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Everything posted by duckyboycantfly

  1. guys guys darkesword talking about admin abuse this just made my day
  2. rambo don't leave i love you. anybody that has a problem with rambo can fight me, and believe me, i will fight you. even you bleck. and btw bleck has a terrible opinion about all things related to videogames, so just stop listening to him (seriously, it's just uncanny how bad his opinion is). edge i don't really care for you much, but that's not a bad thing it's more of a neutral thing. getting pissed off over people trying to take away your admins is fine. throwing your arms up and screaming that you're done and never coming back is bullshit. have some respect, take the lashings, and just try and do better next time. and my god whoever is accusing rambo of teamstacking because he's joining a team with his online girlfriend (shut up you two we all know it) is just so completely stupid it makes me want to punch all of you in the face. if somebody doesn't want to heal you, oh well. bitch about it, but then move on to the next map. or just come back tomorrow. or get better so he'll heal you next time. btw i'm holier than all of thou so eat shit and die and take my advice. this is the one time you'll see me serious. and i agree with atmuh in that the best admins barely have to use their admins.
  3. bbbbuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmppppppppppppppppppp
  4. No.9 - "I Hope [ Canon No9 Remix]" and you should be too.
  5. I guess I haven't checked recently. I just remember being able to cancel some votes like the one voteban I did against the annoying "noob" kid that wouldn't shut up (of course 3 seconds later I canceled it, since I just wanted to get the message to him that I had the power and that he should stop being annoying). There should be a vote mute command, on the topic of annoying people that won't shut up. Though I might abuse that a bit, though not as much considering I can't cancel a vote anymore.
  6. Fixed from off the top of my head. Not sure about us having the last two though. Get rid of the bolded one. It's causing too much strife. Of course, that's for anyone but me :3 (also don't skip my post because it was very responsible and if you give me admins i won't tell anyone i promise)
  7. :3 Drama Center lives up to it's name. I dunno what went on with atmuh, but I agree with baha in that mutes are usually best. Then unmute, and if they keep doing it, it's a kick. Anyways, my entire problem with the neko thing was this. He never mentioned it was his last day until everyone was pissed off. That is not a good way to go about things. If he would have asked, or said something, rather than just changing the map and canceling rtv votes, I would not have been as pissed (okay maybe I'd still be a bit angry if he was like "hayi guys this is my last day, so i'mma take over the server"). He's changed the map to pacman a couple times before (or at least fully intended too, but after everyone complained he didnt, I don't recall which), so I thought it was him just abusing this again. Seriously, a simple little note or announcement or vote or something letting the server know what he was doing besides abusing his admins could have solved all the rage that was that night. I simply would have just left the server, since I could care little about pacman, and am indifferent towards neko, rather, was indifferent. ^see I'm reasonable give me admins plox XD (I got all my sick with power days out when I was admins over at spongeboob, when there was nobody there and I learned a greater amount of commands)
  8. nekodrama loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool (can i have his admins i promise i won't do what he did ever!)
  9. fyi u lost.


  10. hey baby whats good. u know i'm good at math and u + i = 69 so pick u up around 9ish??
  11. Pretty much sums up my opinion. It's been around for a while. Get better on your music scene ocr.
  12. No. This game really is incredibly balanced. Too many engineers. A run with a half decent spy and and uber with a demo (hell, just regular fucking demo/soldierspam can take out half of 'em) should be able to at least cripple them. If you bitch about coordinating pubs, that is compley wrong, since all it should take 3-4 people (and we usually have 3-4 regulars per team, at least) to take down 3-4 sentries. And I agree completely with bleck. Sentry farming is necessary on dustbowl, since a single uber could easily wipe out 1-2 sentries. Just think how many times blu one with just a single uber + push, even when you did have 4-5 engies (that is a lot btw). The trick is to aim for the dispensors. If you aim for the sentries, then you are stupid and deserve to lose.
  13. Thank you for this. If I decide I want to go, I'll probably be visiting with other friends, but I will make an effort to stop by and say hey what's up. Also, baha, where's your new place? Alternatively, when are the parties starting? I can bring in dem bitches you know what I'm talking about *fistbump*
  14. when is this over what do i win??? also hi bonzai and rambo <3 u both
  15. So we can't mute people? and with the ninja edit, booo spammy votes are the best~
  16. This. I left to go to a buddies server, since he just got it, and I figured I'd help him out. I just couldn't stand not having alltalk. It just seems so serious, and I was so incredibly bored that I left about 5 minutes later and came back to OCR. If we have nights of non-alltalk, I probably just won't play. It'll feel too weird.
  17. So... Can vavle fix this or something? This is kid just getting really fucking annoying (and ruining the server)
  18. If there was a train from Chicago to St. Louis I would maybe come. (someone look for a train schedule, I'm too lazy/tired)
  19. also join a frat so you can get drun k wit ur bros and then fuck them frat hos!!! delta ups 4 lyf!!!
  20. I would maybe come maybe. But the kids I know down at St. L are mostly likely going to come up by my (Chicago), and as such, other than seeing you fine folks, not much I'd want to do down there (seeing as it's ohhh an arch...and a place for shakes). And having my first meet up being probably the best meet up, I will be jaded and angry, since G-T and lexxy and oddllama and muse and spleen won't be there (except maybe I'll bring spleen because we are bffs irl). Chicago > St. Louis. Also besides eula, baha is the only person I really know, and well, for 9 months I can go visit him whenever I like so nah nah nah nah nah nah i'm not going i'm too cool for you nerds.
  21. If we're listing our best classes, I'd like to think I'm a pretty good demoman, decent medic, decent sniper (on my good days), and pretty decent engineer. I've been trying soldier and scout lately, and I think I've gotten a lot better as a scout, but I am still terrible in scout vs. scout combat (as seen last night when I was being dominated constantly by the other team's scout, action hawk I think it was). Soldier is pretty easy, but I'd die too quickly in a small match.
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