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Everything posted by djpretzel

  1. I actually thought it had a few interesting elements, and the original itself is not your traditional fare for mixing. Overall, I agree with your votes, just wanted to add a bit of positive in there. It's certainly unique, it just needs to be a little less grating and a bit more accessible.
  2. Well, rarely do I need to tiebreak, and usually it would be towards the negative, but in this case I liked the choir implementation and the synth work towards the end quite a bit. Surprised it got the four no's it did, actually, though perhaps it takes too long to get to "the good stuff". YES
  3. Live recording of yours truly muttering some pseudo-Japanese and nonsense words. It actually loops if you listen closely, and includes the word "Kudasai" or "please" for no real reason. There's mucho effects on it and it's meant to sound like . . an incantation
  4. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  5. Hey, It's me again. Hopefully this submission will make it through, even though I didn't spend much time on it. I thought about not sending it because it was too...well....boring. But what the hell there's always a chance. This is a remix of Nocturne of Shadow from Ocarina of Time. Wheeee.
  6. I'm the guy that once submitted a pretty bad "industrial" Xenogears under the name DJ Meiji... But now I use the name Conal and I have abandoned my synthesized music ways (mostly... just a bit of synth in this remix.. the rest being sampled acoustic drum kits with recorded guitar) is the URL the remix is of two songs. the quieter parts are Id's theme from Xenogears. the louder parts are Grahf's theme from same game. the overall remix closely resembles a song by a Japanese gothic death metal band, probably because i modeled the mix after the song... the two Xenogears songs seemed to fit into the goth song's style and phrasing, etc... so I just felt like doin it. it was a kind of strange indulgence... just sort of abandoning all self-influencial creativity and utilizing other music to achieve something slightly new. oh well, whatever. the volume is particularly low in the song...i tried raising it but it ruined the sound quality at points, so i guess just turn up your volume. that's me screaming in the middle of the song. hope you like it. from Conal
  7. Very Good. I don't know the original. If someone can confirm this is from SS2 and can verify it changes things around a bit, that'd be great. I'd say it's a definite post, we just need to confirm if possible . . . ? -djp artist: pluhgt artist website: http://pluhgt.enigmati.ca song title: overload game title: system shock 2 song url: thanks!
  8. Well, he seems pretty upset. I guess vgmix being down ruined his evening. Anyhow, we don't usually allow multiple subs at the same time, but if someone could check his stuff out and see if it's good, maybe suggest we vote on the best, that'd be cool. -djp Ok I've tried several (and I mean serveral times) to send in a remix here. Never once has it been posted, to the best of my knowledge. so here is my final attempt and maybe out of all the frustration only because vgmix down. I'm certain it's not because of low quality I am supremely confident that when you listen you'll enjoy my remixes Here is a site that I have compiled in my spare time with the songs, descriptions, and even screenshots. It is all mine, take whatever you like and butcher the id3/id2 tags all you want. Thankyou for you time, I do appreciate your input into this hopefully developing scene. - Disturbed -=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-= music is my life.
  9. Recording quality is kinda ass. I suppose the question is, is it good enough so that we request a higher-quality version if available, or don't bother? - djp Hey! got music --> Its from "Zelda: Ocarina of Time" on Nintendo 64 greetz stoke
  10. Wellsir, remember my submission a lil' while back, 'Kefka vs. Sanity'? General response was 'Not bad, could be better'. So I used some better samples, and better skills (Well... it was a while between the times I made the two, I like to think I've improved) to 'resubmit' Psychotic Tendency, Kefka's Theme of FFIV. Enjoy! M@
  11. Hi, the song that I have remixed is from tetris. It can be found at: My handle is Alwis I did this whole song from scratch in an old shareware tracker program if that interests you.. it probably doesn't And, my e-mail address is hekkeller@hotmail.com.
