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Everything posted by Jhawk

  1. it's all in good fun
  2. your a Dick you know that
  3. Arek stop being a asshole!!! but your right i'll deal with him
  4. sorry wildgamer strikes again. Candy Bars!!!!
  5. Let the combo video's begin Ken, Ryu, Gouken, Akuma, Adon, Dudley, Cody and Juri. crazy if you want to how to play with Cody in Super Street Fighter 4. this is a good video and if you want to know Cody's combo's Dee Jay Tutorial
  6. Zircon all i can say is you play online a lot but it's not about just going online. what i do is stay offline and train...a lot. i don't know about you guys this game is getting boring. nothing is challenging anymore. yes challenge mode is suppose to be challenging but there all repeats from SF4 if you use the 25. With that said I'm 40% done with trails, I'm done with Balrog's Trails and I'm on M.Bison last one. With Dudley i know i suck with him, knowing this going on ranked match is a no no. my answer is go on versus mode and play against ALL the characters at less 4 times on hard so i know how to face different characters and know what to watch out for. Training mode is key also,so Mr.Zircon its not about going online and playing people you should go offline and stay on point with your moves and characters. we should all go on team battle when all of us get online
  7. Hyadain2525 made the song
  8. i just send you a friend request Neblix
  9. sorry he's my apprentice and Tinus i will add you so i can test your skills
  10. We are all playing ssf4 this awsome
  11. My Gametag Hall Hawk24 im going to be on ALL DAY
  12. your ass is mine
  13. Dude did you remix Balrog theme?
  14. she sucks at video games and if i take her to my friends im not going to pay any attention to her at all so that's not a good. But yeah we all should get all of are gamer tags and go on Endless battle. that's a awesome idea but seriously im not going on the date she can go kick rocks.
  15. so i played SSF4 on Saturday! my local K Mart was breaking street date. BUT friend my friend was a dick and bought 4 copy's so by the time i got there they didnt have any left. Chun li is bull shit. Arek was right i hate her ever more. uhhh cody's OK Dudley is the Awesome his quarter circle kick and go throw fire balls i didn't know his target combos but if your a good player you can use him. I'm going to his and play......for hours But i have a date with this girl. and i don't know if i wanna go on a date. (what should i do?)
  16. You damn right. i blast his theme in my car all the time
  17. Zircon made the best Fei long remix ever. end of story Gen Blanka Dan Dhalsim T.Hawk E.Honda Theme of Hakan
  18. i just found the redone themes for some of the Characters Dudley My N**** Balrog Adon Cody Vega (Claw) Guy Fei long Balrog's theme is ok. It's not that awesome, it just shows what a good job Malcos and Neostorm did with there remixes
  19. dude most of these arcade sticks are not made to last. it ready dosen't matter which one you buy.
  20. i bet i'll still beat your ass with Boxer 1&2
  21. you lucky Asshole. i know you played with Chun il how was she? i bet she sucks
  22. dude i can help you. HallHawk24 is my Gametag for Xbox live i'll be on ALL DAY come get some
  23. nice Video yo but we all know Sagat damage has been tone down. but from the bolgs i've been reading Balrog has not been changed. AT ALL:grin:
  24. your full of S*** no Guy, Cody,
  25. whatever dude . With 2 Boxers its ON
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