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Everything posted by Clavus

  1. One of my favourite songs of the whole album. Cheers your right up
  2. Can't say I liked it. It's a decent remix, but it just didn't sound quite right. Keep practising on those vocals and that instrumental work!
  3. I bought most of zircon's albums, so I remember the original. Great remix! The story behind it makes it even more fun.
  4. It's a relatively new game. The only remix I've heard of it is this one (not too epic, still nice). I think the horde soundtrack lends itself for a nice remix. You can find the Left4Dead music files in your 'Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\sound\music' folder if you have the game installed. Just tossing the idea out there. Hope someone will pick it up
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