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Everything posted by Jhawk

  1. NEWS Capcom said that they will show off new characters for Marvel vs. Capcom 3 at the Tokyo Game Show, Sept. 16 — 19. Announcements could come earlier though, as Niitsuma suggested players keep their eyes peeled leading up to TGS. Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will be playable at this weekend's PAX West expo, according to the Capcom Unity website
  2. Hell yeah this made my morning too
  3. it was like fate told me to fight 4 Dhalsim's yesderday i hate it :banghead::banghead:
  4. FUCKIN DHALSIM I HATE YOU if anyone agrees with me can i get a hell yeah :banghead::banghead:
  5. what is? SC5?
  6. just did a little test. you have to block 60 hadoukens, 12 metsu hadoukens, or actually get hit by 20 hadoukens to die. suddenly dying from blocking 20 attacks doesn't seem so ridiculous. also mid low mixup and throws beat turtles, not lame gimmicks for kids and weeaboos.
  7. Turtle power man turtle power im good at SC and im not getting worked up at all
  8. thats the biggest B***S*** answer i've ever heard and it doesn't matter if it doesn't happen very often. IT'S THERE. it's a lame ass win and its a joke and you know it
  9. Let me say a few things SC is kinda of a attack base game. im fine with then but when i just ATTACK for the reason of killing you or doing a critical finish if your blocking that dumb. critical finish sucked and killed the game so befor you guy talk about Complexity,Broken characters,cartoonish charactcters fix the game system is the biggest problem, because there are 2 types if players, attack base players(Ryu and Ken) and Turtle base players (Gulie and Barlog) and because Im waiting for a opening my soul gauge breaks and i die. you guys will never see SC2 again if (project soul) is making the game SC3 was the reason i got into fighting games and i want it to be done right
  10. Tekken X Street Fighter Gamescom 2010 Interview: Katsuhiro Harada / Yoshinori Ono http://gamescom.gamespot.com/video/6274133/
  11. lets play SSF4 Arek you fool we have a score to settle
  12. 8wayrun.com are a bunch of lames trying to be like SRK
  13. DerangedWhale your late to the party me and Arek broken the new ages ago lol. which one im going to buy it all depends how they look
  14. i never did use you as a example. I do same thing to you to everyone.
  15. Abel is a boring turd. Against Abel i just jab his ass (if my Barlog) if you take his Ultras away like i do he's nothing
  16. every one knew they were coming
  17. I Quote the following news Niitsuma confirmed there will be DLC of some sort for MvC3, what exactly will be in these packs hadn't been decided yet though. Certain character combinations will enable you to do things that you otherwise wouldn't be able to do. Also, Niitsuma specifically said that they're pushing the individualism of the characters much more so than they did in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. Capcom would have to go back and renegotiate another contract with Marvel if they wanted to create an arcade release of MvC3 or other ports. Disney buying Marvel has had no impact so far on the development of the game. Marvel must approve everything Capcom does. From actual character actions, names of the moves, marketing and promotion and even if they hold live events, Marvel must give their OK. At this stage of development, everything is pretty much locked down as far as the characters and features they'll be able to put in the game, but it's possible in the future, they may be able to add in fan requests and other things via DLC, but the schedule is locked down for as far as launch stuff is concerned.
  18. WillRock what do you mean? both cast of characters can fit in 2.5D and 3D. The only worry i have is the charge characters in 3D
  19. my friend on XBL made and great saying. (The Bull shit always works) and its true in this game give me you guys gamer Tags so we can play
  20. thats nuts........i hope you get your power back im online all day
  21. any one else in the Jhawk Throw Down
  22. Im going to be online ALL DAYY MONDAY if any of you jerks wanna get beat by me and my awesomeness
  23. Mega Ran you been putting in alot of work this year thank you for the good Music
  24. ooooo Hegemon ok
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