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Everything posted by GrayLightning

  1. Kenny Darkesword G is back with another sax mix? Very fitting with the title you've given it. I think this may be my favorite of yours so far. Only slight complaint is the sax sounds slightly mechanical at times, but sax is one of the hardest to sequence. I love the vibe of this whole piece. Groovy bass line. I always like hearing unique mixes, and this is no exception. This also reminds me of gradius music. Very chill and completely capable work darkesword. YES
  2. What's a Zelda mix doing in a Sonic mix? Even as a saria mix this would not pass for the reasons detailed above. This needs a lot of work in particular with trying to execute your ideas. The samples don't really bother me. Try for more next time, and spend more time polishing your work. NO
  3. DJ Ikronix Fallthrough I submitted a Deus Ex remix on Oct 21, but I believe that IUMA has been a horrific host recently. It seems to be up right NOW, with decent bandwith, but it was completely down only 24 hours ago. Gah. I'm betting that DJP tried to download it, and it was either down, or transferring at a hot 6 bytes per second. In any case, I uploaded it to VGMix as well, so there's another location to download from. So, onto the song. I started this in August, and my early WIP, a orchestral-style song, got ripped to shreds on the WIP boards, so I overhauled it into what exists now: an ambient, breakbeat song. This is a remix of the ending theme to Deus Ex, both on the PS2 and PC. The intro and bridge of the song has a different melody, but is built on the same chord structure (although rearranged a bit) as the original. Speaking of the original. Sorry about the Mp3 format, but as far as I know, no MIDI file exists anywhere. So, in case I need to rewrite this stuff... my ReMixer name is : Ikronix my real name is : Robert Brooks my email address: robertbrooks@hotmail.com If you need any more info, let me know. Normally, I wouldn't fallthrough anything, but I think my server lost me an opportunity, so I don't think waiting will help much. In any case, thanks in advance. R.B.
  4. This is borderline, but enough of an evolution as far as arrangement goes for me. I can't say the original was too pleasing. What makes this mix stand out for me is how the mixer took those elements and created one thick, organic mix out of it. The density here is pristine and enveloping. Drums are slightly repetitive, loopish, but I think it fits the mix. Moody. YES
  5. Covered by the other judges. Very cool vocal effects. I think at times the mix gets a bit too cluttered for my tastes. Not bad at all. I completely agree that the beginning was great, but after that it started to lose the energy and cool factor. This is very promising, I think you should take a second effort with this mix. The ending is very weak it just ends. There's also an annoying click/pop at the very end. NO
  6. I love coop's mixes, but I have to agree with some of the other judges. I think this is a step down in some aspects from what we've come to expect from you. When the instruments are more isolated it does expose the weakness of the sound quality, especially since you're going for a less synth sound in this one. I think the next step for you is to look into free soundfonts to supply you with better acoustic sounds to compliment your dreamstation. Better reverb, effects, eq and possibly compression could help this kind of mix. Good arrangement and overall nice work. But the panel expects a higher standard in the production department from you, given your experience and talents. Please refer to this and the last judgement of your mix for more clarification. Sorry to say NO
  7. I hate to repeat what the other judges have said but they have have noted the main problems of the mix. Needs more arrangement, ugly sounding sounds and drums, loud effects. The sound effect at :13 and :39 is very jarring and unpleasant sounding. I had to reduce my volume settings by more than half. NO
  8. This one slipped through the cracks and my initial vote was a mistake. I also blame the hanging chads for the wrong vote. I initially gave this a borderline yes, but in light of more detailed and direct comparisons to the originals and the mixer's statements, I am changing my vote to a NO. There is some arrangement going on here by the guidelines detailed by djp. I love the mix, the style of the mix and the creative production methods but ultimately I suggest the mixer go for a bit more. This is not a transcription site, it's an arrangement site. I can't justify giving this a Yes, when we have No'd mixes with a little more arrangement than this. Sad to say, NO
  9. I heard this a while back and have enjoyed it since then. All the elements going on in this one make it very appealing and it's all put together nicely too. It's a no brainer, definitely worthy of postage. YES
  10. Very good work for your first mix. I agree with darkesword. The main problem here are your levels. Also the ending is a bit abrupt. Spice it up a bit, needs some more effects here and there. Needs a bit more work overall. Also try to extend this a bit more. NO
  11. Pretty much agreed here with darkesword and daniel. The shakers and vibraphone/marimba are particularly sharp and upfront. This would benefit from volume reduction, eq and less compression if you used any. A little more reverb might be nice too as everything is too upfront. Not bad at all, needs more work though. NO
  12. Meanwhile...I hate you, Gray. You punk. Larry I am only speaking for the good of the public.
  13. I think the people are requesting Fowl Jive during the show, and after the show.
  14. Excellent orchestration. Emperor definitely knows what he's doing. I'm glad to see you've finally incorporated more of the original into this. Production values are a bit weak, the same goes in the mastering and mixing department. But when a mix is this good, these aspects can be overlooked. Good and enjoyable work. YES
  15. Pretty much what darkesword said. The first minute sounds like an attempt at copying the original almost note for note and instrument for instrument. Mix it up a bit more. Also during the loud pad sections there's some clipping. It does sound nice though, but it needs more arrangement. NO
  16. I wish I could say more, but it comes down to the production faults that the others have mentioned. The production and sound quality is simply way below the standard. I think FruityLoops or Reason would be a good future upgrade to GarageBand. I do like the arrangement here though. I enjoyed the bass drums. I hope to hear from you in the future with better sounding equipment. NO
  17. I like this like other wintermute mixes, but I have to go with Vigilante on this one. There's no bottom end. It feels lacking. I suggest taking note of Vigilante's comments and resubmit. This could be really great with some more additions. I feel this is incomplete as it is. NO
  18. Jim Holland is almost as inspiring as fowl jive. I hope Jim Holland becomes a regular on the show.
  19. Yes, dct is the one hospitalized. I want to note that this vote has nothing to do with his recent hard times, since I have heard this months ago and have been enjoying this mix for some months now. This mix feels like a blending of dct's hip hop style with a bit of new age and some minimalism for good measure. I think the result is very pleasing. This reminds me of some of the streets of rage pieces. Good instrument selection. I also remember telling dct before that I wouldn't really personally care for lyrics over this mix. I don't really see how it could bring anything to the table given the kind of mix this is. Production, mixing/mastering quality is so so, and that's my biggest knock on this mix. Great chill out tune though and is technically sound enough to get a YES.
  20. Like I told you when you submitted this, very good work. Just might be my favorite of yours.
  21. Sounds good. There are other experienced FL users that have complained about this thread being too massive or people repeating the same questions over and over in the past. I wish they would do something to help this FAQ.
  22. I really enjoyed this one. Beautiful instrumentation, articulation, pacing, and production. Next time for this kind of mix, I suggest panning the oboe closer to center. Good job Unknown. YES
  23. How's the FruityLoops FAQ coming along? Who's working on it, if anyone? ^^
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