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Posts posted by Clefairy

  1. Practice? And what motivation do those of us who play the game to have fun and not to "practice" for scrims have?

    Practice doesn't have to be a means to an end, ie, to get ready for a competition. You can think of it as a way to avoid those particularly frustrating deaths.

    Consider the common scenario of being bumrushed by a pyro. Currently the standard response for a medic is to backpedal and fill his face with blut needles. That's not really an option with the default gun. You're forced to engage him, which I can assure you is something your average pyro is not accustomed to. Do this often enough, and you'll start to learn where and how to move to avoid being set on fire.

    I don't think I need to explain the usefulness of such a skill to someone who mains spy. :wink:

    Even if my argument does nothing for you, there's always playing it up for laughs. A full string of crit needles will kill an overhealed heavy; I've got one or two of those under my belt, and they're easily highlights of my 200-odd hours of play.

  2. Scouts have become rather frustrating as of late, I must admit. Not the scenario where the opposing scout is a good player, but when the opposing scout lands bonks and FaNs on you. I realize these two coincide occasionally, but it was really one of those nights where I just wanted to play vanilla TF2.

    A few months ago the Steam network went down for maintenance, and everyone lost their unlocks for several hours. Those were good times; I proposed 'Vanilla Day' as a bi-weekly event, but it never gained traction and was forgotten about.

    So it goes.

  3. So, pub TF2 is pretty much unplayable now in my opinion. Runs of all the popular maps (Goldbowl, Badwater, 2fort) of late bear that out pretty consistently. The 2 or 3 people (on average) on each side that talk are left to co-ordinate the team, more often than not weighed down by deathmatchers who blindly charge the objective or hang out in midfield collecting kills. Sacrifices to the Cult of the Engineer are at an all-time high.

    It's just not fun, and to that end I'm out. If something different develops (like Rambo's scrim plans, or a password day(What the hell happened to event days, anyway?)) I'll be back; otherwise, see you all next update.

  4. who's this Tiddlywink banhammer victim?

    As I understand it, he was a random pub player who showed up one day, enjoyed himself, and started coming back pretty often. At some point(prior to when I started to play here, which was in early March), he turned into a troll who would start arguments just to rile everyone up. Not even good arguments; the stupid 'my opinion is fact, if you disagree with me you are an idiot' kind.

    He was trying his hand at mapping around this time as well, and turned out a little number called cp_downtown. I've heard the original was pretty good, though it had some minor technical problems. All the versions I've played were meh or awful. We still have 2 of them on the server, though I can't remember which ones just now.

  5. I might as well jump in. While I find the chant wav he's got amusing, and his library of stuff passable, if predictable, SpectreShot is a drama queen, and a bit of a baby when things don't go his way. I know he's become a regular, occasionally does great things for the community (meatspin), and he's gotten pretty cozy with Brushfire. Despite all that, I still think we'd be better off if the antics were reined in somewhat. If that proves impossible, then I guess it's time to drop the hammer.

    Let me know who's interested in some scrims. I only have Black Waltz, and Bardic so far.

    Count me in. Assuming standard format, I'm comfortable with scout or medic. Soldier... Ehhh, if you need it, but it's really not my forte.

  6. Wait, why don't we like Sudden Death? Without it, we won't have stupidly tense moments, only to laugh when Chadly's mouse runs outta batteries.

    I was hoping to get a chance to tell this story. We were on Dustbowl today, stage 2. I was a blue spy, and made it my business to sap red's teleporters. The... second time, I think, Rambo got annoyed and rolled pyro(he was sniper at the time). We spent a good two and a half minutes dancing around the second cap area. That was stupidly tense, but it was so funny to see him wasting so much time just for me.

    There were lots of great moments from tonight, actually. "It's raining, I shouldn't be on fire!" is my personal favorite.

  7. Since we all love Badwater so much: http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/99909

    And my friend put up cp_clash_a2 for those who want to keep track of how the map's coming along. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wmwhlgmvxnw

    You think we could get it on this server? Friend tried running one himself, ultimately failed.

    Can't be any worse than cp_badwater, and we've got that on there.

    Downloading a2 now.

  8. I meant to post this last night, but my login expired and it ate what I wrote D: Anyway.

    Initial impressions of cp_clash (the map Kiyobi linked to):

    First off, aesthetics. I actually like the generic texture work and spartan layout; feels like TF2 in Gmod. YMMV.

    The cap points are interesting. Being almost totally enclosed like that will require some re-thinking of defense in general, I think; the preponderance of cover walls and long sight lines mean sentries are significantly less effective, and significantly more vulnerable. Those areas are a bit like junction in that players with splash damage (pyro, soldier, demo) have the opportunity to cause a lot more havoc than normal.

