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Posts posted by Lunarfall

  1. but it does just as well as any other instrument that's not "real". of course the "real" thing is always going to be better, but unfortunately the real thing is typically either not available, or hard to properly record. and honestly, if you took the time to really expertly sequence the setup i just played and then slapped it with the appropriate accompaniment, you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference :razz:
    Correct, if you didn't say that you did use a plugin, I probably wouldn't be able to tell.
  2. Here's some simple noodling all on keyboard all one take. (except for the first few seconds, of course)

    you wouldn't call any of that "passable"?

    remember, those are all dry, as in no other FX besides Guitar Rig. played with RealStrat. if you're lucky, you still might be able to snag it for cheap at GC.

    That still will never beat a real guitar though. But is definitely is passable, especially in a piece not based around guitars.
  3. Very good sound besides the drums for obvious stated reasons, they seemed quiet besides the hi hat. Rhythm guitar track was very same-y, change it up a little. Great lead tone, reminds me how much mine sucks. :P

    Never heard the original, so can't comment on the composition.

    Also have to say I thought the transition at 1:53 or so was fine, the floor tom or whatever that was kept the beat going.

  4. I've heard a ton of amazing songs, but only 2 have ever had me close to crying, both of them sad songs.

    Summoning's 13 minute epic "Land of the Dead." You may hate the vocals, but the song has so much emotion you won't care.


    However, it's cut short due to youtube cutting off vids after 10 minutes.

    Also some classical song I played in high school, but unfortunately, I do not remember what it was called. I only remember it was Opus 36 lol.

  5. I'm not sure if that'd be effective, since I don't have a proper recording studio. I'd be worried about background noise and echoes, though, again, I'm not experienced with this sort of stuff, so I may be wrong.
    Yeah, if you don't have a acoustically-sound room, it's not gonna turn out that great with a mic, especially if you're in a completely cube room, because bass frequencies get trapped in the corners. If you're on a tight budget, DI is the way to go. Plus, good mics cost at least $200+, and you'd need a crapload of other gear to go with it too.
  6. I have this, and I made some pretty quality recordings using that. And i'm a tube purist too. It was $99, but it's now discontinued for some reason. Here's the silver one, which you can upgrade to the gold edition for free anyway:


    It includes a crapload of amp effects for guitar and bass, and preamps for vocals and other intruments. Here's a short recording I made of an original song using that product, recording into Audacity, with 2 rhythm tracks, a lead track, bass track and a drum machine track, with no post-production:


    It's metal, but I've also gotten great tones out of it for blues, rock and punk too.

  7. It's hard to tell but aside from anything else, the rhythm guitars could use a definite boost in volume. As for EQ, it's best if you start out with a tone that's already very good, and just use post-processing to tweak it a bit, you can't polish a turd so to say. I Generally use a slight, wide boost around 2000 Hz works to help bring out definition, and roll off around 150-200ish to get rid of those pesky bass frequencies. Also, use a bass guitar.

    Oh, and not meaning to mini-mod but your sig is too tall, it can only be 250 pixels high at most.

    I'll try re-working my amp and see if I can find a better tone and re-record then.

    Also there is bass guitar in there, just really really low. I just didn't like the tone very much, guess I'm re-recording that too. :razz:

  8. Alright, I'm doing a metal remix of a song, and I think I got a decent sound out of the mix for now besides the rhythm guitars. I feel that there isn't enough "bite" and too much "mud" to the guitar. I want a tone similar to Slayer or System of a Down guitars. Is there a way to EQ to a sound similar to that, or will I have to find the tone myself on the amp and re-record the guitar? Should I turn down the gain a little?

    Here's part of an original song I used the exact same settings on:


  9. Pointless to be asking such a question when the answer is obvious based on the fact that there are no links or announcements regarding a release yet.
    I was just kidding. I know you guys are probably sick of being asked that. :razz:
    Oh don't worry, Kureejii is working on some hot Kratos x Genis art as we speak.
  10. Its a little better, but I suggest getting a real bass pedal and just mod that. Its what my friend did. Totally worth it.
    Gonna have to find out how then. Even the cheapest bass drum pedal is miles better, and they're horrible to begin with. :-?
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