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Posts posted by Clefairy


    Here's the thing about that.

    The only maps that a straight majority of our players actually enjoy are Dustbowl and Goldrush.

    Even if another stock map comes up, there's bitching and moaning regardless. Just about different things, most often teams. I'll skirt the issue here, because I've already said what I had to say on it a couple of pages ago.

    My argument is, essentially, 'If you play a map once and decide it's dumb, especially if you rtv halfway through, you're making a poor judgement. Play it through to completion, at least twice, then your argument will have some weight.'

  2. You know, it occurs to me that this update has sort of a theme, in that the Spy and Sniper perform similar tasks, with most of the difference in execution.

    The Soldier and Demoman are similarly related, so it stands to reason that their updates might be bundled together as well.

    Assuming half the content takes half the time, we can therefore expect the Engie Update in 4 and a half months at the absolute earliest.

  3. Hm...

    You know, watching Meet the Spy again, Heavy busts out a shoulder charge to break down the door to the intel room. There's a first-person shot immediately after that which makes it pretty obvious he's spun up.

    Yeah, yeah I know. Rule of Cool. But still. A temporary speed boost with the ability to spin up while you're running could definitely allow him to close the distance and apply himself optimally.

    It would also require a new keybind and could very well make the number of Heavies or Heavy/Medic pairs a given team can field the deciding factor in any match. Still, interesting to consider.

    Edit: hahaha, thanks Derrit. :)

  4. take note my heavy has NO mid-range because i do not use a shotgun. always better to move rather than shoot with the minigun and hope that you hit. also my definition of mid-range is probably larger then yours.

    Fair enough.

    The problem I take with that scenario is that to any competent player, it will be obvious what you are doing. And if they know you're already hurt or tactically vulnerable, they will push forward and kill you.

    Of course, we're discussing this in a vacuum without any regard for how well, or how poorly, our hypothetical Heavy and his opponent are being supported by their respective teams. However, in my experience with the pub-hoppers we get, support/teamwork is badly lacking all around.

  5. i don't really agree, i will still play heavy come the following weeks.

    really, you just can't sit in one place, always move...best thing you can do as a heavy. don't just sit and spindown.

    Spinning down to re-locate is somewhat impractical while there are people still alive and shooting at you at mid-range, in my opinion. Long range is fine; the falloff makes most weapons do insignificant damage, and if it's a sniper you're probably dead anyway without support.

    Close-up combat resolves itself expediently enough, again making the issue irrelevant.

    Mid-range is where the problem lies. Being a Heavy, you can at best find cover and try to escape from there, because your fat behind isn't outrunning anybody.

    And my point about the class spam stands. Your team, being both imperfect and unaccustomed to this new form of opposition, cannot and will not get all the snipers/spies. You will die. You will die more often, possibly significantly more often. It is mathematically inevitable.

  6. So let's see.

    To date, two of the classes the Heavy is ostensibly supposed to counter have received weapons to deal with him. The FaN rather viciously exploits your lack of maneuverability while spun up; similarly, turning around in combat to check for Backburner pyros generally puts you on the business end of a critical rocket.

    Come Thursday, the Heavy's two direct counter classes will receive their updates, with all the flooding and new tactics that implies.

    From where I sit, playing the fat man is going to be an excersize in futility for at least six weeks. I'm still holding out hope for a massive buff to help him deal with the current metagame, but it's looking less and less likely.

    RIP, Heavy: looks like babies win.

  7. Clefairy, you're making a case for Goldrush and Dustbowl to get the axe? Have you somehow forgot about 2fort?

    And wow about the Spy update. I leave my computer for 24 hours and Valve drops some crazy bombshell.

    While 2fort suffers from a lot of the same problems, we don't play it all the freaking time. Fairly often, yeah, but not every-other-map often like we do with Goldbowl. Small steps, Sensai. :P

  8. I could change the map rotation if people want...

    But the reason dustbowl & goldrush come up more often is because by and large people seem to love those maps and want them more often than many of the other not so great maps, which tend to get frustration reached a lot earlier.

