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Everything posted by LITHE

  1. good choice, you should never make music because you think it will be popular. Im not a very spiritual person, but I believe the music you make should come deep within your soul. you can try to make the track a bit softer, but it sounds great as is. I only think you should have some of the instruments, such as the violin and the piano, sound a little more realistic. I dont really have that great of piano and violin samples (just the ones that come with kontakt 3) but you should find someone who does. All you have to do is send them the midi, and they can just run it though whatever samples they have.
  2. awesome thats great to hear! its also not a smart idea to get something top of the line when I never really worked with mics. I think the AT2020 is the perfect choice for me.
  3. Hmmm... anyone have any samples of the mics they're using? I read a few reviews on the AT202 from audio-technica. http://www.audio-technica.com/cms/wired_mics/a0933a662b5ed0e2/index.html it seems like a good mic for the price. and about a year ago I bought the ATH-M50 headphones and I was amazed by how good they sound for the price. anyone have their input on the AT2020 EDIT: I found a sound sample for the the AT2020. http://voiceover-casting.com/emporium/blog/articles/sound-sample-at2020/ sounds pretty good, and I found it for as low as $80!
  4. I'm looking into getting a good vocal mic for around $150 to $250. I'm not really sure what to look for, but apparently I have a deeper voice. not sure if that even matters. My room is lightly acoustically treated (meaning I have framed mattress toppers on the wall covered in cloth lol). I also plan on making some sort of foam backing arch behind the mic. I researched a bit on vocal mics but I'm still not sure what to look for! any suggestions?
  5. I really like this track! I really get a strong emotional feeling from it, so great job with that. only suggestions I have is maybe a better piano sample (though it doesn't sound bad) and I would say get a better sample for the lead violin. Though I think you should still consider replacing the lead with a vocal track!
  6. I recently reformatted and Im having a wierd problem linking the modulation wheel to the midi out in FL. when I bring the modulation wheel all the way up it goes up on the midi output in FL just a little. when I bring it back down it goes up on the midi out even more. it keeps doing that until it reaches the top, then it jumps straight down to the bottom and the procces repeats. I had this problem before and I know its not difficult to fix. I just cant remember what I did before any suggestions?
  7. AHHH! thats it! mystery solved! thanks lol
  8. This was and amazing movie! When I saw the MNU alert trailer, it caught my attention almost as much as the Clovefield trailer did! This movie felt so real and it did a great job with throwing me into that mode that you forget your watching a movie. The weapond design was also amazing. This movie saved the summer from how bad and disapointing the transformers sequel was lol!
  9. ok, this has been driving me nuts! I woke up one morning with a song in my head. sometime I know I created the song in my sleep, so I quickly draw out the melody in fl studio so I dont forget. this time I know the song is an actual song. I cant figure out what song it is or who sings it! click the picture below to listen to it. picture the lead synth being vocals. I know that my dream must have altered some parts, but this is pretty much how I heard it when I woke up...
  10. hey thanks for the comment! it really means a lot This song actually has a sad story behind it, but it was meant to give off good feelings to me, and others around me. Thanks agian!
  11. I updated some of the transitions and mellowed down the tempo change a bit. anyone have any suggestions before I master the guitars with Prominy LPC?
  12. this song I've been working on and off for about a month and a half. I really like the way its coming out. in fact, its probably my favorite composition yet. I chose a path that doesnt really follow the standard way a song is layed out. such as the melodic, solo type part plays twice in the song. the second time is raised by two notes, and has a faster tempo. I sort of like how it plays twice (probably because thats my favorite part) but Im not sure how others will like it. so let me know what you what you think about that part. right now Im using real strat for all the guitars, but most will probably be switched over to prominy LPC when its done, because it sounds more realistic. I also feel I need to work on some transitions in the song. any feedback will be greatly appreciated!
  13. good job dude. did you submit it yet? I hope it passes the judges!
  14. Im working on a website. Im going to have a music section and my remakes will be part of it.
  15. the sky sanctuary has already been submitted so its not going to change unless it doesnt pass the judges. if it doesnt pass, then I'll take you advice. I actually only put it up on this thread to explain that I understand what this page is about to neblix. if it doesnt pass then Im going to take a LONG break from it though. Ive been changing it around for the last two years. I pretty much learned music from that remix. kinda wierd I know. the scrap brain was not changed around at all. not even with the drums. its supposed to sound like an updated version of the origional because its a remake not a remix. I actually had to change some things around from the midi I got, because some parts were a little different from the origional track. Im doing this project because hearing all these remixes in the past, before I started working with music, always made me wish somebody would just update the origional track, rather than changing it around.
  16. cool! I dont think I have any complaints on this one. personally I like the length of the track. I feel like a lot of songs these days are too short. though I say wait to see what more OC ReMixers say about it. it does seem like people arent really fans of the quotes though. personally they dont bother me, but you might want to make a version without the quotes and see which one people perfer.
  17. thanks man! finnally someone says something about the songs I posted up. I didnt realize, but the version I put of of sky sanctuary was and older version. heres the newer one. sounds a lot less messy.
  18. I like the new version. its the best version yet! only little complaint is at 7:05, that little tune at the end is too quiet for too long. I say rase the volume on it a bit, and have it fade out from there.
  19. you know if it werent for snappleman I probably would have never heard of OC ReMix. I heard a few project chaos remixes on youtube, but when I heard his malicious fingers remix I had to find out more about that project. when I found OC ReMix I thought it was awesome. thats when I started on my first ReMix.
  20. why? he had a lot of great remixes out there. some of my favorite on this site! also he helped me out a lot with software, plugins, and even the way music itself works. I say he was a great contributor to the site...
  21. problem fixed. thanks! Im only working on sonic 1 at the moment. the remakes from the other sonic games that are up, are sort of out dated and below my standards these days... ...neblixaber, I know what this site is all about. all you have to say is that you get the origional tracks and turn them into a complete song . SnappleMan did a great job explaining to me what should go into a ReMix when I first started out. too bad he got banned : /
  22. honestly I dont like the change that much. It would sound good though if you toned down the rhythm somewhere between the level it was at, and the level it is now. the rhythm in the latest version is a little overpowering...
  23. thank you! yes I dont want to make this a habit. this is my first remix and I put a LOT of time into it. I noticed this problem after I got my adam a7 monitors. should have waited a week before I submitted it lol XD
  24. I subbmitted a remix sometime in May. it didnt show up on the judges pannel yet. when I listen to in now there is an instrument that is over powering. is there a way I can fix that little problem before its up on the judges pannel?
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