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Everything posted by Jhawk

  1. Shout outs to my main characters theme being GODLIKE:-D
  2. O MY GOD your doing Balrog theme Thank you sooooooo much thank you thank you. i love your style of remixing. GRMRB 2011 your Napalm man vs Crash Man remix was out of this world. i look forward to your work. Thank you

  3. yo someone do balrog's theme i don't post that often can so someone do Balrog http://youtu.be/F9MlKtr4dpY Dudley http://youtu.be/t6eb-amjZOg Dudley has 2 themes http://youtu.be/A8ptLChN9Xo or Rolento theme from STxT http://youtu.be/LpVO5AgXsx0 I'll be truly grateful
  4. anyone want to make a online lobby? for marvel
  5. http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2011/oct/13/phoenix-wright-and-nova-revealed-ultimate-marvel-vs-capcom-3/ trailers for Phoenix Wright and Nova
  6. http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2011/sep/21/character-themes-new-fighters-ultimate-marvel-vs-capcom-3/ New Characters themes check them out
  7. http://forums.gametrailers.com/thread/street-fighter-x-tekken--chara/1191284 All you scrubs should read this before it gets taken down
  8. bring your ass online sometime so we can play. you never get online
  9. you guys should check this out http://youtu.be/aVe-em3241k
  10. im REALLY pissed off with on concrete man AND OVERDRIVE SCRAMBLE (SPECIAL STAGE) http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2QOJDWErPc
  11. FINALLY good to see this album didn't die
  12. Hilde, Voldo, Maxi, and Tira are Returning SC5 http://shoryuken.com/2011/08/15/hilde-voldo-maxi-and-tira-return-to-soul-calibur-v/
  13. http://shoryuken.com/2011/07/21/hugo-joins-street-fighter-x-tekken-along-with-cody-and-guy/ you guys should check out the news and the crazy cinematic
  14. your right Ivy is in his guy is in also
  15. Who give a F*** about megaman? lol
  16. that was me
  17. http://8wayrun.com/threads/takis-replacement-revealed-new-ninja-character.7674/ Check out Taki's Replacement you guys some 16 year old B**** with no tits........................NO TITS
  18. Drep Dreper Drep http://youtu.be/0kyf-taHa4g
  19. i played the demo and i just don't care anymore. i been played sonic games since i was a kid and the demo is a BIGGER step in the right direction then sonic 4 but it's not enough to make me buy another $60 dollar game
  20. DERP DERP DerP.............like a boss
  21. put a sock in it. you can't beat my Hakan.
  22. http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2011/feb/07/yang-moves-and-combo-video-ssf4-arcade-edition/ Yang combo video Oni Tip and tircks video
  23. Pyrrha Character Demo http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-soul-calibur/715411 she is Sophitia move for move
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