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Everything posted by GrayLightning

  1. The swine odor! Ask F4T4L or Larry himself for more info. Nice to see you showing up on the boards though, but please beware of the brainless fanboys that will undoubtedly hit on you.
  2. How do you put up with Larry's legendary smell of bad odor? You have my admiration madam.
  3. Yeah I agree it's a neat mix in many respects, I'll touch on some of the trouble spots for me when I vote soon. Also, Paige graciously provided a link to the Jaguar you used to pick her up recently.
  4. According to him this used Reason, which is more than enough to produce professional mixes, not to mention also some of the highest quality mixes up here at OCR. Not sure why this was brought up? It's like putting down a $60,000 BMW because there's a $100,000 Jaguar available. If anything, this is a slight indictment of the shortcomings of this mix; in that it doesn't use Reason to a level it's capable of (at least as far as the sound quality/production of this aspect).
  5. I agree. I would throw out such comments like yesterday's trash. In all seriousness, the above criticism is more of a personal taste issue, rather than one grounded in technical merit. That's my take on it anyway. One has to considering this context, genre and source material. Not every genre must obey rules observed in other genres. Ultimately though it's up to you to decide which comments you consider here of value and which are just ridiculous (of which there are many).
  6. Starting things off is a very synthetic electric guitar/synth. It doesn't make a very good impression off the bat. Not the unrealistic value of it, but the tone. It's just very brittle, harsh and thin. Sounds like slayer? The vocal sections in the first 3/4 of the mix are pretty cool. I think for this type of genre, it needs a bit more punch. If it were orchestral or some other genre, if it were pushed back in the mix, it would have worked better. But for this genre, I think it would have fit in the mix better if it were more upfront. At least perhaps consider EQing it a little bit in the 3k and 5K hz regions to give it some more presence. The other female/choir vocal parts are also pretty nice and work well as backing elements. Drums are decent. More processing on them I believe is needed. A bit more eq and light compression to spice things up at least a little. The final section with the chipmunk/pitch shifted vocals are at first wierd, but I think one can warms\ up to them. I can understand why others would feel it's cheesy or odd though. The main issue is I don't think there's much cohesion between this part and the former section. Arrangement as a whole is better than average. More instrumental and compositional additions would benefit this mix some. I also agree with Israfel that more of the source material could be included. Production on the whole, I thought was average. I did like some of the choir and vocal processing a lot, aside from the mixing decision (which admittedly is a personal taste issue). There are some good ideas here, but the execution just isn't up to that level. I know you have some issues with some of your prior rejections (I managed to see your vent before you took it down), but I would suggest you take our comments in the spirit intended - to help you and your mix. This is a decent mix, with more work and consideration of at least some of the advice given, the mix would benefit. Don't give up, keep at it. This mix as it stands, is a NO though. NO
  7. The synths and pads for starters don't sound very good in my opinion. Average sound design/synth design and execution on that part. I agree with larry, this felt more monotonous for me than something to chill out on. I think this could use more instrumental and compositional elements. I also feel things are rather dry. How about throwing some interesting processing like reverb and delays to help give it a dreamier soundscape? The mix just keeps on going, until the better parts of the mix started to shine through at the end. I think you started getting into the groove of this by that point, but by then it was a bit too late for me. Clipping issues like at 3:14 are also present. Okay arrangement. Decent production values/processing. Needs more ghettofabulousness at this stage. NO
  8. Generic. Average arrangement. Try to incorporate your own style. This is a great theme, the problem is to capitalize on it while expanding on it. I don't think this really expands on the original. The synths here sound very average. Average synth design as a whole. I don't think they mesh particularly well together. I like your ending sections, but there's no transition to it when you switch to it at 3:36. It sounds like you cut and pasted two different audio recordings into each other. Do some form of transition at least, even something as simple like a crossfade. Decent, but a far ways away from the bar. NO
  9. I don't understand the choice to make the first minute intro just a repetitive drum/groove section. I don't think it's good enough compositionally or technically to provide merit. Bass later comes in and plays along with the groove for a while, after even more time passing, electric piano joins the mix. Where's the meat of this mix? This is too simplistic overall I'm afraid. I think you could condense this mix to 4 minute and keep the meat of the mix and cut out a lot of fat. Production, samples, mixing is decent. It's not a bad mix, but it's not too creative or has enough that stands out in various criteria we look for. NO
  10. I thought the first 40 seconds were the strongest part of the mix. It seems to go downhill as it progresses. The concept starts to get a bit lost, the samples and use of samples seem to follow that trend also. The string lines repeating at around 1:20 sound very forced and sequenced. Try to liven it up a bit more. It shouldn't be so rigid sounding. I did enjoy the solo violin sequencing near the end though, definitely some sophisticated stuff going on there. My main problem with the mixing and mastering here is everything sounds fairly centered. Try to use more of the stereo field. Don't bunch all the instruments too closely together. Pretty good arrangement, but not enough to override the production and sample issues. NO
  11. The piano could be softer, but I didn't have any grave issues. It's pretty typical of this genre to have it fairly strong and bright so it can cut through a dense mix like this. I would at least decrease the velocities a bit as there is some clipping during the stronger sections. I loved your last mix on the panel, but this one just is fairly typical in the composition, sound design, processing department. It's certainly above average, but the execution is a bit disjointed and the transitions don't work well in my opinion. As suggested by others, I would work more on trying to get the sounds to work better together. The synth textures and synths just don't sit in the mix as complimentarily as they could. Needs more work, NO.
