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Everything posted by Nyuura

  1. Me likey. This is the kind of weirdness I'd want to try illustrating.
  2. How's everyone's progress on this, eh?
  3. Interesting, but Yahtzee's murderous stare at the camera is absolutely unnerving...
  4. Chances are that I won't be able to enter. So anyone else is free to draw boobie-- I mean, Tifa in ribbons. I'm afraid I'd over-inflate her chest too... It's hard getting that size without, y'know, exaggerating TOO much.
  5. Suggestion considered.
  6. Holy shit, this is AWESOME. Especially that part where Mario's all, like, "Why you still listening to Mario? Get off your fat ass and BUY (insert name here) SOME GAMES!"
  8. *Thoughtful chin rub* Bit unsure about whether I'll have time to do this, but we'll see. And just superimpose a Santa hat on top of any ol' character's head?
  9. Aw, for serious? Thanks for the info. Now I know that the PS3 I'm getting won't be able to play PS2 games. Ah, well.
  10. Entry number 3... Is... Is that a towering pillar of hair...? Oh, man, great, great submissions. <3
  11. Megaman X3's Sigma for me. First, you blast at him and his heavily-armored ass. Then he tries to possess you while you frantically climb walls in order to avoid the BOILINGHOTMAGMA that's suddenly flooding into the base. What. The. Junk.
  12. Uh, not what I had in mind.
  13. I din't drawr no boss, though Ganon's "DANGI'MHUGE" boar-thing form was very... tempting. This is not a bump. Okay, it is...
  14. Jeremy Soule's stuff always blows me away. Guild Wars, Neverwinter Nights, and Morrowind/Oblivion come to mind.
  15. Surprisingly enough, I submitted mine real early.
  16. Fun, but not really when playing with three other friends who don't know how to work together and only want the glory of being #1 in point-collecting. Luckily the game allows our little people to beat the crap out of each other so that's a plus!
  17. I have a great idea of what I want to draw, but we shall see if I'll be able to pull it off.
  18. Sure, why not? Don't forget about vidja game villains. They go through ULTIMATE POWER phases all the dang time. Also, thank you, Bleck, for putting "ULTIMATE POWER" in all caps. You're sexy.
  19. Feel free to slap me silly and call me "Bozo" if you don't like the theme I chose. Ah, I'm so jealous. I can't handle color pencils. I seem incapable of coloring lightly.
  20. Bonzai, the Companion Cube shenanigans was too funny. What medium did you use? (I can't tell if it's colored pencils or just regular graphite + colored pencils.)
  21. i loled A's got my vote only because I can't seem to remember who dies first in most RPGs I've played.
  22. Oh, crap, I can't forget Star Control II neither. Anybody else remember that?
  23. LucasArts adventure games plz. I think I still have Sam & Max: Hit The Road, Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, and Monkey Island 3... But I regret not keeping Loom. That was the first adventure game I beat. All. By. Myself.
  24. Ohmanoohhhman. So many awesome entries... and not a single one from the Mario universe. I was half-expecting a ton of Yoshi and Luigi submissions. Lol @ Companion Cube hullabaloo.
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