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A Random Tiger

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Posts posted by A Random Tiger

  1. Alright so,. . we had someone using a speed hack on a while ago.

    Unfortunately we didn't realize he was changing his name to match other players, thus a voteban passed and Fuzzy Peaches got a 30 minute ban that he didn't deserve.

    Pretty sure the hacker left after the map changed soon after, but yeah.

    That happened XD

    If Fuzzy Peaches in on here, I apologize.

    Edit: Oh I see Aero posted while I was typing haha

  2. Huh pretty sweet... Hey I've been looking but I can't find much about these beta items anywhere what are they all supposed to be? I've heard a few but I know I'm missing some details on a few. xD;

    Wrench that builds faster but can't upgrade.

    Heavy gloves that make you run faster but drain health.

    Spy suit that doesn't catch fire but you lose your revolver

    And I didn't see what was with the medigun, but the overcharge doesn't decay

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