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good software for sound design and editing recorded sounds
LITHE replied to LITHE's topic in Music Composition & Production
yes that is thank you! I dont need anything past stereo. the surround will be in the engine itself. yep I know. I have all that covered. heres a quick concept I made a few months back, of the general direction I want the music to be like. I want it to be similar to this but with more synthesizers. note that I made it in one session, so its very repeditive... -
good software for sound design and editing recorded sounds
LITHE replied to LITHE's topic in Music Composition & Production
Im looking for software like this. any recomendations? in the meantime Im going to read up more on Ableton Live... -
good software for sound design and editing recorded sounds
LITHE replied to LITHE's topic in Music Composition & Production
what yoozer doesnt uderstand is that Im looking for software that is primarily for sound design, not music. I already have experience with music. with music, the software I got used to is FL studio. I learned how to use it very fast. these days I use FL just to compose and write out the music, and I use other VST softwares for the synths and samples. slowing down the sounds was probably a bad example on my part. I cant think of a good example at the moment, but take a look at this infinity ward into... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT1JBpR4Hps "Any audio software is hard to learn..." FL studio wasnt. user friendly does not mean its not powerfull. what I meant by that was a software thats easy to get its basics down. thats why I was compared photoshop and fireworks. two very similar softwares, but fireworks is much easier to learn . And because of the way fireworks is layed out, it makes it a lot more efficiant to work with. Omnisphere does sound pretty cool though for the music side, and possibly some of the sound effects. the music style I have in mind is fusion between orchistra, rock, and electro. though Im going to wait before most of the game is done before I start composing music for it. -
Sonic the Hedgehog Remakes, personal Project "Sonic Nostalgia"
LITHE replied to LITHE's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I have a remix. its sanctuary of rock (sonic & knuckles - sky sanctuary zone) I already submitted it and Im waiting to see it in the judges pannel. I submitted it in like late may. i do have a few others in progress. one of the reasons I really enjoy making these remakes though, is you can hear the origional compositions come to life, and you find out that some of the compositions are actually really cool songs when you revive them. even without changing things around. I understand that a lot of people on this site have no interest in remakes, and look at them as half ass remixes . thats why I made sure to put remake on the title, so those people can avoid it, and people who have interests in these remakes can find it. -
Sonic the Hedgehog Remakes, personal Project "Sonic Nostalgia"
LITHE replied to LITHE's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
one day I do want to start an ocremix project. but for me it takes lots of time to make a remix. sanctuary of rock took me two years off and on to make it the quality I wanted it to be. granted I started on it when I barly understood the way music works. this project is something Ive wanted someone to do long before I started making music. remakes are way easier to do than remixes, but thats not the point of this project. but I do put a lot of work into making it sound updated, but still keeping the same "sound" as the origional if you know what I meen. -
good software for sound design and editing recorded sounds
LITHE replied to LITHE's topic in Music Composition & Production
audacity doesnt have the quality that Im looking for. cubase is useful but I really hate the feel of the software. things that should be right in front/easy to find are in some little sub menu. its like photoshop vs. fireworks. fireworks has all the main tools so easy to find and use, and photoshop has them in some hard to find sub menu. Im looking for a powerful user friendly software. this game is comming out amazing, and I feel obligated to have it with awesome sounds. -
my brother and I are working on a game. sound effects and music is left up to me. Im not sure where to start when it comes to sound effects. Im looking for something that I can change recorded sounds, such as slow them down, morph them together, ect. Im also looking for something that I can make sounds from scratch. the only software I have thats slightly useful for editing already recorded sounds, is cubase. but Im looking for something thats more for sound design, and editing sound effects, not instruments. any suggestions for software?
Sonic the Hedgehog Remakes, personal Project "Sonic Nostalgia"
LITHE replied to LITHE's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
oh crap sorry about that! didnt realize that. anyone know of a way I can change the title??? -
Sonic the Hedgehog Remakes, personal Project "Sonic Nostalgia"
LITHE replied to LITHE's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I know I already submitted a remix to this site. just waiting for it on the judges pannel. Im just sharing my remakes with people. these arent going to be submitted to the site, this is a side project for myself. there are few people out there that just want to hear the old songs updated, not changed around. I personally enjoy both, and I know from experience that there are others on this site that enjoy both... thanks for the spell check though! Ive been spelling it that way for years lol everything but the title updated XD If your not interested in the remakes though then dont worry, Im only going to be updating this thread not making others! -
Sorry, this is not an ocremix project. this is a personal project I have been working on. For a while I've been working on some remakes of some of the sonic tunes on my spare time. A little while ago I decided to work on a full remake album of Sonic 1. I want to come out with an album for each genesis sonic game. Im calling this project, "Sonic Nostalgia". I'll be posting my remakes on this thread... I have a few songs done already. Earlier I posted up Star Light zone. I just got done with Scrap Brain zone. Check it out and let me know what you think! Scrap Brain This project may grow to become even more than just remaking the songs. My brother and I have been making games for years and he is one amazing programmer! We are working on a game at the moment, but when we are done we might start working on a full game remake project! Sort of like the Sonic 2 HD remix project, but we have our own ideas that may throw this onto a whole new relm. Remember though, this is just a heads up no guarantees. you can also keep updated at http://Myspace.com/SonicNostalgia Website soon to come!
