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Everything posted by duckyboycantfly

  1. yeah but go to atmuhs server for like 5 minutes then go to ours. we are a bit more laid back. atmuh is pro
  2. p much this. what sucks is people nominate stupid maps (pacman, the one with the eagles that's fun to play as spy but still kind of a server killer, pacman) and then 4 trolls pick that map and they win
  3. I fixed it for you, since you shouldn't be complaining about going to steel.
  4. if i troll the voicemail will i get banned from the forum?
  5. magical place that doesn't exist meetup, so i won't be there the 29th. baha knows this but i'm just letting everyone else know.
  6. I guess it's not today?
  7. So I figured out what was wrong (something went terribly wrong with my directx or something but everything is back with a quick system restore). Anyways, probably going out again tonight and the next night so maybe tf2 in a week or so.
  8. I think I'm doing something wrong...but tf2 now only runs at 10 fps and 900 ping. So yeah.
  9. I want to play, but packing up my computer for the big move back to school. I'll be back tomorrow, and with a much better ping finally. That's right, I'll complain a lot less now, because I won't get lag spikes every 5-10 minutes anymore~ (or so I hope)
  10. This doesn't qualify for first post material, but here's the thing. http://store.steampowered.com/app/29180/ Save $1. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Actually, looking at the trailer, this is basically flow. EXCEPT IN SPACE. And isn't free. So probably skip this, unlike you really love new and innovating games that are space themed copies of a free game. Left for Dead is also only $30 now so that's cool, but I'd just wait for L4D 2.
  11. You know I'm good whenever. partayayay
  12. hey they deleted my post. let me sum it up: lolrunescape
  13. And after 21 days you'll realize just how boring eve online is. I mean seriously it has some cool concepts that have probably been upgraded since I last played, but here's how I felt about it. Know in mass effect when you could pick which planet you wanted to go to. Eve is kind of like that. Actually it's only that. Take away everything else, and add in some pretty cool space fights (where you really don't know what your doing, just clicking a lot and hoping you win), the ability to upgrade your ship, and getting assfucked if you take a step out anywhere, and that's eve. Oh yeah, and mining. Know when you could look at a planet you couldn't land on in ME, and then you got come cool stuff from it. That's in eve too, only instead of instant gratification, you get to watch as your ship mine the minerals and a progress bar telling you when you have gotten 1 out of 5 minerals needed, in real time too! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  14. spleen plays eve a bit, or at least his brother does. He can hook you up fatty style. Also I was just about to post the HL stuff. Busy day today. still not as good at the 98 cent deal, but pretty damn close. but yeah updated.
  15. i don't have any money, that's the hate. also i looked at the page for about 20 seconds them made that post. the graphics look pretty, and it looks more like a prince of persia type thing if i'm not mistaken. also don't take this seriously. except where i'm berating you for not having steam. i'm being serious about that.
  16. eve online more like zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz also i know it's the remake, i just wasn't sure on the price. dumb dumbs. Trine is on sale but if you got the indie pack you're set, just play blueberry garden and then braid and then pretend that you were just playing them together and tada trine. Seriously I've become so jaded from the massive sale, that a pretty decent looking indie game (trine) looks way too overpriced at anything over $5 (it's ~$22 and some change, fyi)
  17. Not true. I like playing engy on goldrush and dustbowl, because holding your stuff (especially teleports) actually matters. Anyways, valve has the best writing for their blog thing ever.
  18. Which game are you talking about? I just don't understand this post... Also Call of Duty sale updated in first post.
  19. HEY ITS COOL AND ALL THAT YOU GUYS LIKE STEAM AND SHIT BUT THIS ISNT THE STEAM THREAD. Then again I guess it could be, but that just seems stupid. I guess I can keep this updated with their great deals, but anyone with steam will probably get them before I do and yeah. WHATEVER SEE DARKESWORD I WAS JUST ABOUT TO DOUBLE POST BUT THEN I REMEMBERED BE HAPPY!!! Anyways, this thread is now about steam and other crap I guess. Pretty much the opposite of what I just said. But I thought it was a decent enough idea and so yeah, implementing. Anyways there's some ocr group there maybe join that. I probably won't want to be friends with you so don't ask my steam id. Think you're special and all.
  20. I think a tablet is best. Unfortunatly the tablet that I bought at an auction has decided to work perfectly...except for the whole being able to write on the screen part. But yeah, I'm only using that because I think with onenote and dropbox, I pretty much never need another notebook again.
  21. I don't get how anyone could not like the spy class. I mean, come on, it's just fun. Then again you do have over 728 hours of pyro, so I guess you're opinion on things isn't the best.
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