  12. Small world. That would be a plain ole windchime, in this case I used Reason's default Orkester with heavy processing (a bit of pitch shift down, time shift to slow it down further, a little bit of delay and double reverb of space warp, and then a hall with finally automated stereo delay + panning). I think I have a free wav of something similar. I'll need to find it when I have time. I'll pm you about it tomorrow. Sorry it took a while, I've been busy. I've uploaded the first version now in 256kbps mp3 and wav format. ChimesA.mp3 Edit: Geocities keeps invalidating the wav format. If you really need the wav format I could send it to you directly. The high encoding of the mp3 sounds good though. I'll try to put up more free chime variations or kinds when I get the time.
  13. I hear a lot of unpleasant stuff going on here. Clipping/distortion and/or vinyl crackling. It's not pleasant. Otherwise it's decent. Synths are very vanilla and plain though. Also the whole mix just sounds so sequenced and quantized. There's no natural flow. More work is needed at this point in the arrangement and sound design. NO
  14. I have to disagree with my judge compatriots over here. I have to say I loved this. It's an interesting arrangement and one that I found extremely enjoyable. BUT... The main gripe I have here, is that annoying kick/bass drum, it goes on and on and is so repetitive, not to mention extremely loud and way too powerful. It's causing major clipping/distortion/audio issues throughout the mix! Fix this. Otherwise, this mix may not have the most sophisticated processing, or production but it's just a very intriguing listen. I could lose myself in the warmth of the synth/pad strings. Please consider resubmitting this and fix the main issues the mix has. NO
  15. I don't know what there's to add that the others haven't already mentioned. I especially agree with the mallets hitting bad notes, that Vig mentioned. They stick out like a sore thumb. I should note though that some electronic genres don't depend much on composition per se but rather focus on sound design and groove. Main issue in this mix for me is the production. The levels are all over the map. Everything sounds fuzzy. There's no sheen at all as far as the frequency spectrum (other than the sharper synth bell). Ending is a bit abrupt/unsatisfying. I'd say the arrangement here is better than your last mix on the panel, but the production certainly isn't. Keep at it Andrew, you show promise. I enjoyed this, so I hope you consider resubmitting this. NO
  16. Pops/audio related issues instantly jumped out at me, and were slightly annoying. Obviously perfect, pristine recording and production isn't necessarily a requirement, but there's enough issues in this part alone to warrant resubmission. The arrangement itself is pretty nice, and I love the concept of the piece. With more execution, dynamics and fixing up of the issues already mentioned above, this would be in a better position to pass. I would also suggest more clever usage of a colored reverb to help give it a dreamier aspect. (You don't want it too dry or too wet, but I think sax is one instrument that can get away with more reverb or delay than usual) NO, please resub.
  17. I actually like the melow vibe here, but for a chill out piece there's not much going on here as far as texture or interesting elements like harmonic/tonal color beyond the guitar part. It really sounds very sparse. Emotion and the Chill out factor is certainly missing, what's left with is a slow piece begging for more polish. Production as a whole is decent. Arrangement isn't very daring, but it works well enough. This really is begging for more work and expansion on the ideas. It just sounds underdeveloped as it is. There's potential in this mix waiting to be explored. Keep at it. Could be quality stuff with some more work. NO
  18. Blad just sent me the new version: Do you guys still hear any clipping?
  19. The first thing I thought of as I listened it, it's just a mess. There's no cohesion between any of the elements. Everything sounds almost too random. The other issues have already been covered by Lion, Dan and Israfel; simplistic arrangement that focuses too much on electro-beats. This needs more compositional work in expanding the source material. Abrupt ending also, this feels overall short and underdeveloped even though going by the length of the piece it really isn't. Nice, PHAT beats though. Keep working at it. NO
  20. As there are no further votes on this mix after this much time, the vote is closed.
  21. Who said that? Try not to mind them Rexy. 95% of the people on there are pathetic bozos who are worth less than sewer shizz. This does beg the question though if the chatroom might need new/real rules and rules enforced...
  22. The main issue here has definitely been hit on the head, way too robotic. I also feel for a piano solo, this is pretty simplistic overall. After the whole arp. section, the big chord suddenly comes in very abruptly. Pretty decent atmosphere. I would work on making the piano section more complex, and adding other elements to the mix, pads, fx processing etc. At this point, it just sounds too plain. Some neat ideas, but one that isn't capitalized on yet. Keep at it. NO
  23. This is actually pretty neat. It reminds me of a less sophisticated Israfel. So what we have here is a very conservative arrangement, if it can be called that. Please add your own spin to this mix. Our arrangement guidelines have been detailed here and elsewhere that I'm starting to tire of repeating what we're looking for. -Change the structure, or form of the mix. Add your own new, compositional elements of the mix, such as melodic and harmonic expansion. Tempo changes, etc. Genre and instrument change is also part of the package. The key is to add your own unique spin where your creativity is exposed. On top of that, I think this piece is short and underdeveloped. There's also no dynamics, everything is loud. It's almost as if every note has a velocity of 125 throughout. Needs more work. NO
  24. Actually DJP is quite right. On normal listening volume range the bad buzz isn't really audible. I guess I didn't hear it. As soon as I boosted my volume significantly louder I heard what DJP was talking about. My vote would have been NO, resub had I heard this. The new version resolves most of our gripes with the old version. As far as soundfonts, to copy what I said in another thread.
  25. Small world. That would be a plain ole windchime, in this case I used Reason's default Orkester with heavy processing (a bit of pitch shift down, time shift to slow it down further, a little bit of delay and double reverb of space warp, and then a hall with finally automated stereo delay + panning). I think I have a free wav of something similar. I'll need to find it when I have time. I'll pm you about it tomorrow.
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