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Scrap McNapps

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Everything posted by Scrap McNapps

  1. Happy Birthday Guys!
  2. I pretty much have the same views as Tarnish. I like the production and the sound choices but the repetition is holding it back. Try to add more variation, trim down the track, or a combo of both.
  3. This is a very well played medley. I likey.
  4. You can look at Kel Audio mics. Those are pretty good for the price point.
  5. Update as of Sept.9 My submission got rejected. The issues were -It was too sparse (some of it due to instrument levels and writing) -The beat lacked power. -Lack of bass to fill the low-end. -It was too simple (not a lot going on a most times). -Rigid drum sequencing. So on this 9th WIP is an attempt to fix those issues. I also trimmed off a minute to reduce the fat and remastered it. Feedback is welcome.
  6. Open AKG 702 AKG 240 Senhnheiser 650 Closed Shure SRH 840 Audio Technica ATH-M50
  7. I personally like firewire. Less CPU overhead and more expandable. That said it is finicky. If you have a desktop it's no big deal, you can just by a card with a TI chipset in it and you are good. Laptops you are more or less screwed unless you get a Macbook or a 'pro audio' laptop. Anyways OP, take a look at the Fast Track Ultra 8R.
  8. Doesn't sound bad to me. AMD released a good platform this time around. I wouldn't mind getting one. If you can, get a Gigabyte motherboard in your system.
  9. I own Ozone4 and am VERY happy with the results.
  10. The more tracks and effects you have running, the more likely are going to develop pops and clicks during play back and recording if you are doing it at a low latency, so naturally increasing the latency is going to help with that. That is what I experienced with a project I was working on. I am fairly sure if you exported ALL of the dry tracks from FL Studio, put it into Cubase, and use the with different effects and plug ins within Cubase, you will run into the same issue. It does vary from program though so. Try freezing the tracks to reduce CPU and help reduce latency if you can. And it is not uncommon for people to use more than one DAW. Some people make their beat in the program of their choice and do the mixdown in another program simply because it is better suited for that step. And don't forget about the person that might have to save their songs as wave files because they might have to go to a studio that uses a different DAW. For raw production, Sonar 8.5 and REAPER are excellent choices. If you own Cubase though and are happy with the results, I would stick with that so there is less to relearn.
  11. The $30 is collateral. If you don't want to purchase after the demo then you get it back.
  12. I must have tried using FL Studio like two or three times and I just couldn't get into it. Perhaps it's because of my impatience and I am not familiar with the program and if I tried it a bit longer, I might get it. I was able to find my way with Studio One Pro quicker though cause. Even with Sonar I was able to figure out how to operate a couple of things. Guess my brain is wired weird.Honestly, you can debate about which program feature-wise outclasses another program, but at the end of the day, they can all yield crappy results in the wrong hands. I heard poor mixdowns and beats from people using Pro Tools, FL Studio, Live, Cubase, etc. I also heard good product from them. 9th Wonder is one of the biggest Hip-Hop Producers right now and he uses FL Studio. Deadmou5e is a very popular DJ and Ableton Live is his choice of software. Public Enemy nowadays are using Sonar for their production as well as Comic Book Heroes. Logic Pro was used by A.R. Rahman and that was used to score Slumdog Millionare. Teddy Riley uses Cubase and DJ Troomp uses Reason.Anyways as was stated ad nauseum, try whatever you can and choose.
  13. You can upgrade the RAM and the hard drive unofficially on the iMac (you need a guide to do it and it seems like a PITA) The Mac Pro on the other hand you can change just about everything in there. The upgrade path is narrow on the iMac and Mac Mini compared to other desktop computers that is for sure, but with the Mac Pro that is not the case at all.Macbooks and Macbook Pros compared to other laptops have slightly fewer ports, but their upgrade paths are no different, RAM and Hard Drive, so the difference there is next to moot.
  14. I didn't get too much time to play with Logic, but I do know about it and read some reviews. Logic Studio is probably one of the top 5 DAWs on the market and for the money you pay for the content, it's steal. If I recall correctly, you get basically 3 programs: Logic Pro 9 for production, Mainstage for live gigging, and Soundtrack Pro 3 for integrating music and sound to video. It also comes with good plug ins and very good quality set of sounds. IF you own a Mac, it's a no brainer really. Otherwise, it is a more expensive investment.
  15. Yessir. It also frees up a USB slot for more useful things.
  16. Logic USED to be on Windows once upon a time then the evil that is Apple bought out the company. And you DON'T have to combo Live and Reason. It mentioned because they just work really well together. You can use Live on it's own. As mentioned before, do the tutorials and you will be fine. And about the Cubase demo, apparently you have to pay $30 dollars for the dongle in order to try the demo. It is refundable but kind of lame. Just thought you should know.
  17. Oops. Thanks MAYNE Live is the business! Making music on Live for me is fun and easy. It SEEMS intimidating at first because the GUI is atypical, but when you go through the built in tutorials it's smooth sailing from there. I like how I can use a QWERTY Keyboard and use like a piano to input notes. I also find it to be pretty Hip-Hop friendly because of the Session View. And yeah combine it with Reason it's a potent combo and it's very easy to rewire the both of them. Again LOVE Live
  18. As mentioned before, Cubase has notation in it. You can also buy Silibus or Notion 3 along with the DAW of your choice if you wanted to.
  19. If you are not feeling Sonar, then look into Cubase. You can also check out REAPER, Studio One Pro, and Ableton Live if you wanted to.
  20. Kontakt I thought would be more expandable library wise. Also doesn't play require a dongle for it to work?
  21. "I like Street Fighter too, but I really hate Zangief" Lupe Fiasco In SSIV he was worse. The computer kept spinning pile driving me every chance it got. If I was in a corner it would do it two times in a row as soon as I got back up. Anyways, I can't wait till this game comes out.
  22. Hey Snappleman, I thought a little bit more about what you said. I think I will go with active speakers after all. For one thing it's less of a hassle. Another thing is that the Focal CMS 65 would suit me better. I always had problem with the lower end with my mixes and I think they would give me a better picture of what is going on in that end. Thanks for taking the time to help me out. I appreciate it.
  23. I will have the space to put the passive monitors when I wall mount my left and right home theatre speakers on the front wall. The passives will be on stands I believe about 6 feet away from me which is borderline far. In THAT aspect I have space. The room treatment aspect I am boned because of the room design. I can only put in one bass trap in the corner of my room and one or two panels at most. As I mentioned before, I was interested in getting passives because I thought if I could connect them with my Denon receiver, I could use the Audessey to EQ the speakers to my room. I don't think I can't do that with active speakers because of how they work. I did keep those things in mind. If anything I would prefer getting Focal CMS 65 (which I am still considering), set them up and call it a day. Then I read about acoustics and got me thinking differently. Or perhaps I am just over thinking this acoustics thing. Anyways, the Precision 8 is 80-160W @ 8 ohms. Nominal impedence 6 ohms. The Average power of the speakers are 80W and the program is 160W. I THINK I would need an amp or receiver that can dish out 160W so that the amp won't get stressed out powering the speaker. I can double check with my father since he is the audio buff.
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