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Posts posted by HitoriJaNai

  1. Well, my opinion is actually a little varied. To throw a little statistic out there, nine out of every ten people I meet here are absolutely amazing and awesome and everything else good that starts with "A". There is the one, of course, but so far maybe the one hasn't really been that bad or anything, blah blah blah.

    I just know that if I randomly passed an OCR person in a public place, and we knew each other, I would probably be way less shy than I was with a good friend, and would be all smiles and very trusting. :-P

    It's these people that give me a reason to put myself out there time and again, and put some real time and effort into something that I should've been exasperated with long ago. So, thanks, peoples.

    And the minute I get the chance, I am invading MAGFest with my presence!!! (Which, sadly, won't be for a while.)

  2. I would actually like to contribute to this project as a ReMixer (the concept is definitely awesome and helps people to actually do songs that they feel some connection to), but the tracks on here so far are, sadly, all of ones I haven't played. Add to that that, despite no solid deadlines, I haven't been confirmed as a solid ReMixer, or that my suggestions are for parts that have already been filled in. :?

    Who knows? Maybe I'll think of something...

  3. I think anything I say now has honestly already been said, particulary what Level99 said. :-P

    The feeling made me shiver when I heard the MAGFest preview, and honestly, this is a really good song. The background really helps DA's vocals, and the vocals complement the backing perfectly.

    Plus, I can understand the lyrics. Hurrah!

    Awesome work, you two. Hope to hear another collab in the future.

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