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Soul Splint

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Status Updates posted by Soul Splint

  1. Ready now, let's go.

  2. Hey, I will add you to my 3DS list later today (I don't think I already have...) My code is 4184-1304-8565.

  3. I'm at work right now, so if there's a delay in a reply just give me a sec. Shouldn't happen too often if at all, though.

  4. Hey, I will add you to my 3DS list later today. My code is 4184-1304-8565; my safari is ghost type, with pumpkaboo, shuppet, and I forget the third one...

  5. Cool. Looks like that's it, thanks for the tips.

  6. Awesome possum. Thanks! I will add you later today.

  7. Yep, already got it. Thanks.

  8. Hey, so where did you get this track from? Or do you own the OST? I likes it, and wantz to lift to it.

    Megatona Furioso - Guilty Gear XX #Reload Original Soundtrack

  9. Whoa. Well, there are several starters I would love to have, but all of them would be pretty awesome. I was able to get access to a Ditto safari, so I can trade you some high IV Dittos if you'd like. Or is there something else you would rather have? So far, out of at least 100 Dittos caught, I've only managed two 4s and about 7 3s.

    Of the starters, I already have Froakie, Torchic, Charmander, and Fennekin (I think).

  10. How much money do you guys lack for the DKC2 Project printing? I can definitely donate some; let me know what kind of numbers you're looking for and I'll see what I can do.

  11. Hey, do you know of a faster way to level characters up than to do the Bluk/Kum Kum repetition trick in Syrcus Tower? All of mine are at level 56, and I swear it's going to take forever doing it that way.

  12. Dude, where'd you go? How's that FF7 remix coming? You can't just dangle a steak in front of us and then take off...;)

  13. Hey,

    I may be interested in your copy of Pokemon Emerald. Does that price include shipping? What kind of condition is it in?


  14. Sounds like a deal to me. It is in decent condition, yes? Do you have a PayPal account?

  15. Hey, what do you think about updating the first post of the black/white thread (after release) to show who has what version, who is breeding what, friend codes, etc. It'd be nice to see at a glance for trading and whatnot.

  16. Sweet. Are you submitting right away or going back to the WIP board? I'd love to hear the revised version.

  17. Actually? I am offended ;)

    But I do think it would help cross-game communication a pretty fair amount. I'm just hoping people don't play for twenty-four hours straight right after release and then start demanding Oshawotts from me. I want to savor the flavor a little, ya know?

  18. Did you get my PM?

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