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Everything posted by Clefairy

  1. I got that, but I couldn't decide if I wanted to go along or be serious. Obviously trying to split the difference failed. And now we've explained the joke, thus ruining it. I knew this would all end in tears. [/marvin] Only one custom made it in for testing tonight, cp_mainline. While the layout isn't bad, it suffers from very few pickups for its size and, I would argue, a little too much ground to cover to get to the action. Also, there are 2 spots we found where a sentry can lock down both entrances; worse yet, the platform above mid point seems to deliberately encourage doing so. Given that the current version is 2 years old, an update to fix its issues seems unlikely. Voting to scrap it.
  2. I have, at certain times on certain maps, rounded a lucky corner and escaped from Frogg. He usually has someone annoying like phill or Necro or occasionally you on his team to do cleanup, but it's not the certain death you make it out to be. Incidentally, I had no idea you'd been promoted to boss fight. Congratulations.
  3. Last night there was a very obvious speedhacker on the server. GM came around to ban him eventually, but the server was dying anyway, so we didn't make a big deal out of it until then. From the little bit we chatted him up, he seemed alright, and his shenanigans were more amusing than harmful on a 3v3 Hightower.
  4. And face the Administrator? I see what your game is, Sombrero.
  5. This is a thing? Of all the stuff to complain about, someone picked the silly server plugin that lets people have custom attributes on weapons? Also, there isn't a Strange Heatmaker yet, so you're out of luck there.
  6. QFT. It's so powerful it can only emerge once a year.
  7. So, in the wake of last night's round of Dustbowl, which you might recall left me apopleptic with rage, I've decided on a different tack. Anyone with demos or replays featuring Paranoid playing spy, do get in touch. Chili playing spy is also welcome, but he is not a person of interest at this time. EDIT: Anyone who wasn't on the server just now, you missed the most hilarious Dustbowl ever. A random pubber kept triggering scramble votes after every first round win. It's the little things.
  8. While that's true, there is a certain amount of convenience to be had in doing all your funtimes event shenanigans on a seperate server, especially if there's a lot of plugins involved. Doing a night or a weekend of Dodgeball, say, or Randomizer, or Prop Hunt and then having to set things back up for normal play is work that could be easily avoided, or at least deferred by having an event server. I don't know that it's something we *need* as a community, but I'm totally down if it happens. EDIT: So, I was seized by the desire to buy an enormous number of crates from Gamemaster last night, and have unboxed a lot of new stranges. I give each class a theme and name all its weapons within that theme. Anybody have any ideas? For example, my Pyro theme is 'dragons' and my Soldier theme is 'historical battles'. I'm thinking Spy should be 'conspiracies', and Sniper should be 'endangered species', but other than that I got nothin'.
  9. Noooooo D: So tonight it starts on Fastlane, which is apparently the new starting map. I suggested it, so I'm okay with this. The vote goes to Megaman next, which is a little rougher but still good. Then, Steel. Awww yiss. The best map. Not 5 minutes in, server crash. Humbug I say.
  10. Quoted for truth. Though Repository was the highlight for me; that long uphill stretch towards the final point is a truly epic killing ground. That first round where the cart teetered on the edge for 2+ minutes will stay with me a good while. Also nice to see some old faces, come out of retirement and the greener pastures of newer games. You know who you are. Overall, 10/10 would play again.
  11. D: you're offline. Curses. Edit: scratch that. Enjoy your Plutonidome, sir! Edit 2, Son of Edit: Actually, I need more class masks. Specifically, Pyro, Demo, Medic, and Spy. To trade, I have a Haunted Monkeynaut, Haunted Sleeves, Haunted Wraith Wrap, Haunted Tiara, and Haunted Heavy/Soldier souls. And a handful of less valuable stuff, but I assume those are the bits people are gonna want. Hit me up if you're interested.
  12. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/disney-acquire-lucasfilm-ltd-195100740.html I'm... not sure how I feel about this. Lucas has, for better or worse, sheperded his little media empire since the beginning. Obviously this had to happen at some point, but... Anyway. Thoughts?
