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Everything posted by Nyuura

  1. I have a sudden decrease of confidence in my entry. HOOOO BOY.
  2. Ohgodohgodohgod. The deadline. It's almost here. OHGODOHGOD.
  3. D gets my vote. Nothing makes me want to scream "bullshit" aloud more than "unavoidable" crap.
  4. BRING IT OOOOON! But, nah, here's hoping your idea doesn't crush mine! Goin' rather swimmingly, I must say! Had a couple of failed attempts at various popular Nintendo sidekicks. Now I can never love them again.
  5. I hope this competition will continue running despite the bannination. I mean, why else did I sign up to the forums!? (Pleasedon'thitme!) I've never used GIMP before, but I've always been curious about it. How is it any different from, say, Photoshop?
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