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Everything posted by tom1uphat

  1. There are three dancers in Castelia City. There are located in the Central Plaza, Narrow Street, and Unity Pier. When you defeat the three, they give you an Amulet Coin. EDIT: Brushfire, Y U NO LET ME RESPOND?
  2. Yeah; I'm still on my Blue DS Fat, so I decided to upgrade finally.
  3. Black Version Snivy Will not have a friend code until March 27.
  4. I got back in town on the 8th, but the campus post office was closed until today because of snow. Today, while I got December and half of January's mail, I received a package containing... 2 CDs! - Le Best of Cirque du Soleil - Hybrid - Remix and Additional Production by... Thanks, ProjectSpam! I am currently copying the music onto my computer, which will then be listened to while I am supposed to be learning about MATLAB!
  5. Mine shipped out on the 30th, so it should be there anytime.
  6. I bought Sonic Colors on Tuesday, but I haven't been able to play it as my Wii is back home and I am at college, so it's pretty cool Thanksgiving break is coming up. Did anyone else notice that it says "preform" instead of "perform" on the back of the box?
  7. All Right, I'm in. EDIT: Since I'm relatively new around here, I should probably give some idea of what I would like. I like stuff that is physical stuff; it doesn't have to be anything unique, because when it is mine, it becomes unique and even more awesome. But something that is unique beforehand would become double unique, so it would reach the level of badass. So just something physical, and most preferably in a box, because opening the box is half the fun. And I think I started with a reference to The Fountainhead, and went downhill from there.
  8. I forgot about this game until I saw this. Now I'm disappointed about something I had already forgotten about.
  9. I would like to join, but I'm not going to have a real address until January 10th, so whoever gets me will have to wait until then to send my gift. Is that OK, or will I have to pass on this?
  10. I somehow found Hedgehog Heaven while looking for the original Sonic 2 soundtrack. And then I came here.
  11. I would like to be Whitelisted too.
  12. Sonic The Hedgehog 2. Back when my best friend got the game, we were about 3 years old. We sucked too much to beat the part in Chemical Plant Zone 2 where you need to climb up the stairs that filled up with the purple water, so we would spend hours on the first two levels of the game. So about five songs will remain ingrained into my mind until I die.
  13. I Know One Winged Angel is changed for this, but... Haters gonna hate.
  14. Finally fixed my payment issues. My in-game name is tom1uphat. I might stop in every once in a while to help out.
  15. I'd be in on this...if my payment finally went through. There seems to be a problem with my account being activated for the Alpha, even though the Paypal payment was accepted. Waiting it out for a couple days until I decide to raise some hell.
  16. A few nights ago, I was listening to my Ipod Touch (2G 16 gig) when the screen went completely off. Thinking it was frozen, I held the two buttons trying to reset it; after about fifteen seconds, I let go of the buttons and started to look online about why my Ipod wasn't resetting. After about five minutes, I smelled what seemed to be circuitry burning; I picked up my Ipod and immediately set it down, as it was too hot to hold. The smell got really strong, and then went away after about ten more minutes. I touched my Ipod again, and it was cooled down and reset. When it turned on, the lower half of the screen was totally white, but it slowly faded back to the color it should have been, and everything then worked fine. However, it has happened four or five times since; but, the screen only went white the first time. Now, for a few questions; 1) Has this happened to anyone else? 2) Should I try to deal with Apple and get a replacement, as there is no lasting damage? If this happens again and the screen messes up, I'm going to take a picture and post it here, but it's going to be a waiting game until then.
  17. I can make music with my A.S.S. without needing to use OCRemix's A.S.S. <Insert crude fart joke here>
  18. NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I was hoping that at least the Celadon Game Corner would still have slots. I mean, I own at the Voltorb Flip and have about 25000 coins from it, but I liked the slots. Except the Clefairy ones in the D/P/Pt Game Corners. I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!
  19. I think she plays Pokemon while tripping on meth, so on second thought, she could be anywhere from 20 to 80.
  20. I was going to get the Pichu during the event, but didn't have the balls to do it. But for Jirachi, I just might. And it's not that I didn't want to be seen by anyone I know downloading a free Pokemon; it's just that one of the workers at my local Gamestop is obsessed with Pokemon. When I got Platinum, she talked to me for about an hour until my cell phone rang, saving me from the eternal torture of a crazy old lady (60+) telling me about her level 100 Dragonite.
  21. If I had the skills, and a 100 man orchestra at my command, I would make an awesome Halo/Metroid mix album; but all I have is me, who can slightly play piano, a friend who can play the drums, and a pretty cool pencil sketch on notebook paper of an album cover. So we need 98 more people. And Martin O'Donnell. AP English IV/ U.S. Government is pretty boring sometimes. And that's where I got that part of the medley from. That whole performance was awesome, with the exception of the Mario theme with vocals. But the encore song made it all better.
  22. I'm going to be at college by September, so I'm buying a new computer when I go; maybe I'll try it then. But until then, it's PS3 for me.
  23. I would try it, but my computer really sucks. But Supreme Surrender made me want to try the first one, just like the Strangerhood made me go out and but the Sims 3. Stupid Rooster Teeth.
  24. The most amazing remix, or rearrangement (so the grammar police don't get me) would be one of Still Alive from Portal. The first stanza or so would be normal, than it would break into a ragtimey remix of Pokemon Pinball, followed up by a bigbandish Bomb-Omb's Battlefield, then a 50's rock version of Hill Top Zone (Sonic 2), then a jazzed up Megaman theme, then a grungeish version of the FF7 battle theme, then a futuristic techno version of Chrono's theme, then back to Still Alive to finish it out. That seriously would be a triumph.
  25. That much money for Too Human? I hated that game. It seemed like killing the same bad guy 5 million times in one endless hallway. Got old after about 5 minutes.
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