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Everything posted by Clefairy

  1. Here's the thing about that. The entire industry is caught up in a graphical arms race. So a full-on remake would need to be done to at least the standard of FF13. Given how much more world there is to render, the cost would be prohibitively expensive. And no, having the story and music and all the other secondary assets copied over wouldn't reduce the cost enough. Graphics are far and away the most expensive thing to produce in AAA game dev. For example, more man-hours of work went into skinning, rigging, modeling and animating the main character of FF12(Vaan?) than the entirety of FF7. For a remake to even have a chance of getting into the black, it would need to outsell Call of Duty five times over. At full price.
  2. While we're asking for awesome things, Blizzard needs to step up and bring back The Lost Vikings. /offtopic One can hope. Interplay was smart enough to include fan patches in that Fallout Collection a couple years ago, so there is precedent.
  3. Exposure, in my opinion. The way they're doing this strikes me as getting the most goodwill from us for the least effort from them. The hardcore fans will download it, and a handful of people who've always wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Being on Steam would expose the game for what it is: a middling RPG that was in the right place at the right time. And with the way that Square's last few games have gone over, they're really looking to minimize bad press.
  4. Anybody know of a decent, customs-focused server? Don't get me wrong, I still like you guys. But every time we go from Goldrush to Dustbowl to Degroot with optional detour to 2fort/turbine, a little piece of me dies inside. And yes, I nominate maps regularly. Nobody votes for them. Not bitter about it, just saying.
  5. Assuming that I remember which profile is yours, I notice two things: -you've recently set the aforementioned profile to private -again assuming my memory is good, you have a mountain of rare stuff according to TF2Items If you're serious about wanting that hat, give me a poke anyway. :3 I'm sure we can hammer something out.
  6. So is Sourcemod particularly unstable with this patch? Or is there something else going on?
  7. Gentlemen.... I.... What? Seriously, what?
  8. -Scout can now equip Hard Counter. Incidentally, that would be the best undocumented change ever.
  9. Day 2 is upon us. Scout gets a pistol that boosts max health and negates falling damage. RJ shenanigans on the Ichi server projected to increase 30%. Also new scattergun. Less spread, also less damage and you run slower. Situational at best. AHAHAHA, an SMG with crits on kill. And any sniper rifle with reduced bodyshot damage is okay by me. It also decapitates on headshot, which is lol. Rounding out the pack are a multi-shot rocket launcher with projectile spread, and the flare gun from the previous blog post. The primary draw is knockback, which seems dumb unless the applied force is disproportionately high.
  10. Maybe not. If you convert it to morse code, it spells 'Monday'. /tinfoilhat
  11. Weren't those mechanics added because Sakurai dislikes the hypercompetitive aspect of the FGC?
  12. Banana error codes that eventually lead to a document from the Poopy Joe hearing, way back from the WAR! update. In addition, the error notification itself contains text in three languages: Spanish, Finnish and Welsh specifically. You are now cleared for wild speculation on Pyro's exact heritage. Reddit thread here, contribute error codes here. EDIT: The guy curating the reddit thread has presumably gone to bed, so I stitched up the last couple images myself. Couldn't get the second half to line up quite right, but it's readable.
  13. "Think of the deeds of hellish cruelty, the hidden wickedness which may go on, year in, year out, in such places, and none the wiser." Hmm. That does bear more than a little resemblance to TF2. Maps are generally built in isolated locations, with evidence of civilization being pretty sparse outside the map boundary. And for all the light-hearted jokes and hats they've crammed in, we're ultimately shooting, stabbing, burning, pummeling, and exploding each other in-game. Carry on, Valve.
  14. Sort of. The community has fragmented somewhat, we sometimes gather on other servers if there aren't enough for a full game. It's all pretty ad hoc, just add some people and jump in if you see them playing.
  15. why no one want do foundry achievement ;_; EDIT: Having been getting back into the swing of it for a little while, I've noticed some things that could be improved. Most notably, people tend to rtv if a map drags on for a long time or there are a lot of successive steamrolls. Moving the general map time down 5 minutes would help to alleviate this somewhat. In the case of A/D maps I would suggest a round limit of 2 and no time limit. Any thoughts?
  16. Ever wonder what Diablo does while people slog through the first few acts? Well...
  17. Think about what drew you to Diablo in the first place. If you're all about gameplay, then get it. It's taken a few hits from the dreaded 'streamlining' compared to D2, but the core hacky-slashy-looty bits are all intact. If things like story or atmosphere are the most important thing to you, I'd give it a pass. D2 was made by a different studio, in a different time. This installment, while fun, doesn't really capture the same feeling. Disclosure: this information is second-hand, compiled from friends of mine over the last several hours. I have no intention to purchase, due to the lack of offline/LAN play.
  18. If we stick to the one server, I would say make it available to server regulars for free, and make donations optional but encouraged. If we're looking to expand like someone was talking about tonight, stick with the pay model. As an addendum to that, RED's status as an event server made it unpopular for general use. I remember countless nights where BLU was full for hours, and RED was completely empty. If we were going to get a second server for runoff/community events, we would need at least one of: - a set of seperate configs for different events, in addition to the standard config -a dedicated event planner Otherwise, I forsee it sitting empty 95% of the time, like its predecessor.
  19. Petition to have Dustbowl removed from rotation and/or the server.
  20. That seems the most likely. From a thread on Stackexchange: From skimming the more casual forums, I'm seeing a lot of people pointing to the number of props in the map. I forget, do we have anyone here who can use Hammer? Or should we shelve it and wait for a new version?
  21. May I now present, the Litany Against Rage: It came to me almost fully formed while Paranoid was shanking pubber engies on Upward tonight.
  22. Hrm.... There's a phrase for this... 'too good for this sinful earth'? Yeah, that's it. So you remember how Earthbound will never come out on VC because a lot of the melodies were lifted directly from popular music? And getting the license agreements together would be a nightmare? Making this game happen would be like 10 of those in a row. Nevermind the actual development cost, or hardware compatibility. It's a beautiful idea, it really is. An all-star, cross-platform game like this would basically put an end to the console wars. But there's just no way I can see these two companies letting a direct competitor work with huge chunks of their IP.
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