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Everything posted by Sensai
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
So, here's a list of people who have made their desire to scrim known to me outside of posting on the forums: Joseki meatball garian When you add people on the forums, you got me, Clefairy, and Donut. That's six right there.... ...now we just need 6 more people, haha. [Edit:] Bonzai and Rambo would still be up for it, I'm assuming. If Action Hawk ever got online, he'd undoubtedly be up for it. Just sayin'. [Edit 2:] Forgot to ask: do we have a server for this? -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Well, me and Joseki are in. We need two teams of six...so...there you are. [Edit:] I'm assuming we're doing the standard 6v6, 2 of each class max, 1 demo, 1 medic type thing, yes? -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Sooooooooo....what became of all those talks about inter-OCR scrimming? 'Cause I may have made a team. By accident. Or maybe not, depending on if we're doing anything of the sort. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Much love, Powerlord. Much love. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
That'd be fine with me, honestly. And, really, keeping Dustbowl in the rotation's alright: I can find something else to do for 30 minutes or just kinda zombie my way through it. Having it right before 2fort, though...that's silly. Clefairy's going to tell me that everyone has different opinions on what's bad and while that's true, most people on the OCR forum more or less agree that Dustbowl and 2fort attract people who are less than...amazing at the game, or at life. Put at least one map inbetween them so the pubbies from the first will have left before the pubbies from the second arrive. [Edit:] It's at 2fort. Again. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
+1 again for garbageday. I could not find it on the server for the life of me, but then again...I'm an idiot. I installed NeoTokyo simply 'cause it looked cool...and have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. It feels like it's simply CounterStrike, but not as refined. And yes, those NQA guys always join the same team, and one is always Medic who only heals the other NQA guy (and anyone else who's deemed worthy). It's alright, though, just gives a challenge. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Just looked at my stats page. For however long the stats hold things in their records, there are FOUR people who I don't have more than a 1:1 kill death ratio with. Ξ|nQa|Ξ Scythe-Messiah (this guy pretty much beats the shit outta me everytime we see each other) Sub (dunno who this is) [lions]Clefairy(.83 k/d. CURSES!) Lumpy (this is 1:1 exactly, although I have no idea how. I don't ever remember killing Lumpy when things get serious) Thought that was all interesting, figured I'd share. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
+1 on Garbage Day. I think I suggested that a while back and got the same response, which is 'it's okay unless it's played regularly or if the teams are unbalanced, then it's awful.' I'm willing to take that risk. If teams are really bad, we can just RTV off it. +1 for vouching system, although I thought that's what we already did. I'm not terribly knowledgeable. :-/ I'm also of the persuasion that the server itself is growing its own culture, and while it's not separate from the OCR forums, it is certainly distinct. That being said, I do enjoy having a place to talk about it in the form of this thread. [Edit:] I think I joined OCR like...a few months, if not weeks, before playing on the server, so I really don't know much of what I'm talking about. Take it with a grain of salt and all that. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Jeah. Those guys should totally the cake. The whole thing. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
He's the one that rages a lot. Also, likes cursing and enjoys long walks on the beach. Need his measurements? -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
I think that you hear friendly spies decloak as well, although I don't think people ignore it. People really hate spies and the majority of spies on the OCR server are actually pretty damn good; leaving a spy unchecked simply because it might be a friendly one is just a poor choice. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Pyro. Always. And the noise goes beyond 'well, I'm not right next to someone I should be fine.' That's the normal watch or the C/D. The DR is like 'well, I'm not in a half mile of someone, I should be fine.' Seriously, that thing is loud. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Yes, Sporknight, that works. The problem, like the guy outlines, is that most people are really bad at faking the death. If I see a Soldier that dies after shoot him from a mile away with a scattergun, I'm going to know it's BS ('cause if he had that low of health, why wasn't he retreating?). Not to mention the fact that, and I think this is right, Valve still hasn't fixed the whole 'corpses explode randomly' type thing. And, finally...you're still going to make a hella loud sound when you uncloak. No way around that. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
The only thing wrong with that map cycle is the fact that you've mistakenly typed out 'ctf' and not 'cp' in front of 'well.' I forgive you. Mistakes happen. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
I'm not sure I understand why self imposed limits are a good thing. [arrogance]I mean, my Pyro's pretty good...but without the axtinguisher, it suffers pretty greatly. I imagine I'm still better than most Pyros, but the ax' is the thing that really shines in my Pyro. Playing without it is just...I dunno, pointless. Maybe not pointless, but a handicap that does nothing to benefit me, regardless of how long I played with it. [/arrogance] If I were a Pyro that played with the backburner regularly, vanilla day would help me realize that the airblast is too damn good to be ignored...but I'm not. Same with the flaregun. But people play with the items they want because they're what suits them the best; forcing people to play with items (especially when some items are clearly inferior, a la the medic's weapons) is just silly. +1 vote to remove Dustbowl from rotation. If it's kept on the RTV list, we'll STILL play there more than almost any other map. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Back. Again. I missed a birthday party and some NeoTokyo, huh? Drat. I should just never leave my computer. I think passwording the server every once in a while wouldn't be too bad. The problem is that it either is amazing and everyone joins and it's filled for a long time or no one joins. @Clefairy (I think): I hear you. Pub TF2 (OCR excluded) is pretty terrible. I mean, it's fun for a while to just dominate the entire server but at the cost of your soul and your joy? Nah. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Back from camp and my next trip to Honduras got cancelled (apparently there's a revolution going on? Haven't had internet for about a week). How're things? I tried reading through the like 10 pages or so since I left, but couldn't do it. Too much stuff going on. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Wait, why don't we like Sudden Death? Without it, we won't have stupidly tense moments, only to laugh when Chadly's mouse runs outta batteries. If it's at all up for a vote, +1 to bringing back sudden death. Same. If I'm a Sniper, expect a lot of me sucking and/or giggling over the mic. Yes, giggling. I'm that bad at it and it's that funny when I kill someone (especially by terrorist means!).[Edit:] Also forgot to mention that I won't be around for a week, give or take. So, I'll see you guys in...y'know, about a week. Give or take. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Oh no no no...ctf_badwater? Why would you ruin such a beautiful map by making it CTF? -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
WOAH WOAH WOAH. D-Lux is Yahoo? [Edit:] Figured I'd add some pictures myself. I may add a few more when I'm less in a rush, but here are two of my fondest memories while playing TF2. And they happened just a few days ago! This is all as Terrorist Sniper, by the way. Terrorist Sniper is using ONLY Jarate and the Kukri, for those unacquainted with my methods. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
I would love to try it, Kiyobi. @ Powerlord: What happened to the headset? -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
And Farrah Fawcett. Man...it's a bad day to be famous, huh? On a lighter note, I got my OCR TF2 patch today. Very, very awesome. Thanks again, Brushfire: it looks so great. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Garian called my methods of Sniping 'terrorism' last night, haha. AND I surpassed Lumpy in points, while we were both Snipers. Many screenshots were had. The trick is to forgo the use of a gun at all. You take that little sacred jar of urine and you hurl it at your enemies and then you charge in like a mad man. They'll never know what hit them...until they're hit again and again and again. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Sensai replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
People refer to the airblast as 'poof'ing? Hahahahahahahaha. Made my night. Also, and this is coming from a guy who plays a lot of Pyro, it astounds me that anyone who's played any TF2 can refer to a Pyro player and say that they suck. Not attempting to bring up the old skill debate again, but Pyros and Engineers (and Heavies, as I've recently learned) don't really have 'good' and 'bad' variations: they just have 'good' and 'less good.'