  12. The FTP l/p do actually work -djp Hey dj pretzel! Before I go on to tell you where to find my submission and stuff, let me personally compliment you on your site. Overclocked ReMix is one of the coolest (and best designed) websites I have ever seen. I don't know how many songs I have downloaded from your site so far, and the talented ReMixers that you showcase are crazy! (In a good way, of course.) Oh, and by the way, Revival Day Impoetus plays in my headphones every day! Now, on to my song. After listening to slaveone's c64 ReMix, and just sitting in awe at how catchy it was, I knew I had to try this. I happen to be a pretty damn good clarinet and tenor sax player, so I do have some experience -- just not with electronica. I remember playing Arkanoid on my old NES, and I had happened to play Arkanoid on a Commodore at a friend's house. I realized that they go pretty well together, save for the fact that the Nintendo version didn't have much music except for the intro and GAME OVER screen. I might be a n00b at this (newbie, if you don't play FPSes online), but I personally like this song for a first try. Plus, in my friends' and relatives' opinions, it's really good for MTV Music Generator! Enough yakin'. Here's where you can find it: The username is _____ and the password is _____. This is the ftp to my online comic (that I haven't updated in about a month, because of schoolwork), so I am on your honor that you won't tell this to anybody!!! (If you do, I will curse the name of dj pretzel for life and become a catholic nun!) If I don't make the cut, then I'll try again. If I do, then I'll still do another ReMix. Either way, you might hear a Super Punch Out!! ReMix next.
  13. This sample from the original or no? Too extensive? -djp Hi I am submitting a techno break remix of the worm stage boss of PSO hope you like it cheers! electroretro "prepare to qualify,space cadet" www.electroretro.com
  14. This is a medley, and it helps to read the description quite a bit - djp Hi pretzel! Instead of just saying "here I am, please take this," I think this next submission heeds some explanation. Download it at: The idea behind this one is a bit narrative. I won't write a story or anything; hopefully, the music will do that enough. But the piece has been remixed in three parts: two halves "of the game" and then post- game; the first "half" borrowed from the FFX track "Blitz off!" with arhythmic drum patterns and "dotty" synths, and I wove in "Tidus' Theme" rather prominently there, as well as hinted at "Wakka's Theme"; the second "half" (after another, more brooding iteration of "Unwavering Decision") breaks into the heavy-metal material from "Otherworld" and continues to touch on Tidus' Theme, until the game comes to a close with a suspenseful buildup meant to illustrate the game-winning shot (which is obviously identified with the familiar FF victory fanfare); this quickly fades to the third section, which is predominantly a loose remix of Wakka's Theme, and then the section ends with a fanfare of Tidus, one last time, and finis. I should note "Wakka's Theme" isn't really USED in the game, but it is accessable by players as bonus (if you've plated FFX, you need to buy all the music spheres to hear it). So, there it is, just under the 6 meg cutoff; hope you enjoy it! And, by the way, thanks for plugging the Fate of Io project; that really was above and beyond. We're trying to get some of our people to check out OCR as a meager attempt of appreciation. Later! - Dev
  15. Name/handle to be credited to: kirbz Email address: kirbz71@hotmail.com Name of song: "Final Fantasy 9 - Not Alone! k-mix" Remixed by: kirbz MP3 found at: This is my first application, let me know if you accept it / reject it Thanks, -kirbz
  16. Artist: Kilu email: kilu_mah@hotmail.com homepahe: Game: Ninja Gaiden Name: The Mask Original Composers: More Yamasan and B. Hasake Company: Tecmo Ltd. "Orchestral rearrangement of The Masked Devil music. Short piece with mindblowing melody. In my opinion, this is most likely the best orchestrated music I have so far rearranged. Only thing that bothers me is the end. Cuz there practically is none. So it could be better, but I had been doing this for almost whole evening and it was kinda late when I finished it, and I had no more inspiration left to invent better ending. So it will have to do. Don't hate it as much as I do. Overall, I think this piece is nice, and all "orchestral" music lovers should check it out... and give couple comments as well Of course, it's nowhere near Russells stuff. Bare that in mind... On side note; This game was called "Shadow Warrior" in Europe, and most likely in US as well." The mp3 has OCR tag, and is about 2 megs. XM is tested with ModPlug and XMPlay. Effects work most likely with ModPlug only. Size is about 2 megs. And as usual, no direct link, just download the damn piece from the URL below _________________________________________________________________ Protect your PC - get McAfee.com VirusScan Online http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3963
  17. Hello, I am submitting a ReMixed track from Sonic Spinball, specifically the Lava Powerhouse level, and the unique name I have chosen for the ReMix is 'LavaMechanics.' Sonic Spinball is, of course, a 1993 game for the Sega Genesis. My artist info is as follows. Artist name: Catatonic Porpoise E-mail address: graue@fojar.com Web site: (just a list of songs right now, since at the moment I am more interested in making music than web sites) The ReMix URL is: Thank you for your time and for operating such a cool ReMix site! I also like the comic, which I used to read before OC ReMix existed. Sincerely, Catatonic Porpoise
  18. Pretty good stuff . . . - djp That's the url for the mix. If you decide that it makes the cut, I'd like it credited to klm09; however, I'd much enjoy it if you could mention in the ReMix write up that I'm a.k.a. Mikko Nousiainen. It's not exactly "my" website, but I'm involved with this non-profit game development organisation, Night Skies Productions; the url is http://nsp.davidr.com You might have to edit the ID3 tag a bit.. sorry about that. I missed the "http://" from the Album field; also, if it's not possible to have two urls in the URL field, take the second one out. If it refuses to download, it might be due to Angelfire bandwidth limits.. try again in a period of time. I hope I didn't miss out anything. Oh, my email is mikkonousiainen@ieatcatsforfun.com Thank you.
