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Everything posted by Zorlaxseven

  1. And use "HOOKSHOT" as a discount code to save 15%.
  2. I'm down. (You're all thinking, "Who is this guy?")
  3. Yeah, it is. Sorry about not responding earlier; I never really log into my OCR account.

  4. I saw them in San Francisco last night. The orchestra was horrid (some of the musicians were extremely out of time) and some arrangements were just plain awful (JENOVA comes to mind). On topic though: From the clips I did see at the Distant World's concert, the graphics did look amazing. It gets that much credit.
  5. Just making sure; I didn't want to have to cry myself to sleep tonight.
  6. I really hope this isn't a shot at my abilities as a composer...
  7. I gotta put my thanks in for Ben too. He was really cool and patient with me. That, and he took my midi's and made them listenable. It's really nice to see this reach fruition.
  8. I was just being sarcastic about the massive collab of the song. I feel that I "finished" my track, so I can fudge around now :]
  9. Wait a minute... When did you take down the googlepages site for Essence of Lime, Lemon? It's all... your stuff now . (The face is in sarcasm, before I get shot) (I, oddly, was really liking that stie. Very simple design). Now it looks like I'll have to sign up to the proboards forum in order to hear the songs on our neat little project. (Yes, I know I should have done this months ago.)
  10. We should just all put our minds together and do a super-remix of Faries Woods. With all of us together it'll turn out.... alright.
  11. I'm here. I'm alive; I promise. It's actually funny, I've been laying around on my song for a while now, and then just today I thought, "I'm going to finish this NOW, no matter what." Well, guess what. I finished my song. I'll PM you the midi soon Lemon. (It's a bit rough and we'll have fun figuring out all the dynamics and crap like that. I think you'll enjoy it. C-yah!
  12. What kind of song was it, Krow? I might be interested.
  13. A few things: Awesome song, Lemon. I mean.. Just wow. That was such a shitty source (I'm sorry, I know you love all the music in this game, hence the project), and turned it into something worth downloading. Once again, your style shines through on to your song, and I have little to say in order for the song to get "better." (On the music side. I don't have an ear for production to speak of.) Also, I'll take both Maple songs. I was planning on doing kind of a surprise thing, just showing up with a remix of both of them, but it looks like the last few songs are getting gobbled up. I can't let that happen to the ones I want to do! Lastly... Umm... No one has said anything about my song (Tempus). If no one has anything to say, and you can't think of anything to add or how to make it better (because I know I have nothing to add), then I propose that we lock up the song. (Also, on the Maple songs, can we do it like you and I did before? I write a midi and you make it sound good? If not, that's okay. I can manage SOMETHING on my own, but I know you're much better than me at this stuff.)
  14. Without trying to seem like a jerk or anything... But I could have sworn I saw a board game at Target that was almost identical to this. I don't know if it was also "beam chess" or not, but it followed the same fundamental rules... I should probably get more info on this, or if TheWingless can verify, that'd be great.
  15. No love for me and my song? I hope somebody will be able to criticize some way soon; i wanna edit a few times and lock it up.
  16. I know what you're saying, but... A. I don't like a lot of percussion (I can lecture for hours on why I think percussion, in a lot of music, is pointless.) B. Since I have this distaste for percussion, I never really learned how to write good percussion parts. I mean, to everyone else's ear, all my music can probably be benefited by adding in some percussion. I just can't let myself do that. But keep the criticism comin'. Need more of it if I wanna be a better composer.
  17. And I'll take a minute to describe the song. (I just didn't want to do the linkage and screw something up and make a fool of myself.) This song was partly inspired by The Fall of Iselia from the Summonig of Spirits album. I tried to write piano in that style, and in my opinion, I didn't really accomplish that goal . For the most part it was just me, just writing. No real idea where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do. I learned later, that there was already a piano arrangement of Sadness and that I have it in my playlist, so I unintentionally stole some material. I really had fun with this and am waiting to make it better.
  18. We were waiting on me to post the mix? I didn't know that, sorry; However, Lemon, I'd prefer if you do it. I've never really done too much on forums and wouldn't know how or what to do. But don't worry, I'll be around checking on my critiques, taking them like a man
  19. We definitely need more completed tracks here true. I didn't listen to V2, to tell you the truth. But listening from V1 to the last version... It's a very good change. I can't put my finger on all of it. (I don't have the two to compare on my computer, and I am lazy to download them all and compare them.) In short: Good work on your update TheKrow
  20. Believe me, this is what I felt when I put my first song up here. I didn't say too much about "arrangement" per se. Just the switch to the underground theme and the intro. Don't get me wrong, I love what you did and I really enjoyed the sources you used. (Not enough love for Super Mario Land here) I'd download the song and keep it (i do that often here in the WIP forum), but you say you're going to update. You better keep true to your promise.
  21. Yeah, it's just my personal taste. I'm very big on melodies personally. Which is one reason I tend to stay away from jazz (also, I hate 7th Chords). Just thought I'd throw my $0.02 in was all.
  22. I tend to go in this order B, A, then C. (l love the orchestral stuff.)
  23. My thoughts: 0:00-0:30 - There are lots of parts where there is too much going on. Too many interjections. Upon second listen, they are a bit more clear, but still, a lot of stuff happening and can't focus on what I'm supposed to. (Also there was that bit where the was no melody for a while, when it was just guitar and bass. It struck my ear as slightly odd.) 0:30-0:45 - Love your piano work. However, it gets a little quiet at times compared to the background. I had trouble hearing every note. 0:45-1:05 - Fun stuff. Liked the End Level Fanfare tossed in there. 1:05 - That clip from the actual game... Eh, I didn't like it, but it's just a matter of taste. 1:07-1:34 - More good piano work, but gets buried behind the brass interjections, drums, bass, etc. 1:48-2:15 - The sudden change was a little rough for me. Especially since you dropped a lot of elements of what you built on upon before. In other words... It didn't feel like the song I was listening to a minute ago. 2:15 to End: It was fine end for me. I think you can keep it just fine. But I see you're going to change it, so... Nothing to say here. Fun section. Overall, it's a very fun song. Just minor things here and there. I like your take on the song, and I love your piano writing. Good work.
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