  13. Aww, Miss Pauling needs a little sugar. Brushfire, you're always mackin' on our local girlfolk. Get on that.
  14. People are playing, at this very moment. Y'all should come. EDIT: So this just happened. As before, I don't want it, so hit me up on Steam if you do. Deep discounts available for regulars. :3
  15. After all this time, I still think people are putting too much focus on the hardware and not enough on the infrastructure. Building a content delivery network to support the product in time for launch? Yeah, okay, if that were the only thing. But on top of a large-scale production run, all the associated headaches there, and then getting all your units shipped? How is that even remotely realistic? Also, there is no obligation agreement. If the backers don't hear anything for a while, they can complain and Kickstarter will send a reminder to check in with them about the project. But they make it very clear in the terms that you assume all the risk when you make the pledge.
  16. Interview with David Brevik, co-founder of Blizzard North and design lead on D2: http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/interview-diablo-creator-david-brevik-discusses-his-feelings-on-diablo-3
  17. They are pretty superficially similar. Generally aloof, wear suits, stab people. Additionally, when Scouts get instant respawn.
  18. Grayson Mann does have the right sort of ring to it, and would fit in with the naming convention. I didn't pick up on it at first, but that's a birth certificate. So Gray, whoever he was, got kidnapped just after delivery. Hmm. I'm not seeing any obvious leads. There was no 'scourge' in London around that time, and the Eagle connection is tenuous at best. We need more information. Though, interestingly, 1822 was the year they cracked the Rosetta Stone, enabling translation of Egyptian hieroglyphs. If anything changes on cp_egypt, it might be worth chasing down.
  19. Rise from your grave, O thread! A new pack of items is inbound, for pre-ordering Sleeping Dogs. They include a Pyro melee that crits wet players(!), a Minigun that uses more ammo in exchange for a pseudo-flamethrower effect, a throwable butcher's knife for Scout, and a Sapper(!!) that delevels buildings but does no damage. Additionally, RED and BLU are apparently moving into foreign markets, as a Chinatown-flavored KOTH map is on the way.
  20. ^ Isaac is so good. Demented, though. The stuff you see down in that basement... Good haul so far. Little disappointed in the indie bundles, but the games are individually discounted too so it's not a total wash if you want to cherry pick. Caught Arkham City on the flash deal just now. I was so mad when it got passed over on that first Community's Choice. Go team Night Owl.
  21. Quality post, would read again. <3 Anyway, the obvious answer is design oversight. Plank isn't particularly angry, so fury doesn't suit him. Energy is a ninja-exclusive thing last I checked. And going pure CD sounds like a bad time. Way too much poking power on his Q. Have they added any other resource systems lately? Would any of them be appropriate on him?
  22. Basically this. If they had security at the show, then said security didn't do their job. If they didn't, then they should have. What was the guy thinking jumping up on stage? If you know a guy who's a carpenter, and you pay him to make you a table, do you fiddle around in his shop while he's cutting the wood? Manslaughter is the correct charge IMO.
  23. While that's true, it's not as much higher as you think. Literally everyone who owns a console of any stripe would need to buy it to hit those numbers. Video games are more mainstream now, but they're not universally adopted yet. You know how games have, in general, been getting shorter? That's graphics-related. In the PS1 era, I'd wager Square had 75 to 100 people on the art team. Now I'll bet you good money it's 300 or more. They work longer hours, and get paid less than their peers at other companies because they love games. The company knows this, and ruthlessly exploits them for it. Even so, all those wages pile up. So games are shorter and less ambitious to keep costs reasonable. That's also why non-critical staff like testers are shuffled onto new projects or outright laid off as soon as possible during a project run. Anyone who's done that kind of work will shrug and tell you "It's the nature of the beast". That's a horrible attitude, honestly. I really hope the next generation brings some serious scaling tech, because the current production model is completely unsustainable.
  24. Update! Mostly humdrum technical stuff, optimizations and- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO;_;
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