Chili Con Carnage
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Everything posted by Chili Con Carnage
Never, Paranoid! Your name is oddly appropriate, as you must now forevermore fear MY vengeance, for I am now... the Backstab God. Kneel, peons, and pray for a quick death and not a slow, agonizing poking! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! </Megalomania>
I don't mind music in late-night games when the server's only got a few people in it and we're just goofing around, or if the music is quiet enough that it doesn't interfere with hearing things around you. If it's loud enough that I have trouble hearing people calling for medic, that's too much. If it's at about BGM levels, fine by me. For the most part, though, I'm fine with keeping music to setup.
I'm not that accessible right now because I have no need to be. I have AIM, YIM, MSN, Skype, Gtalk, and IRC. As I'm not an admin, you guys don't need to know my names on them unless I tell you. Not publicizing access != not having access. ~Chili
I'll get your various IM names later, Brush, since I don't have any but your Steam name. I don't really care who's around to help with problems like this as long as somebody is. Looks like last night was just unlucky.
Okay guys, we definitely need a late-night moderator with a screwy sleep schedule to handle stuff like tonight. BLU took a major pubber invasion, all of whom were general jackasses. Worst offenders were "Scott Pilgrim" and "Ramona Flowers" who kept having extremely inappropriate conversation despite being warned to stop, as well as PA! Kforce and BB.ClintBeastwood for nonstop spamming text and chat every time they attacked, along with general derogatory speech like calling Gamemaster gay and into bestiality for playing some Zelda music on the server. I recorded some of it, but true to Murphy's Law they'd mostly shut up once I started, and some of them dropped when the map changed. Necro and Gamemaster can back me up for the whole ordeal, and IJ can attest to some of it. So, yeah. We need some way of keeping stuff like this from happening. I'd already had kind of a crappy day, and the last thing I needed was a bunch of pubtrolls with no admins available to get rid of them.
So, I'll have time to play some this week, which is a nice change. You lot won't have to spycheck too hard, though, since I'm getting practice with Scout recently.
Just giving an early heads-up that my TF2 presence will likely be seriously limited for June and July. I'm going to be between apartments, so my desktop's gonna be in storage and my laptop is far, far too crappy to even consider running TF2. I mean, Dungeon Siege gives it trouble.
Hey, what's wrong with GRN?!
Nah, I've been working on semester projects all year so far. Now we're getting down to the endgame crunch and OH GOD IT SUCKS.
My presence is going to be pretty sporadic for the next two weeks or so, until the craziness of finals rolls on by. On an unrelated note, my brother just got the Orange Box. If you see a Neodesperado on the server, perforate him for me.
I should be on more in the coming week, desperately trying to claw my way back into the top 30. Spring break was full of booze, mosh pits, and mashed potatoes. I might be lying about the mashed potatoes. I think I may try to broaden my strategic horizons a bit and diversify my frag-stock portfolio... aka I may actually slow down on the Spying and start getting some practice with Scout. Twitch-gaming, here I come... I feel your pain, Brushfire... never again will I reach my height of #11.
I don't know what you're talking about. I would never do something so underhanded as pretend to be someone else, then pretend to die when you suspect your friends of being Spies so I can backstab you at a ridiculous time.
For something completely different, I present this: http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/classes/sarlacc-enforcer. Check out its last combat tactics video. I can't wait to play one.
Any word on when the servers'll be back up?
Vanilla Scout's definitely more versatile, but I find the FaN to be good in a skirmish-support role. When they're distracted with your buddies, dash in, shotgun the hell out of them, and dash back out. Rinse and repeat. It's also surprisingly good for intel runs thanks to the extra mobility it gives, and when the knockback really kicks in it's good for getting a threat out of your face. If you're planning on just running around, well, scouting, the scattergun is generally a better choice. Bonk is useful only in very specific circumstances. Outside those, I stick with the pistol because it's more likely to be helpful. Bonk with the FaN is generally a bad idea; switching to the pistol real fast after emptying both barrels generally works pretty well in a pinch. No pistol, no bullets, no life. I'm kind of meh on the Sandman, especially now that they weakened its stun effect. Of course, I might be biased since I can't aim with the freakin' thing.
If you do it right, you don't need more than two shots.
I really should get more practice in as Soldier, but I love backstabbing and/or FANning people too much to take the time. I need to stop being lazy.
Indeed. I just personally find it amusing to put less stock in paranoia and more in psychic murder powers. I'll need to take a few pages from Frogg's book, though... for someone who plays Spy as much as I do, I tend to get backstabbed a lot when I'm a different class. Of course, it's usually Paranoid doing the acupuncture, and given that he's the one that showed me the tricks of the trade... I rather liked Hunted back in the day for exactly that reason: by restricting what classes were available, it forced the teams to figure out new and different ways to use what they had. Sure, it was infuriating when a Sniper we'd missed got a headshot on the Hunted right as he was about to cross the finish line, but that was part of the game, and it was the attackers' job to find them and stop that from happening. It's remarkably hard for a Sniper to get a shot off with bullets flying around his head.
I mentioned to Brushfire that Paranoid Drone and I had TF2 costumes for Halloween, so by his request, here's pictoral proof: http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv272/ChiliConCarnageGRN/Halloween%2009/ (Okay, so a few of those pics are from Mechacon when we put the costumes together, but they're good shots). I'm the GRN Scout, he's the BLU Spy.