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Posts posted by DusK

  1. I don't really care if someone decides to spend every waking moment playing video games. They can do what they do. But I laugh my ass off every time someone tries to insinuate that doing so somehow makes them a better person than me in any way whatsoever.

    Like I put in just about every game-centric online bio, see my website for a nice, long list of things I've done that take more skill and talent than anything that could be done in a video game.

  2. I wish I had the attention span to direct more than one OCR album.

    But I can definitely contribute a mix. I've had this idea for a really heavy remix of a track from The Adventures of Batman and Robin for the Sega Genesis, so this would give me good reason to finally do it.

  3. I touched on this a bit during the Be Aggressive! listening party, and then again on OCR Talkback, but I'll post the story anyway.

    I used to use BearShare back in my high school years to download video game songs that I liked. During that time, I stumbled on Rayza's "Whirlwind" remix and checked out the MP3's metadata, and that's when I first heard of OverClocked ReMix. I was on 56k for a while, so during my last year of high school, I'd use the T1 connection at my school during my Visual Basic programming class to download a bunch of OC ReMixes and I'd burn them to a CD-R, and then bring 'em home so I could transfer them to my Creative Jukebox Zen. I can't remember exactly what year I was doing this, but it was when OC ReMix had its old blue design.

    After high school, I got caught up in work and life stuff, and was pretty focused on the band I was in, so I kinda fell out of OC ReMix. I fell back in again in 2006, when I decided to check the site out again and saw that Project Chaos had been released.

    The moment I decided to do VGM remixing was when I was listening to SnappleMan's "Malicious Fingers". After that, I lurked the forums a bit, got insulted by a few people on the forums around 2008 or 2009-ish iirc, skulked away, and came back in 2010 to participate in Dj Mokram's Secret Bonus Point project, which would end up being my first debut onto the VGM arrange scene. A year later, I got posted to the site. Just over a year after that, Be Aggressive! happened.

  4. Nah, it's actually Maruyama jamming the Judges inbox. In reality there are hundreds of Dynamite Headdy remixes being sent to OCR every single day. :lol:

    Actually, I said "this is fate" because I've been sitting on a concept for a remix of this source that I've had since the development of SBP, but considering how much work would go into the remix compared to most of my other stuff, I didn't have a real reason to get around to it. Now I do.

  5. I just got this cause it was on sale but I've never played a Guild Wars game so what do I need to know

    This game doesn't play a whole lot like GW1, so don't worry about that.

    I'm sure you'll be able to figure out. It's quite a bit easier to just pick up and go compared to most MMOs. If you do find yourself struggling, though, make sure you're not clinging to old MMO mindsets, like standing still and trading damage, or spell rotations, or tank/heal/DPS. Stuff's different in this game. It plays a bit more like an action game.

  6. Currently displays the following:

    OCR?????????????????????????????????????????OCR??????? ocremix.org ???????????????????????????????????????????MP3????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    I dunno if this is just on my side or what, but considering that the blurb is visible on all other album pages that use that template (or, at least, the five or so I checked), I have a feeling it's a problem with the BadAss 2 site.

  7. JcRFBlA.jpg

    Artwork by Nate Horsfall

    This all started out as another one of my little metal covers I throw onto YouTube every now and then. As more and more people asked to hear more metal covers from Super Adventure Box, it expanded and eventually turned into an EP series, World 1 being the first of them.

    I know there aren't many Guild Wars 2 fans remaining here (if you bought the game and haven't played in a while, you should; they've added a lot of cool stuff to it), but maybe some people here might enjoy this.

    It's free. If I'm out of free download credits, the download package is mirrored on my website.


  8. If you could be more lenient wip-wise, I could still be on board for Last Soul :-o But I want the meaning and quality of the song to be more important than having it done in a week

    Doesn't have to be done, bro. Just give me something to work with. I can't listen to a paragraph.

    DiGi rapped over the source track. That was enough for me. I am being lenient about this.

  9. Yeah, that's cool man. Thanks for clearing it up for me :)

    And no doubt. Halc's back from his honeymoon next week. The second he's back in, we're scooping up Damashii!! and cooking up something proper for you to listen to asap, man!

    Actually can't wait to start working on this properly.

    I take it the lyrical direction was ok with you then? I'll be tidying them up a bit and so they flow better, maybe switching up some words with different syllables so i can get more out of a bar or two, but for the most part if you're ok with the lyrics then that's what i was thinking of going with.

    Oh yeah, I really dig it. I'm kinda giving Drew and Jordan the benefit of the doubt, though, so if the track doesn't turn out good, it's

    . :lol:
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