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Status Updates posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. You lied through your teeth and I could tell.

    Srsly tho, thnxz

  2. You now have 2,900 pageviews.

    Don't worry, you can thank me later.

  3. You remixed my composition- you are automatically awesome.

  4. You're awake...? At HALF FOUR? :o

  5. Your name is like the evil version of mine. ^__~

  6. *sad proto* I WILLROCK miss you...

  7. Awwwwwwwww! Have fun!!!! Miss you. ~

  8. Dude, just in case I hadn't made it clear enough before- your LP is awesome. I've had this thing repeating over on my iPod while doing mah essays and it is so bloody relaxing stuff. Fantastic music. You are mah

  9. I love you too. Take care now, don't cry too much while I'm gone.

  10. I visited myselfs like 10000 times :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:

  11. I was not trolling i ran out of time and stuff. Don't hate.

  12. I'm missing you Emu. I love you.

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