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Posts posted by duckyboycantfly

  1. Stop being a whiny crybaby bodyshot cryfag. God, you people are stupid.

    stop liking toyfort. it is terrible

    also your facebook picture makes you look fat and scary.

    ahahaha your myspace is hilarious

    things just never seem to work out the way i want it to i guess i just don't deserve it


    that might have taken it too far but yeah

    (do you get what i am doing here i am using a logical fallacy ironically)

  2. Well, this is kind of on a side note to all the drama, but I made cookies!



    Defense! (the engie is SOOOO FATTY)


    Support! (the spy looks extra dumb. I also realized that the spy has the SKINNIEST feet in the world)


    I also have a bunch of round cookies I'm going to frost too, but these cookies shouldn't have to wait to see the internet for those other cookies!

    I cannot believe I missed this post my god those are amazing~

  3. Hey.

    If you have the ability to call for votebans, don't abuse that by trying to ban someone for USING A WEAPON YOU DON'T LIKE (i.e. HUNTSMAN).

    I can't believe how childish some people are. Knock that crap off, right now.

    fight me

    i can voteban whomever i like. it's a wonderful thing since it really means nothing, since it takes usually 16 other people just to get a vote nominated. I was abusing nothing. Voteban is available to all players on the server, and I can use it to express my rage whenever I want. I usually do this with votecrits just as well. Am I getting in trouble because I don't like crits, so I votecrits to get them removed? I can vote to have a player removed just as well. As long as there's not little ! in front of it, I just look angry. And I take no offense by anyone doing it to me.

    and i wasn't votebanning the weapon i was votebanning him because bodyshots are the most infuriating thing in the world and i will stick to that notion for the rest of my life and will continuously voteban everyone i can if they keep doing it over and over and over.


  4. windowed lowest resolution?

    that's what I used to do when I played with the laptop, and it was being stupid with me.

    Also I used to like tiddly and I thought he was a pretty good guy then something changed and he wasn't anymore. So I'm kind of indifferent about his ban. I guess I'll miss the old him and not the new one?

    Also, did you guys make sure to tell him that his doors didn't work? Because they didn't work the last time I played. I kept getting stuck in them and I tried to tell him that they didn't work, but he wouldn't listen. Because the doors didn't work.

  5. I complained about his micspamming a lot. There is a difference between good micspam and bad micspam, learn it.

    To the people that are learning to play sniper, I wasn't there for any of the shit or whatever made you feel like posting those comments, but there are noob servers where you can learn to play. If you know you are a terrible sniper, and your team is losing, and you just so happen to have 2-3 other snipers on your team, you should not be playing sniper. In the end I really don't care unless you are on my team.

    And my god why would you kill sudden death? admin abuse voteban powerlord (only for like 10 minutes because you are a cool dude in my book, or at least, were a cool dude). No sudden death is just stupid. It's pretty much like a super quick version of arena.

    Should we get rid of arena now too?

  6. Also, Brushfire has been added to admins again!

    you forgot someone~

    Also I'm not sure if it was this server/atmuh's servers or just being able to play tf2 on a decently sized screen that improved my performance.

    I can say I'm happy I started playing on here with spleen, who once again showed me a community I enjoy, and have stuck around in.

    not ocr u fags just the tf2 sever :3

    ocr suxs a fatty

  7. Conveniently enough, the Pokemon Video Game Championship Nationals tournament is being held the 27th-28th in St. Louis, and I have free airfare\hotel there for winning one of the regionals. It's been a while since I've been involved in anything OCR-related, but I'd like to meet up with a few people in the evening.



    also yeah still not coming.

  8. It's not "treading the edge," it's outright admin abuse. "Melee only in the water" isn't a rule, and neither is "no shooting grenades through the hole in Pipeline 2 before round start." The rules for the server are discussed here and made here, in this thread, and we've never considered those issues or discussed making rules about them (and we don't need to).

    I don't think anyone that doesn't post in this thread to discuss issues should get Admin powers. I don't care if you idle in #ocrtf2, you need to be posting here, on this forum, in this thread.

    And come on, don't kick people off the server because they're dominating you. That's childish. Admin actions should always be taken for the good of the server (banning griefers, abusive micspammers, etc.), not for personal reasons (getting dominated, not conforming to your made up, undiscussed house rules, etc.).



    darkesword talking about admin abuse

    this just made my day

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