I would trust your usb headphones. sounds like you need a good pair of studio monitors though. thats what they're meant for, to sound good on everything. and my monitors are telling me that the high frequencies are way to strong. look up voxengoSPAN on google. its a free equalizer thats preatty damn acurate. it doesnt change the frequencies but it helps you monitor them, so you can see the areas you need to fix. try and make the frequencies a little more level. when Im looking at the track through voxengo it shows that you have some strong frequency spikes from around 2 - 5 khz, and a drop in the mid range. as for the palm mute, it sounds to me like your using the slayer synth? well if you are, on it has a knob that says damp. that knob trys to replicate the sound of a palm mute. in the future though, I would definately upgrade from that synth guitar to a good sample software like prominy LPC or even real strat... and if the lead sounds the way you want it to sound then thats whats most important! if your still having trouble with the guitars you can send me over the midi and I can help you out with them ;D
I like this song. I get a good vibe listening to it. it actually sounds like it could be an S.S.H. song. though there a few things I would change. first offf, there isnt too much variety in the song, and mixed with the length of the track makes it very repeditive. the backing guitar adds a good harmony to the track, though I think it needs more rhythm. instead of just having the power chords hit once with sustain for every chord, have it palm mute 8 times for every chord. i think it would add some texture to the track. the guitars do sound very synthetic, though Im guessing you dont have a good sample library or a real guitar. the mix really lacks in the lower frequencies. especually when the lead comes in it feels like its screaching in my ears. I would tone down the lead for sure, and I think you should choose another synth for it. and I can hardly hear the bass drum! I think you need to really crank up the volume on the kick. one thing I would like to hear in the track is a lead guitar following the melody of the lead synth. I think the track has potential, just keep working at it!
fuck yeah! its finally official! this is going to be awesome. I think the movies were the best yet, and Im sure the new episodes will be just as good My favorite was on, I think the third movie, when they do the spoof of the knife show! fuckin amazing!
the sample softare I use is prominy LPC. prominy probably makes the best guitar libraries available... it works with kontakt2 or 3. if I put time into it I can trick almost anyone to thinking its a real guitar! the only downside is it will take up 30 gigs of your hard drive O_o the cartman is there for all the people that say "I would rather hear a live guitar". why dont they tell the people composing orchistra "I would rather hear hear you play the orchistra!" haha! thanks! I had a lot of fun making this too! in the future I want to change some parts but I do like the repeditive rhythm it has. I guess it just brings me back to the 16 bit days
a few weeks ago I decided to make my first rock song with synths. I started comming up with random melodies in my mind and pieced it together. I finnished the composing in about 4 hours and then the next day mastered it in another 4 hours. fastest I have ever created a song. the name of the song is retro shock because the melodies in the second half of the song, were inspired by the origional genesis Sonic The Hedgehog games. I was listening to the song today and Im amazed how good it sounds, made in such a small amount of time (for me lol)!
thats exactly what I was thinking! adding a power chords in the background of the double time part. and I loved that old timpani beat!
this is one of my favorite movie themes of all time! and I think you did a great job on this mix! my favorite it when the snare starts playing double time. I highly disagree that this song does not go well with guitar, but everybody has their prefrences. only thing I'd like to hear is maybe another guitar. something backing and harmonizing the lead. though its great as it is. well done!
Im trying to do collab work with somebody. The website I usually use, does not allow midi uploads for sharing. anyone know of a good site I can share midi files on? and no, I didnt find anything good on google...
Sonic & Knuckles 'Sanctuary of Rock' (Sky Sanctuary Zone)
LITHE replied to LITHE's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Well here I am with another update for sanctuary of rock. I decided to finish it few weeks ago and Im really happy with the way it turned out. I would love to hear some more comments! though I am not changing around the composition again. I think this time I got everything down, and the song turned out to be the way I wanted it to sound when I first started laying out the piano intro about two years back! so much off and on work! but I learned a lot in the process. well the track is a lower quality version. its not 100% fine tuned yet. Im going to wait til I get my new Adam A7 monitors for all the little touch ups needed. I hope that you guys like the remix as much as I do! download here... -
Sonic the Hedgehog- StartLight zone (REMAKE)
LITHE replied to LITHE's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Im glad you guys like it! I might turn this into a remix in the future, but I have to get my remix of sky sanctuary from sonic & knuckles done before anything else. I have been working on it on and off for about two years, ever since I started playing around with music. I am just about done with the entire song but I want to wait til I get my adam a7's for the final monitoring. this time I just have to accept that my song will not meet everybody's standards, so I can just finally get it off my back... Also be sure too keep your eyes peeled for other remakes! Ill be posting them here until the sonic 1 remake album is finished! -
A few months back I remade starlight zone for a Sonic 1 remake album Im working on. I updated the origional track it into a rock/ska song. I know this is not a remix but I thought some of you guys might like it! Origional source...
What headphones or monitors (speakers) should I buy?
LITHE replied to zircon's topic in Music Composition & Production
I have a pair of these too. I absolutely love them! they have a decently level, full range frequency response. probably the best sealed back headphones out there. very well insulated and great for vocals and other types of recording. I usually use my ath m50's for recording, and final mastering with my sennhieser HD650's. that is until I get my Adam a7 monitors in about two weeks... -
ROFL! I looked it up to see what the hell that was. that was an awesome hoax. I actually believed it for a few minutes. I was shocked, though this really wouldn't be a surprise from mac. "...spent 45 min. writing an email to his friend."
I would recommend a big center trackball. I feel that being able to switch between 3 fingers (index, middle, & ring) helps the accuracy and flow. Though it seems like a thumb trackball would be an easier transition from mouse to trackball because left clicking with your thumb takes some getting used to. its very true that trackballs take less desk space. I have a desk with a sliding tray and before there wasnt enough room for my mouse and keyboard. so my keyboard was on the tray and mu mouse was on the desk... it was very annoying. now Im able to fit both on the tray. also trackball is supposably healthier for your wrist and doesnt cause repetitive movement stress or whatever. though after about 10 years of using a mouse I naver had an issue with my wrist...