    This reminds me a lot of when people whine about teams being uneven in terms of skill. My response is, almost invariably, "The teams are fine. The strategy is not."

    Which is basically true. While there are times when one team very clearly outmatches the other, most of our steamrolls, red or blue, happen because one side has a plan and works together to achieve it; the other side, naturally, consists of a bunch of soloists who seem to think they're playing with bots. They go off and do their own thing, not even acknowledging their teammates exist, much less working with them. If there are people dedicated to actually using teamwork, they're severely handicapped by the soloists, and their team gets rolled over.

    I believe the same issue is present here. Map quality isn't so much the problem that leads to frustration.

  9. I would like to make a case for removing Dustbowl and/or Goldrush from the rotation.

    Yes, I know. They're great maps. Too great, in my opinion, which is why I feel they should be culled.

    Goldbowl, as is the common term, does not attract what I would call 'quality players'. I have no empirical data on this, which is unfortunate; just the vague feelings I've gotten as a result of playing on the server a while. Do these maps fill the place to capacity? Absolutely. Are the players filling the slots well-mannered, gracious in victory and defeat, and just fun to play with and be around? In my experience, no.

    I know the people who can't or don't play every night enjoy these maps, which is a big part of why we play them so often. If they want to rtv, that's a great idea and I absolutely support their decision to do it. Under such a system, I can see us still playing the two maps once or twice a day; every other day at the absolute least. They really are that popular, and I'd be okay with that.

    I'm just concerned, getting right down to it. Perhaps this is only me, but I'm sensing the tf2 experience growing rather stale lately. We play the same maps over and over, and it seems the strategies we employ are nearly set in stone. I've seen many a new engineer get berated by his team for not knowing the 'correct' spot to place his sentry.

    For me, at least, there's a huge rush to be had in loading up a new map and exploring it alongside a bunch of people I know and get along with, mostly anyway. Sure, sometimes you get a dud (like cp_cyberpunk, which should be scoured from the Internet, but that's another post), but more often than not the maps are at least playable. And sometimes we find one that absolutely nails it, like Cashworks does for a lot of people. That simply wouldn't happen if we stuck to Goldbowl all the time.

    Thanks for reading. :tomatoface:

  10. In a rare community sighting, the esteemed Mr. Baranowski joined us for a few rounds of Well/Badwater tonight. He was in good spirits, and it sounds as though he's doing well for himself. He slipped in a mention of Super Meat Boy, which I had completely forgotten about.

    I'd wager he'll be back from time to time. He asked about who plays that he would know; he seemed disappointed you weren't inundating us with phat beats over micspam, DarkeSword. :<

  11. I'm up for trying this out - what day should this Thursday be?

    Edit: Err, I thought by vanilla you meant only stock maps. I feel like the unlocks give more variety to the game.

    Make this one Team Talk Day, for simplicity's sake. :P

    And I agree. The unlocks do mix things up, which is a good thing. But for those of us who use them, it's a unique challenge to go back to the default weapons, especially if we've stuck with the unlock for a long time. That's mostly why I suggested alternating Thursdays; both events sound fun, but I think people would get tired of dealing with them every week.

    Also, we play a lot of stock maps already. Doing it like that would be a little redundant in my opinion.

  12. You would be, wouldn't you?

    Sick burn, bro.

    Anyway, I'm of the opinion that it's good to shake things up on a semi-regular basis. Team Talk Day would allow us a little more brass-tacks style of TF2, as it were, which would be a big change of pace. I'm for it.

    In a similar vein, I personally had a lot of fun on those couple of days when the server lost connection to Steam, robbing us of our unlocks. Vanilla Day, for lack of a better term, has the potential to be a great server event as well.

    I propose we alternate between Team Talk and Vanilla Day on Thursdays. Failing that, Sundays/Mondays respectively.

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