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Posts posted by HitoriJaNai

  1. I love this mix a lot. I'm a huge fan of the original, enough of one to follow Lee into his alter ego stage and watch him continue to grow as an artist (though I just couldn't believe the part that he was actually LeeBro... I actually thought it was someone else that happened to be using his name, but really cool that it IS actually him).

    But back to the mix. I liked how you both utilized your talents well and yet didn't feel the need to go into utterly over-the-top showing off. Matt... holy crap, your voice fit this song like I thought no one else's would. Good job! And Connor, great job on your guitar playing! Despite the loose playing and such, it gave it a kind of easygoing feel that made me relax and enjoy it more.

    Finally, of course, congrats on both of you for becoming OC ReMixers! W00T W00T! :-P

  2. Those who aren't 21, are still welcome to come and stay at our place. I at least ask 18 and up so none of us are responsible. Jordan and I don't do any adult activities so you can still hang with us if the crew wants to do something else out of our normal trend. lol I don't wanna bash away other folk. This is our meet-up after all for fun.

    Oh, awesome! Does it count if I'm gonna be 18 very close to that? (Like, say, on Level99's birthday? And Cloud Strife's? (Even if he is overrated.))

  3. Dibs on being on the FFX soundtrack project

    Easily my favorite FF game.

    I concur. That is to say, please don't keep me off it when it happens. That was actually my first Final Fantasy game, and my personal favorite. *cue jumping around and ranting*

    It also ended up being the first time I bought a full-fledged video game soundtrack. And it was wonderful! :-P

  4. Like Luiza, I'm not at all familiar with the source as I haven't played the game (but I got the DS version as a Christmas present, so consider this a preview), but also likewise, I must say that this kicks some serious ass!

    Any gripes I could have aside, great job on the mix and making it rock like there's no tomorrow! A special congratulations as well to Level99... Stevo, you're finally an official OC ReMixer! YAY!

  5. Man, I wish that I could buy stuff based on how much they are rather than how many games I want. :sad:

    I've had to put a halt on my spending, mostly because my parents wonder when I'm ever going to have time to play all of these games. But hey, I say better to get the games when they're at a complete bargain price than later on when I have the time but LESS MONEY. :shock:

    Which is sad, because GTAIV and Bioshock looked really good. So did Defense Grid. And that's not even twenty dollars.

  6. Somewhat surprised no one else has posted here today about the deals...

    Anyways, there are still some really good ones going on. Me, I went ahead and bought Mass Effect and the complete Sam & Max collection. All for the price of a Greatest Hits PC game.

    Steam, I am so coming back next year. :-P

  7. Again, thanks very much for all the kind words! I'm not going anywhere with regards to the site itself, but I do plan to do way more.. stuff in 2010. You can unofficially call it "year of the zircon"; my plan is to have something new out at least every few weeks... sample libraries, remixes, original tracks or CDs, tutorial videos, etc. :<

    HOORAY! :-P

    My evening was just made OVER NINE THOUSAND times better!

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