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Everything posted by duckyboycantfly

  1. FYI Brush, pm me when if you want my address or moneys. Then again, I'm sure you were going to do this anyways. But I like it already.
  2. This was the exact thing I thought of when I heard Notre Dame. Also, I'm for Illinois. Southern suburb of Chicago, but now I'm at Urbana for higher learnins. And I'd say Midwest is mostly anything on Central time (and Indiana).
  3. I was surprised I still had a reserved slot for so long. Also, I am a broke college student without a job, so until this summer (when maybe I will get a job), I can't really be handing out money like I used to.
  4. This report was due two weeks ago. You are talking to the king of procrastination.

  5. Fuck. I had a really long post, explaining a lot of things about Chicago and where to go and what to see, but well, I hit back by accident, and I don't really feel like reposting it. Summed up, there's a thousand things to do in Chicago, and a quick google search can show you a good amount of them. And U of I is pretty much going to be empty after the 15th, since that's the last day of undergrad finals Here's a video supremespleen made for the remod chicago meetup. The last day we pretty much just ate and shopped the Mag Mile. Also, I shaved and got a very short haircut the day after, so please, ignore the hair swish. Finally, I'm up for hanging out with fellow UIUC bros. I'm at ISR, and pretty free this Saturday (during the day), if you guys wanted to get together or something. Second City?
  6. I'm actually excited for my orgo labs. From what I've heard, they pale in comparison to what I'm doing now.

  7. It's only 3 here. But no, no finals. Lab report. It can be seen as my final, I guess, but the thing is just ridiculously long (I'm at about page 20, not including the four appendixes)

  8. Ohio! It has that...oh how about..no...um...yeah...Ohio!
  9. I will never, ever, step foot into such a whore of a town. Baha, if you go, you better not come back.
  10. Urbana is boring don't come to Urbana. Chicago is a good place to meetup. It has a lot of fun things to do, relatively easy to get around, and plenty of lodgings. (Baha I can send you a video of fun things to do in Chicago, since I don't want to pass it out around here) (spoilers: it's the remod meetup in Chicago) If you guys decide Chicago is the best place to meet-up (which it is), make sure to eat here for breakfast: It's like 3 blocks east of the Sears (willis) Tower, but a simple google search can give you a more exact location.
  11. Sorry FR, but can't have you talking about that anymore.

  12. Well didn't this thread take a turn. Hi syl.
  13. no go away all of you.
  14. It's cool. I'll be in upper Indiana in a couple weekends so we can just go out then.
  15. fightmearek http://duckyboy.mybrute.com/ (and Lexxy is probably better, and I've met her so yeah)
  16. I am not sure whether you are complimenting me or what because both statements seem equally awful. Also spoilers: Remod I'll pick you up around 9 tomorrow.
  17. oh sweet.

    get me tickets to the next u of i mich football game.

  18. that it now burns when i pee and it's all her fault.

    and that i saw you live in Michigan so naturally, being from U of I, i must hate you, even if you don't attend either of the finer universities.

  19. ann arbor is a whore

  20. No it is about reminiscing about the good times stay on topic please
  21. I thought it was two pictures //:b But seriously mang those good times.
  22. Mayyybbbbeeeeeee.... jk no
  23. you are missing out on quality gems such as these
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