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A Random Tiger

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Posts posted by A Random Tiger

  1. I'd rather stats weren't reset but that's just me. I love cumulative stats with a passion. Seeing all the stuff I've done so far in numbers and such; it's great. I don't care about the overall score but I would be very sad for my stats to go back.

    What is reason for Brushfire (and other people) wanting to reset the stats? Have some people just got so high in score that other, newer players are hopeless to catch up?

    I think it has something to do with new players smashing the scores of people with higher.

    You lose a LOT of points when you die to someone with very little.

    So if we're all low again it won't be a big deal.

    But that would mean we'd eventually have to do it again anyway.

    I just don't really care about the points that much.

  2. Barring everything else that has happened in this thread for the past few pages, the fuck. Yahoo is one of the only people who, prior to today, has always taken his job as admin seriously. He's taken shit from MANY people on this server, regulars included, and no one, not a single other admin has ever backed him up. He keeps being harrassed for doing his job well, and despite never having any backing, has never retaliated.

    He has been a great admin.

    I've always enjoyed jumping on the server when he's on because I know I won't have to put up with bullshit.

    However in this instance I do think he's wrong.

    I think he KNOWS he's wrong, and I don't think it even needed to come to the forums.

    oh and brushfire (not sure jokingly or not) has thrown around that hed like a stats reset and im just curious how people feel about that idea

    i for one think its time for a reset

    I wouldn't mind if the stats were reset

  3. Another day, and more drama.

    I pulled a Brushfire and went happy with the blind command on some demos who were acting tough today (one being miyako under a different name), so he whined to Fireslash (after they accused me of whining). He came in and banned me (not kicked, but banned) without saying a word or asking anyone (garian was there too). I didn't appreciate it, and I think he acted out of line in favor of miyako just because he made the initial complaint. I don't know how good of friends they are/were, but it was handled very poorly.

    Edited for clarification.

    Well I do think Fireslash should have at least asked about it.

    However, those demo's weren't breaking any rules, so you were pretty much just harassing them :/

  4. We stalemated today. Half an hour ago. That's not off.

    I'd like to cast a vote against this "good on paper" theme that changes for each map. Considering how much huff there was to get sawmill and viaduct out of the rotation because of laggy particle effects, I'm surprised we put this on the server. At least valve gives us an option to turn them off. Now every map is potentially a problem, and there's no off switch.

    EDIT: Also, Good times.

    Yeah I guess no one caught that Brock Samson is NQA

  5. On a hopefully less absurd note.

    Has anyone else been seeing really weird votes lately?

    The other day I saw a vote in chat pass at 10%, with 1 vote I think.

    There was no vote though.

    Just a random "the vote passed"

    And then yesterday someone got kicked by a random vote.

    I asked why the guy was kicked, and nobody knew because there was no actual vote.

    Reading back, maybe its the same tomfoolery that's got Vivi banned

    Last night was nice; about 5-6 nQa guys on the server with a fairly even split. Some good matches too. I could have done without the constant mocking of the server rules over voicechat (it came across as little rude), but it was mostly harmless so I didn't bother mentioning it.

    Also: hackpipes.

    Yar I believe that mockery you're referring to was me an not them. As I was making some kind of voice and joking about teamstacking and hacks for a good 10 minutes O:

  6. Is that a joke?

    EDIT: I think he's referring to people without tags, who no one ever pays attention to because they aren't like "omg they have a tag, they're cheating."

    Also, scythe-messiah has been Minty-Fresh for almost 3 months. How people didn't know this sooner is beyond me. I've never found it to be a problem. And no one cared because he didn't have a tag.


    He must switch around because I've seen him as Scythe not that long ago

  7. Well I joined the game and went Sniper,so I sat back with the engi's stuff.

    Dr. Gerbil, the one who Bahamut bagged later, was a Demo, and was shooting at the engi's stuff.

    Destroying it.

    It was OBVIOUS something was up because he kept joining spectator and then rejoining the team.

    The Dr.Fire guy was rejoining too, but he was on the other team.

    So I asked what the fuck they were doing.

    RED said they were teamkilling the buildings using an exploit, and he's pretty experienced so I knew my suspicions were well placed

    After we votebanned those two, the other WORLDWIDE CAPS NAME guy was like "STOP QQING ABOUT TEAMKILLING" and then proceeded to start doing it on the team I wasn't on.

    It was painfully obvious they were doing it even if I didn't see anyone but Gerbil doing it considering people were saying in the chat "he's destroying our buildings" lawl

    Later in the night the Ubel guy was saying he knew how they did it, apparently Vahn knew and told him. So if you want to know HOW, go to them I guess.

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