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Everything posted by Nyuura

  1. I wouldn't mind, Bonzaibabe. This has happened with me on my crappy laptop. Have you tried closing and opening up Photoshop again? That was the solution to my mysterious disappearance of tablet pressure. :\
  2. How many entries we got so far, Bonzai?
  3. Fan Art Competition 21: Femme Fatales Prize: Honor
  4. I am suddenly motivated to win this competition as hard as I can. Not really, but I have an entry now...
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7RDhKMCHIQ THE DIIIIIIIIIIG
  7. I ain't entering. I have art projects to do.
  8. There's a store in Torrance called Gameland if you wanna check it oot.
  9. Akira Toriyama comments! Fo sho, fo sho.
  10. I thought about this too, but SCIII still haunts my dreams.
  11. Pre-cise-ly. I can't think of any other character with an insane running speed and ungodly slow Smash attacks.
  12. Taki for Soul Calibur. Captain Falcon for SSB. Why is he too man for me to handle!?
  13. If, and only if, the remake's background art is just as stunning as the original's.
  14. Zelda's badass enough for me right here.
  15. Yeah, I called bullshit on this part and proceeded to noclip my way away from it. LOL WHAT A QUITTER
  16. Subject must meet these requirements: 1. Female (or feminine-looking so that if we're talking robots, they only need to LOOK like they have female bits) 2. Badass, but does not necessarily HAVE to be "sexy" So, yes, to Curly Brace if you think she is badass. Yes to any female fighting game character because they are most likely badass. A fully-suited Samus (helmet and all) would be a bit on the iffy side. There are very few implications of femininity in the armor design, but taking off the helmet, it lets people think, "That is one badass babe."
  17. "How to play maps You download a map and put a .bsp file in Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\maps And a game begins when I input it with "map l4d_vs_hunter_city_b1" from a console. If you are a survivor, I push the M key, and please become an infected."
  18. LAFF-O! Anybody ever tried the Hunter practice map and beat it?
  19. Jubilation! What's the plan then, boss?
  20. You were sexy. Don't worry. So, uh... what's happenin' with all this?
  21. S-S-S-SECONDED. (Surprisingly, Millennium Actress came out 2001, but it feels like it's older than that.) A lot of the movies directed by Satoshi Kon are amazing. Along with Millennium Actress, consider watching Perfect Blue and DEFINITELY Paprika. Some of the trippiest shit you'll ever see, but that's because that's how Mr. Kon rolls; you never can be sure of what's "real" and what's not in his movies. Tokyo Godfathers is a bit of a warm fuzzies kinda movie so I'm not sure if you'd wanna try that. Because Paprika is so amazing, here's a trailer:
  22. Not my fault Griffith is such a woman. Which reminds me... Has Berserk been suggested as well?
  23. I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but I personally enjoyed Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, a cyberpunk anime with female protagonists beating the crap out of renegade robots. There's an earlier version of the series as well, in case you wanna give it a shot. I've only seen Tokyo 2040 so I can't say which is the better. Older, 1987: Newer, 1998:
  24. If you want to use it for something else, go ahead!
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