    Personally, I like this aspect as well; the sentry gimping in particular means that teams will need to adopt a more dynamic strategy for defending their points. A lot of people will hate it, because they're babies and can't adapt; their loss, in my opinion.

    Onto space. The map feels huge; maybe too much, but I don't have any particular suggestions on how to dial it back. I used to main scout, so it doesn't really bother me; the central area makes it kind of a problem, though. Running around out there, I felt very exposed. Given that you have to cross the map to cap your points, that's probably going to lead to unpleasant experiences for players.

    All in all, I like it. The concept is solid, if a bit advanced for TF2, but we got used to Steel, I'm sure we could get used to this. Just needs playtesting, tweaking for balance and player enjoyment, and you're good to go.

  9. In the spirit of last night's hilarious round of Badlands, I would like to propose a new unofficial rule.

    Henceforth, upon achieving victory by steamroll, the winning team shall be obliged to challenge the losing team to a round of melee only, melee/taunt, or taunt only kills. If sufficient positive response is received, 40% and up I would say, the server is polled and the round proceeds accordingly.

    The griefing potential is high, obviously; nothing ruins a melee duel like a third man wandering in with his gun of choice drawn. Still, I think it would be a pretty good way to blow off steam after failing miserably.

  10. I think it's worth considering if those complaints have merit. Personally, I think people bitch about it just because it's different.

    I wouldn't mind it at all. Server events increase the feeling of community, and I was very sad to see them disappear. Now we're right back to doing Goldbowl every night, with a little Badwater and Pipeline on the side. I honestly can't think of a way to properly express my annoyance over this.

    Additionally, despite our professions toward being a casual server, a substantive portion of the regulars are, for lack of a better term, in it to win it. I'm all for fun and games, but there comes a point where getting stomped into the ground because your team has 3 spies/snipers and their team has 2, as well as a mysterious ability to ACTUALLY CO-ORDINATE, the game stops being fun.

    Suffice to say, I just want a little teamwork from my team. Suspending alltalk occasionally would do a lot toward that end.

  11. I may have gotten the server first arrow reflect kill. Stats haven't updated yet, so can't be sure.

    Anyway, it was on goldrush stage 2. I charged into the side tunnel at start, lit a bunch of people up, AB'ed on a hunch. Got meatball with his own arrow :lol:


    They must have upped the fan's crit rate too

    Indirectly, yes. Crits for all weapons are based on how much damage you've recently done (20 seconds as I recall), and now you're doing 10% more damage per shot flat out. Toss in a decent amount of luck, and it makes sense to see your crit rate spike.

  12. yes

    and you repeatedly and annoyingly pointing out that people are complaining about something that needs to be complained about isn't doing anything but making you more annoying

    Explain to me with a straight face why this needs to be complained about.

    They know the problem exists. They keep tabs on their product like any diligent company would.

    Also, get another hobby. Gardening, maybe. I'd bet good money on you feeling like less of an asshole after planting some flowers and watching them grow.

  13. The negativity in the world today astounds me. I mean, really; is your life so miserable that you have to invest yourself in complaining about every little misstep a developer makes?

    I also feel obligated to point out that if this were any other company, we'd be shafted for at least another two months before these issues were addressed.

    On-topic, Pipeline seems to have been very favorably received. That got me thinking back to Goldrush and Dustbowl, oddly enough; and a theory regarding the popularity of those maps came to me.

    Simply put, they were first.

    Not first as in stock, obviously, but the first of their type. 2fort fits into that as well with ctf, and even Hydro to an extent; 5-point cp breaks the mold on account of having two maps at release, and as such it seems to be less popular than the other modes.

    I could be wrong, I'm only speculating. But the reasoning strikes me as solid.

  14. There'll usually be a uber or 2 built up at that point, since it's the start of the map, and there's another exit as well. In Toy Fort, there's literally ONE (very narrow) entrance to each team's respective last point. My team got badly rolled up UNTIL that point where all it needed to draw the match out was just throwing the corridor full of stickies. Never mind that the main entrances to the central CP are very narrow as well and that a demo can just lob stickies/pipes over the big blocks at the central CP to rack up kills.

    Nothing stopping my hypothetical Demoman from trapping the roof all game. It'll be less effective, because respawn waves make the flow of people erratic, but he will still get an impressive number of kills.

    Also, there are two entrances to the point. The central gateway you mention, and a small side tunnel on the right side. Well, left if you're coming out of spawn. Just go backwards from the medium healthpack.

    Anyway. Toy Fort is a bad example of a custom map; the theme is well-executed, but you're right, it doesn't play well. There are no forward spawns, making Soldiers and Heavies significantly less viable. The mapspace is either very cramped or very open; there's no middle ground to speak of at all, unless you count the pencil-fenced area around each side's door.

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