Yeah its polished, equalization wise, and it has has a couple cool parts. Gets a little too full nearing the center of the track, being overwhelmed by electronic drum or instrument sounds. The biggest problems, for me, were the bass drum and synthesized soloing. I like electronic, but these features came off a little to rave-like for me. (That's if you don't argue the difference between electronic and rave music.) Seems to me like the sheet music was negotiated over the internet. The end is bad ass though. I wish you would make a theme based off the sound of the last core part of the song. The last change that is purely the main title theme. Sorry if I am a bit critical, the game it is from is probably my all time favorite game, even with all the latest advances in gaming. Also, this was probably my least favorite theme within the whole game. I prefer the Paris Cathedral theme. If someone gets me the sheet music to that or the title theme, I'll remix it up.