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Status Updates posted by quintin3265

  1. Thanks for the tip. Will do.

  2. No problem. I think you might have been surprised at the level of interest you would have gotten, though. If you come up with any other ideas in the future, let me know.

  3. Hey, saw your idea for a Halloween contest - I think this is a great idea. At Halloween, I blast creepy music outside, and it would be cool to see if anyone notices the mario theme song stuck in the middle of the chainsaws and screams.

    Since there is little time remaining, you should cap the length of the remixes at something like one minute, giving people plenty of time to put something together. If you want to use the compo system at gameremixes.com, and can get enough participants to enter, I'll chip in some sort of prize. If you're interested, let me know and we can talk about details.

  4. Thanks for the heads up. I wasn't aware of the Christmas albums. They will be great to listen to, not only to collect music, but also just because it will be interesting to hear how video game music can be mixed with Christmas carols.

    If you know anyone who likes cataloging video game music, or if you might be interested in helping, let me know. At this rate, it will likely be January before I can go through all the music. Myself, I'd prefer to work out bugs in the site and implement new features, like albums, if others are available to help in identifying and compiling these classic remixes.

    Imagine if we could get all the remixes into the searchable database, where someone can type "final fantasy 7" and listen to every free song someone has ever remixed of it...

  5. In case you are interested, there are eleven duplicates at vgmixarchive.com:

    Nixdorux - Magic Fountain ~ Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past

    Dooleus - Children of Zeal ~ Chrono Trigger

    GrayLightning - Schala Memories Lost in Time ~ Chrono Trigger

    Shnabubula - Psi Piano Omega ~ Earthbound

    XMark - The Battle for Alefgard ~ Dragon Warrior

    Elsa Persson, Larsec - Darkness Dawning ~ Doom

    GrayLightning - Machina Anesthesia ~ Donkey Kong Country

    Michael Dover - Cerebral Rose Jam ~ Shivers

    Vurez - Basilisk Run ~ Ninja Gaiden

    Joshua Morse - Guardia Forest Vibe ~ Chrono Trigger

    Destiny, zyko - Dragon's Prayer The Blackened Desire ~ Chrono Cross

    In an earlier thread, you said you wanted to check for duplicates, but I already identified them, so that might save you time.

  6. Hi,

    I just wanted to let you know that I was able to finish with some of the remixes that I had in my collection. You might recall that, in mid-August, I said that I would have time on the weekend of August 25-26 to get them online. Unfortunately, I ran out of time that weekend, and after visiting my parents on Labor Day, did not finish until this past weekend.

    So far, I added 1600 remixes to Game Remixes (gameremixes.com), in addition to the 450 that were already there. I'm still adding some every day, but perhaps you'll find something you're interested in that's already uploaded.

  7. Hi Xouman,

    I recently read a post on the forums about the Secret of Mama soundtrack you were remixing. I listened to the songs and I think that, in general, you had better arrangements than you had production. That's good in many ways, because putting the notes together is difficult. On the other hand, production is often more difficult because you need to invest in good software.

    I was wondering if you had considered posting the songs to Game Remixes (gameremixes.com), and continuing to improve some of the songs' samples and production characteristics. The site allows you to post different versions of songs and receive reviews on them, so you can "revise" songs and track the progress of the different versions as time goes on.

    All, in all, whether I see you there or not, great work! It's always great to listen to fresh takes on good game music.

  8. Hi,

    I need to get around to doing this. But unfortunately, I didn't get your message until Monday, and that means it's five days until the next weekend :(

    If you can wait until Saturday, I'll devote some time to upload all of the songs. I'll also do a search to see if I can find the one remix you were looking for.

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