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Everything posted by Jhawk

  1. preview of the Characters Theme Im likein how Ryu's theme is a club beat
  2. Jhawk is in. if i'm not playing Sonic Adventure
  3. Yun Yang Ultra Combos
  4. Albert Wesker http://tgs.gamespot.com/video/6276472/
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODBjnpdYR2U Yun Yang Game play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhZH0acMpYE Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Trailer New Costumes Alternate Outfits video and if you wanna look at all of the New Alternates http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2010/sep/12/kens-new-alternative-costume-ssf4/
  6. X-23 is now Confirmed if you don't who she is here you go http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-23 Trailer here X-23 and Tron Bonne in action here
  7. your right this game is going to be a stress reliever for me from Street Fighting BUT it not working. I played thought the Campaign all day yesterday and some of the missions are the same thing over and over again and went about 50% of the Campaign and (didn't save) so i gotta play it ALL OVER again. i was so mad:banghead:
  8. SOOO who is getting Reach we should all have a OCR Halo Reach
  9. 50 bucks it is then
  10. :sleepzzz::sleepzzz:
  11. lol i'll give MegaRan 50 bucks if he does a joint with Brentalfloss lol
  12. • Guile's damage has been nerfed and his Sonic Boom no longer builds Super meter. It seems unlikely that the latter change will stay in the game, though. Another player using Guile said he felt like he was more or less the same, so the damage nerf may not have happened either. • M. Bison's Ultra 2 is now a charge motion with way more recovery. It's performed by doing a Back then Forward command twice with 3x Punch. • Sagat has his overall attack power slightly increased. • Balrog's Ultra 2 is now a double half-circle back motion instead of a 720. OOOO DAMN • Abel's command throw does less damage now. His Roll travels slightly more distance. (Take that The Derrit)
  13. Neblix your suppose to be on my side I'm one of your biggest fans
  14. are you guys serious? i been posting Fighting game news ALL YEAR and you guys don't trust me. intend of doubting me look on SRK or Event Hubs,com Mr.X Super Street Fighter 4 Turbo will not happen http://www.eventhubs.com/ http://shoryuken.com/
  15. This is what im talking about Zircon this awesomeness :-Pgood work son
  16. YUN & YANG now official No Trailer Yet new balance changes have been reported. I Quote the Following • Yun's Super is the infamous Genei Jin from Street Fighter 3 Third Strike. Some people claimed they saw a combo where this took off 50% life. • Zangief's EX Green Hand no longer knocks down. • Hakan's Oil Shower stacks, i.e. it can be applied multiple times, which adds to the overall time it stays on. Also, he has a Kick follow up after applying Oil. Another follow up option after Hakan's slide allows the choice between doing more damage or oiling up again. Also, he can reportedly combo Standing Light Kick into his Oil Shower. • Yang and Yun have their Third Strike target combos. • Yun apparently feels sluggish, like Makoto in SSF4. • Seth's Jumping Hard Punch is gone... it wasn't clear what exactly this was replaced with. • The distance Blanka flies away after a blocked Beast Roll has been cut in half. • Ryu and Akuma's Air Hurricane Kicks are no longer as effective for escaping bad situations. • Juri's Kick Fireball seems easier to combo with now. • Hakan's 360 command grab with Kick can be canceled. This is where he runs in place and if you let go of the button he attempted to jump towards his opponent and grab them. • E. Honda's Ultra 2 Oicho Throw has had its command changed from a 720 rotation to a 2x half-circle back motion.
  17. Tron Bonne is back! New MvC3 Cinematic
  18. check your messages son
  19. FINE :banghead:
  21. LOOK what i found
  22. No shit dude
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