  19. ReMixer name: Shadow Email address: shadow@starmen.net Website: Song location: Song name: Malevolent Magicant Game: Earthbound Genre: Horror / Suspense / Techno
  20. Hello DJ Pretzel! I have a mix I'd like to submit. It's called "Her Azure Eyes," and is a ReMix of Azure Lake Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 3. This a shorter version of this mix was originally written for the IronMix challege, a mixing contest a few of the forum members and I do every week or so. The entire mix took me about five hours to do over the course of two friday nights. It's a dance/trance tune, but it's a bit more happy than usual, as it uses a flute and some nice strings. I'd like this creditted to DarkeSword. Thank you. ~Shariq Ansari, aka DarkeSword
  21. Can anyone more familiar with the original than myself fill us in? -djp Please accept this donation; I think it should do more than just rot on my hard drive. Song Title: Chasing the Skaarj Author: DJ Contrast (Kevin Conner) Game: Unreal Platform: PC Producers: Epic Megagames Original Author: Alexander Brandon Original Title: 'Surfacing' and 'Dusk Horizon' Genre: Hardcore (electronic) Length: 3:02 Bitrate: 192kbps The song can be found here: Put this in the description if you like: I wrote this sucker with the intention of putting it in a UT2003 racing mod that I got too busy to continue developing, and so it's now just a freestanding hardcore remix of two songs from original Unreal. The title is derived from the racing pace of the song and from the bad guys of the single player game, the Skaarj. The original songs are both by Alexander Brandon. One is called Surfacing, and is played when you arrive at the Nali city in the sky. The two main riffs are taken from that piece. One of the other riffs is taken from Dusk Horizon, which is played after leaving the prison ship when you're forced to fight for the first time. Another of the riffs is from some song from either Descent or Descent II, whose author I don't know. I just had the song in my head at the time and had to get it out somehow, and the riff fit in nicely. Thanks for running your site, it's awesome! -DJ Contrast
  22. Hi DJP! My name is Curt Castro. I've been a OC fan for a few years now, and I've finally decided to try and contribute to all the great work up there. I've remixed my roomate's and my favorite Chrono Cross song: the map theme of Another World. It's entitled "Sailing Chrono Style." You can access the mp3 at It's on the main page there. The site is bare except for the mp3. My remix name is Count Curt should you find the song to your liking. Don't worry about posting up my email or web page. Thanks for all your hard work and consideration. We appreciate all you do! Let me know what you think. Take care and God bless! Curt
  23. Ok, I have been doing a lot of work since my first submission and I can tell you that this one is MUCH better. I have always loved orchestrated remixes as well and wanted to hear how Tetris could turn out, I got my answer and hope to get it submitted for ALL to hear. Anyway this is the first of a three-movement piece I'm working on; the other two movements will be the other two most popular Tetris songs, so here it is: Artist: Trance-Canada E-Mail: trancecanada@hotmail.com Trance-Canada www.mp3.com/_trancecanada
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