more sense than how I was originally imagining it. Good stuff.
  16. That is the best video of Heavy Weapons Guy ever.
  17. I do this exact same thing. Sorry Rambo, but I don't generally look at things until I get into the game. I always vote for scrambles, though, regardless of anything. It's not really going to hurt things if we scramble teams, why would we not?
  18. I don't think team stacking with the BROS guys is that big a deal...they're all pretty bad. The problem is that they're attempting to get on everyone's nerves, but they'd still be regardless of what team they're on.
  19. I really don't think spraying stuff that is more or less 'holier than thou because I didn't "cheat"' is nothing but a bad idea. There's already, apparently, a lotta shit going down between those with halos and those without. /sigh
  20. Changing gears, I'm glad to see the heavy's run fast gloves aren't going to be silly busted. Taking damage per second is a good call on their part.
  21. Depending on whether or not you enjoy hard games, I'd suggest getting any of the Mega Man games that are currently offered (I think 1-3 are up, and I'm 100% sure the first two are). The original Mega Man is definitely the hardest one, just for reference. Punch-Out!! is another damn hard game that's worth the money if you're into that kinda thing. Metroid, too. Oooooooooh, the real Super Mario Bros 2 is a great game that's great. I mean, it's basically just more Super Mario Bros, but the levels are designed to dick you over. It's great fun.
  22. My main class right NOW is Russian with German support. It's just recently that I've really started liking the Russian way of life. Before that I played, as Clefairy so elegantly put it, people that never really were on your side.
  23. I've never idled (bar a few hours in the OCR server when the whole system came out) and I've managed to get two hats. I suppose it's Valve apologizing for critting.
  24. My situation is the same as Ducky's, unfortunately. I think I played about ~15 minutes yesterday, just long enough to facestab Vahn. /sigh
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