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Cottus and Gyes

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Everything posted by Cottus and Gyes

  1. B U M P * U M P * B M P * B U P * B U M * B U M P
  2. Krylon is your pal. Granted, I haven't tried the new formula (ovid shaped cap) but it should work the same. Remember! Scuff sand it, tack-cloth it(give it some time so the tackiness goes away), prime it (not necessary but ensures the paint will stick), spray it, (wet-sand it IF you think the film looks too thick [if it is, tack it then spray again]), then put a clear coat on it (gloss for shine). Enjoy your new looking console. I made my GC look like an Xbox by painting it black, making the Xbox logo on the circle black thing, changed all the leds to green, had the unsed ports emit green leds and had the Xbox logo light up. It was a fun project to kill time and cost next to nothing (green/red leds are A LOT cheaper than blue leds).
  3. I do believe he is saying that it takes more than a mastery of an instrument to compose music, not that all good music is from mediocore players. Just because you're good at piano, doesn't mean you are the new-age Chopin.
  4. The Protomen!
  5. Why did the "Watchmen" thread turn into a semi-"The Dark Knight" thread. Internet ftl.
  6. I am going to assume its legit and do something. p.s. I have a ruler and sharpie now!
  7. Can we make characters into zombies? I'd hate to see this thing littered with RE and Zombies Took Over My Neighborhood (or w/e).
  8. Hell, I'd be extremely happy if this Depp = Riddler is true. I do believe he would bring that role alive to the way it is suppose to be. I didn't really care for Carry's.
  9. 2 heads > 1, 40 heads = too many. Long, epic, fun, and a pain in the ass... C'thun! I don't care how much you hate WoW, he is a well orchestrated boss which requires the attention of every raid member. Is he the hardest? Maybe not, but he certainly is one that is very hard yet fun at the same time. Thats why he is the hardest boss in my opinion, hard for the players and hard for the programmers.
  10. Why is this such a hard concept to grasp? The Joker even hints it in the movie!!
  11. First one to fail at voting (send Atmuh a PM)!
  12. I think I need to invest 5 bucks for 2 things: a) a ruler a sharpie p.s. Get your shit in!
  13. Um... I thought "by June 27th" meant the dead line was 11:59:59pm June 26th. Maybe its 11:59:59 June 27th.
  14. Less than 24hrs! Get your shit in!!! p.s. Bump.
  15. Bump-dee-dee-bump-bump-bumpity-bump p.s. 3 days, draw something and submit it!
  16. Didn't come out the way I wanted it... but better than nothing.
  17. I agree and disagree with ya. I'm glad they tied it up, as it was a loose end, but they could have done so much more. On the other side of the coin, if he was too big, it would have detracted from the rest of the movie imo. Maybe he'll pop up again, as we know the Joker won't (well shouldn't... damn you Heath Ledger and your awesome acting and OD'n skills). If they don't make another Jim Carry Riddler, he could be a bamf bad guy.
  18. Holy hell... Worth every penny to see it in iMax.
  19. I'm slowly disliking mine more and more... so tempted to do a 3d model of it but I don't know if I have the time. I could give it a shot though.
  20. Not to mention that they only had a 30k budget, slightly different but I am excited for MM:IX.
  21. And just to add one more knife to your back, it HAS to be created in this month. p.s. If you created a weapon with specs to the previous posts but you started it in June or earlier, S.O.L.
  22. Lol, my bad. Totally mixed your name up with someone else (obviously).
  23. PM Atma with a link to your artwork; [Your Name - What it is - Game - Link] Its what I did last competition. Its all 'bout the fun too, not the winning. Winning is a perk.
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